Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 350 Divine Bloodline

Experimental research, rash attempts are not advisable.

In constructing the Qi and blood soul ring, the Nine Heart Begonia has an absolute advantage, but there is no precedent to refer to in shaping the soul ring.

"Since there is no precedent, let's create one."

Han Tao smiled and glanced: "Ye Lingling, your sixth soul ring may need to be a little later."

"Hmm!" He nodded lightly.

"Yu Tianheng!"

So, Yu Tianheng was called over.

Looking at his whole body, with a hint of curiosity:


"Now you have merged with the Snow Crown, but for some reason, it has not been recognized by it for the time being?"

Although he didn't understand Han Tao's purpose, Yu Tianheng said "hmm" lightly.

A smile appeared on his side face, and his tone was slightly tempting: "There is a secret method here!"

"What secret method?"

"It can let you get the Golden Holy Dragon Bloodline Soul Ring!"

"What?" Tianheng was horrified.

——Bloodline soul ring, unheard of

As Han Tao spoke, Yu Tianheng's eyes flashed with inexplicable agility, and a trace of greed arose.

And Han Tao's purpose was to take advantage of his greed.

"Han Tao, are you willing to teach me this precious secret method?"

"Of course."

Ning Rongrong suddenly interrupted: "It's not without price!"

"Knowledge is expensive and equivalent, not to mention this theory tailored for you!"

Yu Tianheng frowned slightly.

Compared to paying, he actually prefers to get it for free, but he also understands that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is not a benevolent hall, and it is impossible for them to hand over the secret method to him for no reason.

So he asked, "What's the price?"

Han Tao pulled up the sect's banner and asked with the righteousness of repaying a favor:

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can give you the blood of the Golden Holy Dragon, help you shape the Golden Holy Dragon's soul ring, and even assist your martial soul evolution."

"The church theoretically gives you money, and I can give you anything you need, but what can you bring to me?"

Yu Tianheng's face was pale.

Inheriting the pale look, including his humble strength and ridiculous understanding of martial souls.

He pondered, his fingertips trembled.

Staring at his figure, his memory returned to the past again.

I thought that when I joined the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi also looked at me like this.

But the difference

Ning Fengzhi couldn't read the memory, and couldn't see what kind of heart was hidden under the sincere face.

"Only loyalty!" Ning Rongrong said quietly.

Yu Tianheng was silent.

After a long time, he remained firm: "As long as you agree to one condition, I am willing to offer my loyalty."

"What condition?" Han Tao asked.

Tianheng hesitated for a long time: "Dugu Yan!"

"Yanzi, I am always worried about her"

"She is safe!" Han Tao said calmly: "After all, she is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo. Now Yueguan is seriously injured, and other soul masters in the Spirit Hall will not easily provoke Poison Douluo!"

"Besides, there are three education committee members in the Royal Academy of the Tiandou Empire."

"No!" Yu Tianheng retorted: "It's not from the Spirit Hall!"

"Oh?" Lingling was surprised.

"It's Haotian Sect, it's a threat from Tang Hao!"

Some time ago, Dugu Yan held the master and bullied him wantonly, and was maliciously attacked by Tang San.

According to Tang San's bad behavior, Dugu Yan is very likely to be in danger, and Yu Tianheng's worry is not unreasonable.

"That's right." Discuss with Rongrong.

"It's not a big deal. You can ask her to come to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. The sect will protect her."

After a long time

Han Tao took out his research log and sorted out his ideas for making it.

"You can't find the Golden Holy Dragon on the Douluo Continent."

"You can only absorb the lower-level soul beast of the Golden Holy Dragon, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then let the will in the Snow Crown absorb the original power in the soul ring"

-The original soul power in the soul ring is exhausted

-A blank soul ring is constructed

"Secondly, fuse the blood power of the Golden Holy Dragon into the soul ring."

"Use your body as a repeater, and the endless blood power of the Golden Holy Dragon will be fused into the soul ring of the Golden Holy Dragon."

The process will be painful

From this-the blood soul ring is born!

