Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 306 Physical Data Analysis


Tang San, the son of luck.

But in addition to the protagonists of Douluo Dalu, Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and other people who have achieved the divine status are also characters with good luck.

"Dai Mubai, he died a little cowardly."

Han Tao sighed.

"Don't mention that coward!" Davis smiled contemptuously: "Without enough strength and unwillingness to work hard, he lingers in the land of romance."

"Being smashed to death by Haotian Douluo might be the honor of his life."

During the conversation, the two arrived at a college.

On the left side of the decaying courtyard wall, under the dilapidated eaves, there is a plaque hanging from the past that can be seen.

"Shrek Academy!"

Han Tao: "We're here!"

Davis was also stunned and read the slogan on the courtyard wall: "Is it mediocre if he doesn't dare to cause trouble?"

"What kind of bullshit is this? I, the eldest prince of the Xingluo Empire, don't even dare to say such bullshit."

Then, the two heard sounds in the distance.

"Run, run!"

Yu Xiaogang stood proudly on the boulder on the edge of the cliff, facing the new generation of Shrek students and angrily yelled:

"My apprentice Tang San can run twenty laps even with a load of 500kg, why can't you?"

"Although your innate talents are extraordinary, if you don't work hard in training, you are not worthy of being called a monster, and you are not worthy of joining our Shrek Academy."

Davis followed the sound and looked,

I saw a group of little Lakami, running in a circle with great difficulty under the command of the master.

"What a bunch of pitiful people." Han Tao sighed.

With strong perception, he can easily detect the microscopic details within the bodies of these soul masters.

Muscles, bones, and meridians can suffer from hidden injuries due to unreasonable exercise, and Yu Xiaogang did not provide any treatment guarantee.

"How do you say that?" Davis was curious.

"If you continue to practice like this, these soul masters will be eliminated directly."

Davis was confused and ignored everyone: "Why?"

"Didn't I practice this way when I was young?"

"How dare you say that!" Han Tao pointed at his nose: "Zhu Zhuxuan's fluorescent cat is blessed with a healing spirit."

"Naturally possessing the ability of microscopic treatment, even Jiuxin Haitang does not have it!"

As he spoke, Han Tao raised his hand to summon the martial spirit.

On the ugly bluesilver grass, the first yellow soul ring flickered.

"Did you see that, the fluorescent grass soul ring is just to get microscopic treatment!"

"Is treatment important?"

Davis was stunned. With his big brain, he certainly couldn't understand the importance of treatment.

The two looked at the group of students again, and Han Tao felt a little regretful for no reason.

"Perhaps it's my own fault."

In the National Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, Han Tao used the "Trinity Soul Fusion Technique", which gave Yu Xiaogang a lot of fame.

And with the help of its humble fame, Shrek, a garbage academy, started to commit fraud again.

"The most expensive tuition, the most talented students, teach a bunch of trash!"

Han Tao felt unhappy.

So he planned to make Yu Xiaogang unhappy as well.

"Yu Xiaogang!" He suddenly moved forward and picked up the master's collar: "Again, you are misleading your disciples here?"

Gangzi struggled for a while, but how could his great soul master's body resist the soul emperor Han Tao with a growth base of 1.2.

"Han Tao, what are you doing here?"

"Ning Rongrong is Shrek's student. Do you have the slightest respect for a teacher when you treat me like this?"

Yu Xiaogang's questioning made Han Tao feel irritated for no reason.

"Why don't you put me down yet?"

Seeing Han Tao's hesitation, the master thought he had Han Tao under control, and looked arrogantly dismissive.


While chuckling, he waved and moved.


Yu Xiaogang's body, accompanied by majestic force, broke the door of Shrek Academy.

Suddenly, a human-shaped gap appeared.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The brazen voice aroused the alarm in Shrek Academy.

Li Yusong broke out, saw the figure standing outside, and asked.

Behind the teacher, Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun filed out.

"Han Tao?"

