Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 259 Wolf Thief


Han Tao let out a long shout.

When he arrived at the Tiandou Empire, he suddenly discovered that many corpses appeared in the city.

The guards of the Tiandou Empire performed their duties and stood there like statues, observing the people coming and going.

The guards responsible for the cleaning work moved the corpses inside the city and carried them out of the city.

"Weird." Han Tao paused.

This is not normal, quite abnormal!

Ye Junlan was indeed arranged to go to the Ice and Fire Eyes, but how could it be that there were so many injured and dead people because of her?

Seeing the dead and injured, Ye Lingling's eyebrows clenched tightly, and a feeling of compassion came out.

It's like the Virgin White Lotus is alive.

"I don't know how she did it!"

Ye Lingling's emotions were so contagious that they seemed to affect her own mind. How the hell did she become compassionate?

Han Tao does know that the power of emotions has strange applications.

For example, the thinking wall of the "Illusion Space" uses the power of emotions to isolate the intrusion of other people's consciousness.

"The first soul skill, healing!"

Jiuxin Begonia was generated out of thin air, and the purple healing light and soul power fluctuated, falling towards the injured around him.

"Thank you, Master Soul Master!"

The ragged old man climbed up with difficulty and expressed his sincere gratitude to Ye Lingling for his kindness.

Inspired by his mental power, Han Tao began to observe in detail.

This old man is just an ordinary person, without any soul power in his body.

Then, there were very obvious injuries. Half of the right arm was gone, and there were traces of being bitten by the soul beast on the wound.

"What's the reason for your injury?" Han Tao asked curiously.

The old man tried to remember, but the memory triggered fear in his body, and he was sweating and trembling all over.

As time went by, it became more and more violent, and he suddenly fell to the ground, shouting loudly: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Ye Lingling was confused: "He seems to be afraid of some kind of creature?"

"That's all, don't ask anymore!" Han Tao shook his head.

The wisdom skull of the illusion was activated, and under the linkage of thinking, Han Tao tried to read the old man's memory.


Strong emotions can block the erosion of thinking.

Although this old man is just an ordinary person, under the extreme fear, the illusion cannot read his thoughts.

"This needs to be remembered!"

However, this difficulty cannot stop Han Tao.

The target in the phantom space changed, past the frightened old man, and connected with the middle-aged man not far away.

"This is."

In his memory, a strange creature appeared.

The upper body is a wolf, the lower body is a human, the face is quite ugly, but the methods are extremely cruel.

"Wolf Thief." Han Tao named it.

"Wolf Thief, a hybrid between human and soul beast, has a promiscuous nature."

Ye Lingling immediately showed disgust.

Wolf Thief, an evil soul beast, is cruel and murderous, and likes to rape women.

She feigned fear and quietly approached Han Tao, the elegant fragrance filling her nose from her hair.

"That's right!" Han Tao confirmed again: "The wound on the old man's arm should be from the bite of wolf thieves. They don't kill humans, but like to torture constantly."

" could something like this appear in the Tiandou Empire?"

"What do guards do for food?"

Han Tao raised his head and glanced, saw the guards standing ready, smiled and shook his head.

The Tiandou Empire is like a dynasty that has been passed down for a long time in ancient times. It is internally decayed. These standing guards have no so-called family and country interests in their hearts. As long as a suitable price is given, they will naturally be bribed.

"Guard, you can bribe."

At the beginning, Han Tao bribed the prison guards and made clear arrangements for Flender.

Ye Lingling said softly: "You mean someone with ulterior motives bribed the guards and moved the wolf thieves into the city?"

"But what is his purpose for doing this?"

Han Tao smelled the faint and long fragrance of crabapple flowers in his nose, and suddenly found that Ye Lingling was so close to her.

"I don't know!" Han Tao shook his head.

Then he said in a very solemn tone: "You have to be more careful!"

"Next we have to go to the palace to help Emperor Xueye with his treatment. We will be in the Tiandou Empire for a long time!"

"And the wolf thief is in the Tiandou Empire."

Her eyes were very soft and she said "hmm" for a while.

Healing soul masters don't have any fighting ability, so you can imagine the fate of encountering wolf thieves.

Even with Dugu Bo's protection, she would basically not be in danger, but Han Tao was still worried.


"It seems that we need to prepare some means of self-protection for her."

Han Tao looked at Ye Lingling. As delicate as she was, she didn't look like she could fight.

"Well let's just go to fantasy!"

The illusion comes from the time of Canghui Academy.

Including the multi-in-one martial soul fusion skills, they also come from Canghui Academy.

"Ye Ling Ling."

"Next, I will introduce you to the illusion. This is your soul master's means of self-protection."

Ye Lingling tilted her head and raised the corners of her mouth melodiously.

His cold eyes blinked, as if expecting Han Tao to speak, and he sat and listened quietly.

"Illusion needs to be started from the theory of meridians."

Han Tao opened the soul guide, rummaged through his diary for a long time, and sorted out his thoughts.

Even if you already control the illusion, if you want to teach others, you still need to summarize the entire illusion system.

"In Tiandou Academy, you have studied the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians. Some time ago, you came into contact with the theory of acupoints."

Systematic and unsystematic knowledge are completely different.

Han Tao took out a meridian map, with the meridian theory as the core, extending to the Shenting point.

"Look here, Shenting Point!"

Touch the forehead of the portrait on the map and tap it slightly.

She gently stroked her forehead, then mobilized her soul power to activate the acupoints in an instant.

The illusion suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, but his vision was filled with white nothingness.

"Is this an illusion?"

Ye Lingling asked, but the voice in the illusion was not known to Han Tao.

Looking at her dull look, Han Tao didn't know whether she was thinking or had fallen into a dream, so he stretched out his finger and waved it in front of her eyes.


"Ye Lingling is also a real tiger!"

Did you make no preparation at all before activating the illusion?

Just trust yourself like this?

Activate the "Wisdom Skull of Illusion" to complete the link with her thinking, transmitting her own voice and will.

"Yes!" Han Tao replied.

Ye Lingling suddenly entered a fantasy world and fell into an endless void. She originally looked very anxious and frightened.

But at this moment, after hearing Han Tao's voice, confidence finally appeared on his face.

"In the illusion, you are the master of everything."

"However, you need to master several abilities before you can build your own illusion."

The ability to create illusions is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Create the [anchor point] of the illusion, master the method of [escaping] from the illusion, and then involve the third step:

Use the distraction control method to simultaneously control the body inside and outside the illusion to complete the true practical application of illusion theory.

Jiuxin Haitang is actually a pretty rogue martial spirit.

The ultimate treatment ability means the ultimate fault tolerance, and the practical theory has unique advantages.

In most cases, Ye Lingling does not need to consider the risks arising from the next step of the experiment, because the treatment ability can make up for everything.


It also includes the exploration of the “illusion” at this time.

"The anchor point is taken from Bluesilver Grass."

She smiled awkwardly, raised her eyebrows, and secretly looked at Han Tao several times.

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