Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 274 Gangzi's Speech

Suddenly it was Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.


Tang Hao's expression solidified: "Why are you here?"

Ning Fengzhi's steps paused slightly, retaining his everlasting calm expression, and said in a scornful tone:

"The Qibao Glazed Sect and the Tiandou Empire have a cooperative relationship, so it is no surprise that we appear here."


Xue Qinghe nodded slightly.

Tang Hao broke through the protective formation of the Tiandou Palace, and she was actually very afraid in her heart. Although the snake spear and the dolphin could protect her, they could not defeat Tang Hao.

Although Ning Fengzhi's appearance surprised him, it also avoided the next crisis.

"Ning Fengzhi"

Although he is only a master in name, his status as master and apprentice comes from the bundle of interests.

However, the timing of his appearance was too clever.

"Damn it!" Tang San cursed in his heart.

Originally, he had thought that after his father killed Poison Douluo, he would then kill Xue Qinghe to eliminate future troubles.

The appearance of Ning Fengzhi and others made his father lose the chance to take action.

"Sect Master Ning!"

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward slightly, with a hint of animation in his arrogant expression: "I don't know about your support for Shrek Academy."

Ning Fengzhi waved her hand and refused: "No!"

"Shrek Academy's poor academic style and improper work style are rare in my life."

"It's nothing more than a scammer's institution that cultivates a group of geniuses into useless people under the guise of recruiting monsters."

"What!" Yu Xiaogang showed annoyance: "How can you say that?"

Faced with Ning Fengzhi's doubts, the master instinctively blamed the fault on the former dean.

"Although I also admit that there were some problems in the previous Shrek Academy, but that was because of Flanders."

Its face was full of arrogance and contempt: "One general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted. This is normal."

Then, the master compared himself to highlight his own glory:

"But now, I am the dean of Shrek Academy. Under my wise guidance, Shrek Academy will definitely be able to gain a bright future."

While talking, Yu Xiaogang took out the Medal of Honor from Wuhun Palace and the Guidance Medal given by Haotian Sect, and showed them to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi looked at it for a while, then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Haotian Sect's medal?"

He glanced at Tang Hao slightly and praised him repeatedly: "Haotian Sect has such a good vision!"

Tang Hao's eyebrows were downcast and silent.

Awarding the Medal of Honor to Yu Xiaogang was done by that idiot Tang Xiao and had nothing to do with him.

Ning Fengzhi continued not to worry: "It is a great blessing for the sect to be able to harvest such a Crouching Dragon."

"Fortunately?" Tang Hao smiled contemptuously.

Does Sect Master Ning mean to let Haotian Sect members run around the back mountain?

Use Yu Xiaogang's unique "repulsive martial spirit" to degrade the martial spirits of many disciples of the Haotian Sect?

Tang Hao sighed deeply: "Hey!"

After all, he didn't say these words, after all, the family scandal should not be made public.

When Tang San heard this, his face became dazzling. Although he did not forget his hatred for Ning Fengzhi, after all, one code was the same.

Even though he got a lot of immortal grass, he never forgot the hatred of Poison Douluo. Even when he became the God of the Sea, he watched him die from the poison bit by bit.

Tang San's face showed joy: "As expected of Sect Master Ning, he has great vision."

"The master's theory is so powerful, and others ridiculed it as 'waste'. It's obvious that they have no vision!" Tang San said firmly: "I am the most foresighted. I became a disciple of Yu Xiaogang early on, and that's why I have achieved what I have today. ”

Yu Xiaogang was proud of himself.

Stroking his beard, he slowly walked up to his apprentice and warned him seriously: "Of course, you can't blame them."

"Because the vast majority of soul masters always have narrow vision and vision, and evaluate my great theory from a limited perspective, they naturally cannot understand the profound meaning behind it."

Tang San nodded in deep approval: "Yes, Master."

Yu Xiaogang looked a little frivolous: "The theory beyond the popular meaning is the growth plan I customized for you. Of course, it cannot be the same as ordinary people!"

His chest was high and he was calm and composed. The brilliance hit the medal and shined with a different brilliance.

Ning Fengzhi wanted to laugh, but couldn't hold it back.

"Tang San, my theory is a good road for you."

"But for ordinary soul masters, they do not have the talent and talent to use my theory, so they cannot witness the true essence of my theory. It is obviously a regret in their lives."

It slowly calmed down its emotions and uttered the words that will accompany it throughout its life: "After all."

"There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters!"

Ning Fengzhi really couldn't stand it any longer.

I was eagerly reciting the essence of "Happiness and Anger Invisible", but seeing its clown appearance and ridiculous remarks, I really couldn't hold back.


He really didn't understand, how could a "waste" like Yu Xiaogang have the nerve to say such things?

"why are you laughing?"

Seeing the smile on Ning Fengzhi's face, Yu Xiaogang asked curiously.

Was he shocked by my speech?

Ning Fengzhi was thinking about how to answer this question when he saw the curvature of Bone Douluo's face in a daze, and immediately asked: "Why are you laughing?"


Bone Douluo glanced at Sword Douluo subtly: "I vaguely remember it."

"Someone took out a copy of "The Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun" and showed off his theory to me here!"

Sword Douluo was particularly embarrassed when he heard this.

He secretly made up his mind to burn the book when he returned to avoid being laughed at by Bone Douluo.

"I think"

"This is not the place for you to chat."

Haotian Douluo's tone was a little stiff.

After Tang Hao's ring exploded, his combat power would be extremely sublimated, but it could not last too long.

When the soul power of the ring exploded, the soul master's strength would not improve but decline. It would take at least 3 days for the soul ring to condense again on the martial soul, and it would take 36 days before the ring could be exploded again.

Otherwise, the soul ring would be abolished.

"Oh?" Ning Fengzhi stared at Tang Hao.

The amplification light was slightly disturbed, gently sweeping across Tang Hao's body, and according to the brief fluctuation of Tang Hao's soul power, his approximate soul power strength was obtained.

Level 98!


Ning Fengzhi's mind tightened, and he couldn't believe it: "Let the 95th level jump to the 98th level, this is really an outrageous secret method!"

The soul strength of the 99th level peerless Douluo is only 2.4-2.5 times that of the 95th level, and the ring explosion secret method increased Tang Hao's soul power by 2 times.

Levels 95-98, each level increased by 0.2 times, and levels 98-99 increased by 0.4 times, a total of 2.4192

"That's it." Ning Fengzhi sighed.

Ning Fengzhi didn't know about the "ring explosion", so he instinctively thought that Tang Hao's martial soul, physique, and mental strength had the same strength.

The lack of information will cause the soul master to draw wrong conclusions when reasoning.

Because according to the data, even if Jian Douluo gets 80% of his own all-round gain, he can't crush Tang Hao.

But the actual battlefield is relatively complicated, and his soul douluo can't withstand the twists and turns of the soul power of level 98, and the soul power consumption is also huge.

"There is a risk, so don't fight!"

Ning Fengzhi's expression was extremely solemn: "Your Majesty Haotian!"

"The three sects are of the same blood, we are originally one family."

Tang Hao's expression relaxed, but in fact he was also weak in his heart. Although his soul power has changed qualitatively after the explosion ring, it is obviously impossible to stop the sword douluo blessed by Ning Fengzhi.

"Well!" He exhaled lightly.

"You can take your son away, but Xue Qinghe is my disciple. If you want to hurt my disciple, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will make you pay the price!"

Ning Fengzhi's tone was firm, indicating his bottom line.

Xue Qinghe was stunned when she heard it.

She really didn't expect Ning Fengzhi to make such a statement.

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