Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 370: Perfect pink muscle ratio

The attire is a snow-white palace skirt.

In the Tiandou Empire, the elegance of the nobles was reflected in their behavior, and Ye Lingling smiled gently.

"Pink muscles can improve the soul master's physique."

Never underestimate a girl’s pursuit of beauty, and this kind of “beauty” is easily available!

Seeing her appearance, Han Tao smiled teasingly:

"Pink muscles may be good, but we still have to judge by strength after all!"

Ye Lingling let out a soft "heh".

He stretched out his slender white fingers and twisted the map in front of Han Tao, his eyes as cold as frost and snow.

"Pink muscle has the characteristics of both red muscle and white muscle, and is synonymous with strength!"

"Explosive power is combat power!"

After thinking for a moment, Han Tao nodded in approval.

White muscles are famous for their strength, but strongmen trained in the gym often cannot fight.

"Fighting requires coordination and explosive power, so much so that endurance is meaningless!"

Yu Tianheng was confused: "Why?"

Rubbing her eyebrows irritably, she didn't want to pay much attention to this stupid guy, so she turned her head: "Han Tao, explain to him."

Spreading his hands helplessly, Han Tao's tone was uncertain:

"Strong attack type soul masters need pure strength, while agility type soul masters pursue coordination and explosion. As for endurance"

"What type of soul master do you think needs endurance?"

"Auxiliary system, control system, or treatment system?"

However, his heart was still full of confusion: "No soul master needs endurance? But... why?"

"Because the consumption of endurance cannot keep up with the consumption of soul power!"

It is precisely for this reason that the vast majority of soul masters on Douluo Continent will not choose to practice endurance.

Someone who practices long-distance running is an exception among exceptions.

"In that case, isn't the red muscle pointless?"

"Yes!" Han Tao nodded.

After thinking for a while, he continued to add: "Red muscles are meaningless, but white muscles are different. White muscles are synonymous with strength!"

"Based on the data, if all my muscles are replaced with white muscles, my physical strength will increase by 50 points!"

[50 points of physique is the gain from a hundred thousand years of soul bone]

"But the problem is that the coordination of the white muscles is not good. Trading flexibility and coordination for values ​​will put the cart before the horse, and the combat effectiveness will even decline."

Under Ye Lingling's cold eyes was a thought-filled conclusion:

"Keep 10% of the red and white muscles and replace all the rest with pink muscles. This may be the best solution!"

"It can bring us a 20-30% physical improvement!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu stood up and put her hands on her hips.

She couldn't understand the discussion and was unwilling to admit her ignorance, so she proudly said: "Han Tao, I have cooperated with Ye Lingling in research."

"Is it time for you to fulfill your promise now?"

Han Tao glanced at him in disgust.

In the theoretical discussion process, the most taboo thing is to be interrupted.

Xiao Wu is the sample that Ye Lingling has been thinking about for a long time, and the arrival of this sample can be considered a significant benefit to him.

"That's it!"

Turning his soul guide, he took out the secret method of "soul power synergy" and threw it away.

"This is the reward!"

Not even willing to waste any words with her, Han Tao waved his hand: "You can leave!"

The meaning is obvious: Get out of here!


Xiao Wu didn't understand what she had missed.

She stamped her foot dissatisfied and pushed open the door angrily.


"Soul power synergy?"

Ye Lingling also turned over the secret book.

In fact, Han Tao had given her the secret method a long time ago, but she had been very busy and had no time to study this book.

This was the perfect opportunity for her to read.

for a long time

"Can soul power and body cooperate with each other?"

"This is the soul power in the meridians, a positive connection to muscle movement, and so on."

Ye Lingling's brain is not bad.

It took some time to understand the content of the secret method.

Jiuxin Haitang's body transformation, which can be called the chosen one, and her unique fault tolerance under the reshaping of flesh and blood, gave her an inexplicable inspiration.

Inspiration is always fleeting.

Raising his eyebrows, Han Tao asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Red muscles are composed of intertwined blood vessels and muscle fibers."

Ye Lingling took out a bloodline diagram and a muscle diagram.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the meridian map again and spoke softly:

"Can we replace blood vessels with meridians and fuse them into muscle fibers?"


"Integrating blood vessels, meridians, and muscle fibers?"

Han Tao holds pen and paper.

Because inspiration is always hard to come by, I must write down Ye Lingling's inspiration.

【Three-dimensional muscles】

"Blood vessels, meridians, and muscle fibers are all intertwined within tiny muscle units, forming some kind of special muscle structure?"

Because he has never explored this area, Ye Lingling's understanding of this is just a guess.

The slender fingers clenched the tip of the pen and gently wrote a "rustling" sound on the page.

Han Tao's expression became serious.

——Soul power synergy is the mutual cooperation between soul power and body

——Three-dimensional muscles, based on the synergy of soul power, are the fruit of soul power penetrating into the body microscopically

“Very feasible!”

"But the problem is that we have no precedent to refer to for the structure between muscle fibers and meridian blood vessels!"

Han Tao did not reject Ye Lingling's proposal.

She is always busy and probably has no time to study this part of the topic.

"Well!" She smiled easily: "But."

"Pink muscle, we already have a perfect case!"

--Red muscle, pink muscle, white muscle, the essence is the ratio of blood vessels and muscle fibers

Ye Lingling explained gently: "And the pink muscle under the soul beast's transformation, whether from the perspective of blood vessel ratio or microscopic texture composition, is perfect and impeccable."

"Yes, impeccable!"

I have treated many soul masters and can draw a very clear conclusion.

Pink muscle ratio and composition: Xiao Wu\u003e Zhu Zhuqing\u003e Bai Chenxiang

"What about other soul masters?" Han Tao asked.

Twisting her hair, the silver-white color fluttered in the wind, and Han Tao stared into her eyes.

Clear, quiet, elegant

"Other soul masters are just ordinary. Their pink muscles have no advantages, including me, you, and Ning Rongrong!"


Han Tao did not doubt it and sighed slightly.

"In that case, can we transform our bodies now?"


Muscles: including red, pink, and white.

Red muscles have the prospect of [three-dimensional muscles], but they are meaningless at the moment.

Pink muscles are the best in Xiao Wu's body.

Of course, maybe this is not the end of the world, but it is the end at this moment.

"Just follow the optimal solution you set!"

"Wait for the theoretical breakthrough of [three-dimensional muscles], and then replace it again. As you said, the Nine-Hearted Begonia has absolute fault tolerance!"

Ye Lingling snorted.

"Han Tao, don't worry!"

"We need to experiment on others first, and then replicate it here after the experiment is successful"

During the conversation, the two came to the prison of the Tiandou Empire again.

Han Tao also saw the dying Yu Xiaogang again.

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