Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 244 Detoxification

"Don't be afraid!" Yu Xiaogang comforted gently.

With his great spirit master level observation ability, he actually couldn't understand the current situation inside Tang San's body.

Naturally, there is no way to know the fact that the innate soul power was replaced by the demon spider soul power.

Tang Hao's face gradually darkened: "Yu Xiaogang, is this your bullshit plan?"

A faint sense of persecution was conveyed, and the murderous intent was as fierce as the eternal cold winter, gradually wrapping around the master's body.


"not like this"

Gangzi broke out in cold sweat, twisting and struggling.

"Father, wait"

Tang San took a few breaths.

The depressed spirit and mutilated body were extremely weak, as if they would fall apart in the next second.

"At this point, accountability will not help, and now is not the time to pursue fault."

After hearing his son's support, the master showed joy on his face, but he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

My own plan is obviously so perfect, even if I review it, I can't find any flaws. Why did it lead to this consequence?

Yu Xiaogang was puzzled.

Tang Hao snorted coldly.

But he slowly put away his murderous intention, because he didn't know how to face the current situation even if he wanted to kill the master.

He turned around and asked, "What should we do now?"

Yu Xiaogang hesitated for a long time: "Tang San, I know you are very sleepy now, but you can't sleep now!"

The long period of training itself made Tang San's spirit sluggish, and under such circumstances, using the advanced distraction control method caused his soul to be torn into two parts.

If it weren't for the previous support of the Purple Demon Eyes, he might have fainted directly.

"cheer up."

The master gave instructions, and then held Tang San hostage and ordered Tang Hao: "You keep an eye on Xiao San and don't let Xiao San sleep, otherwise if the Man-Faced Spider King in the soul bone does anything else, it may be irreversible!"

Tang Hao was full of muscles and had no knowledge of theory or decision-making, so he could only regard Yu Xiaogang as his think tank.

Take his words as a blessing and implement them.

"I think"

Before the master could finish speaking, everyone from the Haotian Sect received the message and hurried over.

Tang Bai from the Haotian Sect decisively approached Tang San and observed his appearance carefully:

"The corners of the mouth are blue, the breath is weak, and the limbs are cold, not good!"

"He was poisoned, and it was jade phosphorus snake venom!"

Draw conclusions very quickly after simple observations.

After all, he is the theoretical guest of the Haotian Sect. He has something in him, and he is not someone who just pretends to be a fake person and steals the world and deceives his reputation.

"Yes, yes!" Yu Xiaogang said quickly: "That's what I wanted to say just now!"

Tang Yu glanced at him with contempt, but did not dare to mock him.

The hierarchy of the sect is very strict, and disciples who openly question the theory will be reprimanded by the Law Enforcement Hall.

Tang Bai was slightly nervous, but he quickly made a decision: "Tang Tian, ​​go get the cockscomb stone from the sect's warehouse!"

He took out a medal from his waist and handed it to Tang Tian as a token. This was a medal of honor given by Haotian Sect. Yu Xiaogang liked to hang it on his chest.

"No!" Tang Tian responded.

Cockscomb stone, orange granular solid rock, of course also has another name, "realgar"

Realgar can be used to detoxify, especially snake venom!

Tang Tian moved quickly and handed over a yellow-white crystal rock. Because of the urgency, the texture and concentration were not high.

"That's enough!" Tang Bai took it.

Use your soul power to grind the rock into powder, and then fuse it with biphosphotoxin to form a new solvent.

"The powder of cockscomb stone cannot be directly injected into the human body, but it can be fused with toxins to form new solvents. These new solvents can be injected into the soul master's body."

"Solvents cannot detoxify, but they can dilute the toxins so that they cannot take effect in a short period of time, giving us more time for treatment."

Tang Bai introduced it to many disciples while operating.

Yu Xiaogang was very dissatisfied: "It's just to detoxify, why bother with it? Don't show off your knowledge here!"

Tang Bai shut his mouth in embarrassment and concentrated on the operation.

As one procedure after another was carried out, the jade phosphorus snake venom in Tang San's body gradually faded, separated, and degraded.


Tang Hao had great difficulty and uttered two words.

Then, he continued to put on airs.

After all, you people should feel honored to have a titled Douluo express your gratitude!

Tang Bai's tone was humble: "The Jade Phosphorous Snake Venom has been resolved, but..."

"The meridians and structures in Tang San's body have suffered a lot of damage, partly from toxins and partly from oppression. We cannot cure these injuries with herbal medicine!"


Tang San's eyes felt dim.

These injuries were indeed nothing before. After all, he once had innate soul power.

But now, the soul power has been occupied by the demon spider soul power. Even if the soul power level has not dropped, the healing meridians and microscopic parts are no longer there.

"Is there any other way?"

Tang San's eyes flickered, looking at Tang Bai expectantly.

"Hey!" He shook his head helplessly.

Tang San and Tang Hao's father and son looked at him coldly. Seeing his helplessness, they labeled him an incompetent person.

The master said: "Trash!"

"This injury can't be cured, and I don't know what the sect will do by raising you!"

The biting words came out of the master's mouth, almost breaking his heart and shaking his expression.

Was it wrong to help Tang San detoxify?

"Hmph!" Tang Hao snorted coldly: "You guys, get out of here!"

The soul power surged and separated everyone in the Haotian Sect. Tang Tian wanted to curse, but Tang Bai stopped him.

"Forget it!" Tang Bai shook his head.

Then he led many disciples of Haotian Sect and left.

"Okay, they're gone!"

Tang Hao turned his gaze to the master.

Yu Xiaogang is extremely proud and his attitude is extremely arrogant. This kind of self-confidence and arrogance is actually easier to convince on Douluo Continent.

"Looking at you like this, is there any way to cure Tang San?" Tang Hao asked.

"Of course!" Yu Xiaogang replied: "It's just a trivial treatment method!"

Tang San raised his head curiously: "What should I do?"

In his eyes, the ability to treat microscopic things has always been the prerogative of innate soul power. He didn't expect that the master could achieve the same effect through other methods.

Of course Yu Xiaogang has this confidence.

When his arm bone was broken by Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, he searched all over the Douluo Continent for healing soul masters to no avail, so he finally found Ye Lingling.

The world's number one healing martial spirit, Jiuxin Haitang!

For this, he paid a huge price and exchanged his own blood for the chance of treatment.

"On the Douluo Continent, there are thousands of healing martial spirits, but the martial spirits that can heal meridians are extremely rare."

The master's eyes followed the gaps between the trees, looking at the sunset thousands of miles away. His expression was solemn and solemn, as if he was remembering his past that included wind and rain:

"When you and I traveled through thousands of rivers and mountains, wandered between two empires and seven sects, and discussed theories with millions of soul masters, we reached the pinnacle."

"The healing soul master is only a small part of it."

After hearing what the master said, Tang San's eyes revealed endless admiration.

It turns out that my teacher is so amazing!

"Master!" Tang San shouted affectionately.

"So who is the soul master who can heal me?"

Yu Xiaogang's expression was confident and indifferent: "Ye Junlan!"

Although the master has no contact with Ye Junlan, the martial spirits of both Ye Lingling and Ye Junlan are Nine Heart Begonia, and Ye Lingling's healing effect is just like this. According to common sense.

Thinking about it, Ye Junlan, who has a higher soul power level, should have a more powerful healing effect.

The master doesn't like to follow the rules.

Step by step, how can you reflect your uniqueness?

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