"Erosion Bluesilver Grass" is a bluesilver grass with stronger killing power and combat effectiveness.

Even, it is unimaginably strong!

"The first evolutionary line is perception."

Perception is the prerequisite for everything. Whether it is the frequency of soul power or the resonance of the same frequency, it requires the support of perception.

After merging with the spirit body, the Oblivion Bluesilver Grass gradually absorbed the perceptual characteristics of the "Blue Silver Eye" and occupied the first evolutionary direction.

Based on the perception ability, the enemy's soul power frequency is analyzed.

According to the [Reverse Wave Frequency] theory, the created soul power frequency is completely opposite to that of the enemy, dissolving all soul power and soul skills into the invisible!


"The perception characteristics of the Blue Silver Eyes have been absorbed!"

After the characteristic evolution is completed, Blue Silver Grass is still an intermediate martial spirit of 0.6 and has not received 0.1 directional growth.

This made Han Tao slightly regretful.

Sighing, staring at the horizon, shaped like an eternal will:

"Looking for a second evolutionary line."

The most core powers of the Blue Silver Grass of the Obliteration Route are the display of [Reverse Wave Frequency] and the subversion of [Same Frequency Resonance].

Under this circumstance, the second evolutionary line of Bluesilver Grass should be the control of the power of [Shock]!

Adapting to shocks is not the same thing as managing shocks.

Even Zhao Wuji and Xiao Yuan used bear martial arts and soul skills to achieve corresponding effects on the sound side.

And blue silver grass

If you want to have the ability of [Concussion], you must use additional means: "The power of elements!"

"We need to activate an element, wind!"

Wind itself is an expression of air vibration, and with the help of wind energy, Han Tao can generate and transmit the power of vibration.

What’s even more impressive is that vegetation carries the element of “wind”, and Douluo Continent already has a reference answer.


Moving closer to the bluebell, you can naturally evolve the power to carry the "wind" element, and with the help of the power of wind, you can achieve [Shock]

[Same frequency resonance] can achieve the annihilation of the material dimension!

As for the relationship between resonance and oscillation at the same frequency, the theoretical foundation is already in place. All that remains is for the "wind" to rise.

The guidance of the wind element, of course, cannot avoid Kamikaze Academy.

No, Han Tao led a healing soul master to this place.

Han Tao spent a lot of money to recruit the healing soul master. Ye Lingling's value was too high, and Han Tao couldn't bear to let her run around.

"Feng Xiaotian!" Yuan Yuan greeted.

He took out the "Enshrinement Order" from Wuhun Palace, threw it to Feng Xiaotian, and then asked:

"Here you go, the enshrining order, remember to study the moving soul power!"

Feng Xiaotian frowned: "I'm studying, I'm studying, don't rush me, I'm so worried!"

"Yeah! Haha."

Han Tao rarely laughed.

I touched my chin. Could it be that what I just did was very much like a boss urging his employees to work?

I didn't pay attention to his muttering, and started walking around the academy. I found two dumbfounded girls in Kamikaze Academy and smiled.

"I need your help with something!"

Feng Yue replied confusedly: "What's the matter?"

Then, Han Tao took out 200 century-old bluesilver grass from the soul guide.

Thousands of blue silver grasses were densely planted outside the Ice and Fire Eyes. After one year, these blue silver grasses had all reached the strength of a hundred years.

There are enough experimental samples of the century-old Bluesilver Grass, and some results can certainly be explored.

Han Tao gave instructions: "I hope you will use your soul skills to attack these blue silver grasses in your free time."

This kind of request is also very strange. Feng Ying asked curiously: "But does this mean anything?"

"Be careful, control the intensity of the attack and don't kill these bluesilver grasses."

"The treatment guarantee here is in place. The recovery speed of Bluesilver Grass is very fast. You don't have to worry."

As he spoke, Han Tao pushed the healing soul master out.

Feng Ying looked a little dissatisfied, shook his head and said nothing.

"This is too cruel," Feng Yue replied softly.

Feng Xiaotian asked: "Lan Yincao didn't offend you, did it?"

He walked up to Han Tao and touched Han Tao's forehead. After confirming that he had no fever, he couldn't help but ask a question.

"Han Tao, are you abusing Blue Silver Grass?"

Han Tao burst out laughing.

But when I looked at the few people, I was surprised to find that they had expressions of deep approval: "Abuse of plants?"

"Why do you think so? Plants are not soul beasts, and they have no pain perception."

"The main purpose of asking you for help is to help these bluesilver grasses evolve, and also for my martial spirit!"

Han Tao summoned the martial spirit again, and the light blue light of the Blue Silver Grass appeared in the vast field, giving people a kind and quiet experience.

"Why are you looking for us?" Feng Ying asked.

Han Tao explained with a slight smile: "The attack of the wind element will increase the resistance of Bluesilver Grass."

And there is a very small probability that the Blue Silver Grass will give birth to the power to control the "wind". This is Han Tao's fundamental purpose.

Even if the many bluesilver grasses become wasted materials and squandered, they will not hesitate.

In the evolution of ethnic groups, interests are the core needs, and there is no mercy at all.

Feng Xiaotian did not express his position, Feng Ying and Feng Yue were still entangled in the same place, so Han Tao added a little more chips.

"200,000 gold soul coins!"

"As long as you agree, I am willing to give each of you 200,000 gold soul coins. If the purpose of the experiment is achieved, there will be additional rewards!"

Instantly, the faces of several people changed.

Money is the most moving thing, Fengying and Fengyue agreed immediately.

"I can help too!" Feng Xiaotian changed his words.

Han Tao was stunned, then laughed: "You always complain that I'm urging you too much, how do you have time to do other things?"

"That's different, the research on the operation of the soul power in motion is spent on research funds, not my own money after all." Feng Xiaotian explained: "And this time, I helped and earned 200,000 for nothing, pure gold soul coins, of course I am willing to do it!"

Looking at Han Tao, his eyes even carried flattery, and asked flatteringly.

"Okay, okay!" Han Tao waved his hand.

He took out the gold card of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, advanced part of the deposit to the three people, and entrusted them to find other members of other colleges for help.

"Remember, if the experiment is successful, I will give you extra rewards!"

Han Tao added emphasis on "reward", which again caused several people to look surprised

Then he turned and left in the expectant eyes of several people.

"Wind attribute."

The wind attribute is an expression of vibration, but it is not the only form of expression.

Xiao Yuan and Zhao Wuji, as well as the Titan Giant Ape in the Star Dou Great Forest, naturally possess the ability of [vibration], and their attribute is: "Earth Element"

"Earth Element? A more accurate expression should refer to the power of the earth!"

Neither the Blue Silver Emperor nor the Blue Silver Grass can exist without the earth.

The earth is the foundation for the growth of the Blue Silver Grass, and it is also the limitation, foundation, and evolution of the Blue Silver Grass.

In a trance, Han Tao suddenly had some speculation.

"If the Blue Silver Grass obtains the gift of the power of the earth, perhaps the strength will undergo a qualitative change"

Han Tao's eyes were very far away.

There are wind-attributed Divine Wind Colleges and thunder-attributed Thunder Colleges on this continent, and Tianshui College and Blazing Fire College each have their own branch, but I have never heard of the existence of earth colleges and earth-attributed colleges.

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