Yu Tianheng's expression was stiff: "What a cumbersome step."

"Is this cumbersome?"

Ye Lingling suddenly sneered.

Recently, I have been studying meridian maps, capillary formation, and the unit distribution of muscles and bones. That is a headache.



After a long time of twists and turns.

The bloodline soul ring landed safely under the guidance of theory.

And Yu Tianheng's exploration brought Han Tao and others a few experiences.

"Well!" Ye Lingling raised her head gently.

In her expression, she showed the self-confidence of youth.

-Blank soul ring is a necessary condition for bloodline soul ring

"Only when the source power in the soul ring is exhausted, the soul ring will be transformed into a blank soul ring, and my Nine Heart Begonia, which absorbs the power of blood, just needs to consume the source."

[Between the two, there is an inexplicable fusion system]

The eyes glowed, the silver-white hair swayed in the wind, and danced like an elf.

"Seven Star Begonia, ten thousand year soul ring!"

Cut it down gently, and the black soul ring merged with the martial soul.

Back in the laboratory:

Several test tubes appeared before our eyes.

Blue Silver Grass, Nine-Hearted Begonia, Nine-Treasure Glazed Pagoda, Seraphim, Netherworld White Tiger, and Golden Holy Dragon!

Four ultimate bloodlines and two divine bloodlines were fused to Jiuxin Haitang under the essence of Ye Lingling's martial soul.


Han Tao was a little curious

The situation was abnormal. The bloodline of the Golden Holy Dragon seemed to be excluded due to grade issues.


Rongrong became curious. With her theoretical level, she should not be able to see the clues.

The ultimate bloodline of Blue Silver Grass, Nine-Hearted Begonia, and Nine-Bao Glazed Pagoda were fused under Ye Lingling's blending to form the god-level [Blue Silver]

Together with the divine light aura [Seraphic Angel] and the divine dark characteristic [Netherworld White Tiger], they complement each other and shine with endless brilliance.

Rongrong covered his lips: "God-level bloodline?"

Of course she was dissatisfied, because the celestial grass she took only reached the ultimate level, and the only one that reached the divine level was Acacia Heartbroken Red.

——The Golden Holy Dragon is at the ultimate level and is excluded from Jiuxin Haitang.

"That's enough!" Ye Lingling said leisurely and contentedly.

Following the guidance of his will, the original power within Seven Stars Begonia was exhausted.

"This is the moment!"

She moves very fast!

Because Yu Tianheng is in a dilemma, because the original power in the soul ring will recover over time, and once the soul ring is restored, it will no longer be a blank soul ring, and it will be extremely difficult to inject the power of blood.

——The moment when the original power is exhausted

The divine bloodline was integrated into the soul ring at an extremely fast speed.

Bright red, brewing with the freshness of blood, it has an indescribable beauty.

[Qi and blood soul ring, completed]

"Huh!" Rongrong turned his head away proudly.

Han Tao always had a faint smile on his face.

Ning Rongrong asked: "What is the significance of the Qi and Blood Soul Ring?"

Staring at the bright red soul ring, Ye Lingling's tone was soft, like the spring rain flying all over the sky.

"This is a breakthrough in the field of bloodline. There is no meaning or meaning. The theory itself contains its own value."

"But" Rongrong hesitated for a moment: "What is the soul skill?"

"No soul skills!"

"The essence of a bloodline soul ring is to carry energy, not soul skill information."

"And what I insist on saying is that it can make the [Blue Silver] fused with our martial souls form the true body of the martial soul at the bloodline level!"

Han Tao: Ah

Ning Rongrong: Huh?

——Martial spirit true body is the fusion of martial spirit, mental power, soul power, and bloodline

When he breaks through to the Soul Saint, Han Tao will have the Blue Silver Grass True Body, and Ning Rongrong will have the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda True Body, but the martial soul fusion will not have the [Blue Silver] True Body.

Because Han Tao does not have the bloodline, mental power, soul power and convergent physique of [Blue Silver].

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