"You attacked the master like this without any reason. Do you think you don't take our academy seriously?"

Ma Hongjun quickly stood in front of Yu Xiaogang, evil fire slowly rising from his arms.

"Soul Sect?"

Han Tao's eyes casually flashed across Ma Hongjun, switching between Oscar and Zhu Zhuqing.

"For more than two years, you are the best in the Soul Sect, but you haven't thought about the reason?"

Oscar's voice was cold: "Han Tao, you just have the resources of the Qibao Glazed Sect."

"If our Shrek Academy also has the resources of the upper three sects, coupled with the master's professional guidance, we will definitely not be half a point behind."

But at this moment, a rash voice broke the deadlock between the two sides.

"Sorry, I really can't hold it in." Davis suppressed a smile.

Liu Erlong broke out with a giant beast, and the "Fire Dragon True Body" possessed him during the interval of movement, and attacked Han Tao with an angry roar.

"Reverse, annihilate!"

Han Tao raised his hand casually.

The reverse frequency of the soul power was formed in an instant and penetrated towards the front of Shrek Academy.

"You don't have soul masters who can break through the Soul Douluo. Therefore, under the reverse frequency, all soul power will be extinguished!"

The calm tone tells the cruel truth.

Yu Xiaogang trembled and stretched out his finger: "You you!"

"If Flanders' strength is still alive, would you dare to act so wildly in Shrek Academy?"

Liu Erlong's martial soul body dissolved into invisible, but her movements did not stop. She retained her offensive will and rushed towards Han Tao with inertia.

Han Tao manipulated his body, activating the microscopic muscles of his whole body, and the muscle units of his whole body gathered into one.

He bent his arms forward and blocked the violent attack.

Equally matched?


"Not evenly matched!"

Han Tao smiled bitterly.

His current physical value is actually not as good as Liu Erlong's, and it is only with the help of the ability of microscopic control that he can barely tie.

The illusion rises in Han Tao's mind.

The mottled data is carved into the diary from the sharp pen tip.

"Liu Erlong, top martial spirit, 79-level spirit power."

"0.8 growth base, 79-level gets 281.6 points of physical strength, racial talent 0-20, fire dragon bloodline 0-80, spirit ring and spirit bone uncertain."

Precise calculations are ethereal in places that are difficult for people to perceive.

The calculated data is in contrast with the power that Han Tao currently perceives.

"Liu Erlong, 361 points of physical strength."

Under the data calculation, the influence of each factor on the spirit master is clearly presented in Han Tao's eyes.

The conclusion follows.

[Soul ring has no effect on physical strength]

Han Tao wrote down this core point on paper and pen.

"Maybe so."

"If not, it would be a bit ridiculous that Tang Hao's physical strength would be reduced after the ring exploded."

[Soul ring cannot bless the spirit master's physical strength, but spirit bone can, except for the head spirit bone]

[Head spirit bone can enhance the spirit master's mental strength]

After stripping off the essence, Han Tao sorted out his data.

Every bit of influence was transformed and clear under the control of the illusion.

"Extreme Blue Silver Grass, 0.9 growth base, Gu Zhu extra 0.3."

"Soul Power 60, can get 252 points of physical attributes in perfect state, but"

He sighed slightly: "In the early stage, my martial soul quality was not high, and the level growth data was not perfect."

"Level growth 194, racial talent 19, bloodline 7, soul bone 61, a total of 281."

Bloodline tempering, started from the Soul Emperor stage.

Han Tao has just broken through to the Soul Emperor, and bloodline tempering requires a long process, so at present, the initial data of Blue Silver Grass is still retained.

"Extreme Blue Silver Grass, with complete bloodline tempering, can get 90 points of physical."

Inside and outside the illusion, it is the reality of the world.

Han Tao was not upset that the numerical value was not as good as others, because everything had just begun.

"Bloodline tempering, racial talent, under theoretical research, these natural barriers are not insurmountable."

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