Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 250 Application of Reverse Frequency

When a soul master breaks through to the Title Douluo, his perception will undergo a qualitative change, giving birth to the ability of mental detection.

Dugu Bo's mental detection, when facing Han Tao's illusion, detected a hint: "Strange?"

That's all.

It may be detected, but it cannot be cracked.

To crack the illusion, you can only rely on the Purple Demon Eye, or special illusion-breaking soul skills, or skulls that are immune to mental attacks.

Or, you have made achievements in the field of theory

"Poison Douluo, I am Ye Junlan, the Nine Heart Begonia soul master, can I take my daughter away?"

Ye Junlan's attitude is humble, and her expression is a little anxious.

Han Tao looked at her straight in the eye. Although this guy is playing with noble etiquette, she can still put down her attitude when it comes to the safety of her daughter.

Or, this attitude will only be shown when facing a Title Douluo.

But if she is like this, how come Tang Hao and Tang San still seriously injured her?

Poison Douluo ignored her request and repeatedly looked at the three people, trying to find the real person who cast the illusion.

But in the end, his eyes stopped on Ye Lingling.

"Are you... my granddaughter Yanzi's friend?"

"Yes!" Ye Lingling nodded gently.

Illusion and reality are two sides of the world. She stayed still in the illusion, but in the real world, she took advantage of the sound of this response and quietly moved two steps to the right.

Footsteps will make a sound.

Dugu Bo sighed and said, "Okay."

"Since you are my granddaughter's friend, I won't pursue your question. You and her can leave!"

Ye Junlan quickly added: "What about him?"

She pointed to Han Tao: "He is also my daughter's friend. Can you let him go?"

Poison Douluo waved his robe casually, but shook his head.

Ye Junlan looked a little embarrassed.

Poison Douluo walked slowly to Han Tao's side. Of course, this was the location of the illusion. Han Tao in the real world had already used the power of the earth veins to sneak underground.

Although it was a mess, it was safe.

"Han Tao, Ning Fengzhi's apprentice"

Dugu Bo's face was full of surprise: "Can you tell me why you are here?"

This is the middle area of ​​the poison barrier in the Sunset Forest. Han Tao's appearance here has already explained the problem.

"Let me guess."

Dugu Bo's expression was flat, and he swayed from side to side while walking, like a drunk evil force:

"Has the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect mastered the method of passing through the poison barrier?"

He was not cerebral palsy. When Han Tao appeared, he had already made some guesses.

"Of course!"

Han Tao seemed frank.

At this time, any excuses were useless, and he had to fight with strength.

He chuckled: "This time I came here to help Ye Lingling go to the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire!"

With the help of the vibration of the earth veins, Han Tao's mouth opened and closed in the illusion, but there was no abnormality.

Poison Douluo's expression gradually became low: "Then do you know that the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire are mine?"

"Where is my place of residence? You thieves, how dare you touch my fairy grass!"

His tone was filled with endless anger, and Ye Junlan's expression suddenly became nervous, and she hurriedly moved towards her daughter.


She stretched out her hand to grab her daughter, but it was empty.

"What?" Ye Junlan instinctively asked doubts.

But this voice, like a clear and bright explosion, suddenly resounded to Dugu Bo's ears.

Looking back, he saw that Ye Lingling and Ye Junlan were still staying in the same place. Even if he repeatedly measured with his eyes and spirit detection, he still couldn't see any clues.

Han Tao was very surprised by this.


"The sound in the illusion may lead to exposure"

It is the behavior of ordinary people to blame Ye Junlan for the fault.

The core reason why the illusion is truly perceived is that there are defects in the illusion, so there is room for optimization based on the phenomenon.

At present, the theoretical elements of optimizing illusions are already in place.

"The reverse wave frequency of sound can disintegrate the sound that has been emitted."

The reverse wave frequency of soul power is an extension of this principle.


if you want to use this theory, you must perceive the sound in advance, make the sound, and complete the appropriate elimination before transmitting it to the outside world.

The process is very cumbersome, but it is procedural.

Once you get used to it, the disintegration of this kind of sound will become instinctive and become a simple composition for performing illusions.

"Theory exists, practice begins!"

Han Tao said this.

A crisp sound came from the ground, and at the same time, the power of the earth veins vibrated synchronously, using the wave frequency perceived by the "Blue Silver Eye" to generate a reverse.

The two vibrations interacted, and most of the timbre vibrations dissipated into nothingness.

"Hmm?" Poison Douluo reacted.

Most of them do not mean all.

Although the theory was successful, it was only a preliminary exploration at the moment, and the details and proficiency were not perfect.

Although the sound that escaped was slight, the perception of the Titled Douluo was so sharp that he immediately cast his eyes to the ground.

"Medusa's Gaze!"

The soul skill from Medusa's skull was suddenly used.

Everywhere he looked, there was nothing.

The fighting instinct made him use this soul skill, and his eyes emitted two petrifying rays. The energy level of this kind of light is high, even energy can be petrified.

"Heh!" Han Tao shook his head indifferently.

If Dugu Bo used the green phosphorus soul power, which has a microscopic structure, it might be a little more complicated for him to deal with it.

But this Medusa soul bone has only a ten thousand year strength, and if the soul bone is less than fifty thousand years old, the microscopic structure of the soul power will not be born.

"First soul skill, firefly!"

The ordinary hundred-year soul ring, the ordinary healing soul skill, but under Han Tao's microscopic control, has a reverse frequency equivalent to the petrification light.

Everything is as Han Tao expected,

The two soul powers intersect in the air, and Han Tao's "firefly" and the "Medusa petrification light" of the ten thousand year soul bone dissipate into the invisible.

"What? This is impossible!"

The current situation was beyond Poison Douluo's expectations.

Even though

I had heard that Han Tao of the Seven Treasures Team had unpredictable means, I thought it was just a rumor, but when I really witnessed it, I felt it was outrageous.

"Fuck!" Poison Douluo cursed.

This is the attack of a Titled Douluo, and he was so easily resolved?

Ye Junlan couldn't believe it.

Ye Lingling covered her mouth, her eyes revealing a trace of admiration.

She knew the soul frequency, and she also understood the penetration of the synchronous frequency, but the reverse wave frequency

"This is my first time witnessing it too"

Han Tao chuckled.

The real control of the soul frequency comes from the seventh level of the distraction control method, the soul master's control and use of the microscopic level.

And using the soul frequency theory to complete the implementation of this effect requires strong perception and calculation power.

Sense the enemy's soul frequency, make reverse wave frequency, and use soul skills to achieve the elimination of the two.

These three need to be completed in an instant.

Ordinary people can't believe it. The precipitation and accumulation of several profound theories, and the summary of hundreds and thousands of practices and operations have made this highlight.

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