Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 386 The bloodline of a millimeter difference

Illusion·Mirror Image

Scanning himself again, he took out the diary and compared it with the last data.

"It can be said to be a huge increase"

"Soul power, from level 60 to level 69, is only one step away from Soul Saint!"

Physical data, gradually disassembled under perception:

Level growth: 194+75.6

Bloodline tempering: 7+79

Racial talent: 19+41

Soul rings and soul bones: 61+0

Total physical strength: 281→476.6

"Soul bones have not changed"

"Illusion·Mirror Image Skull, even if it has a qualitative change of 50,000 years, it has not brought any physical value."

"And the external soul bone: Evil Eye, also has no increase in physical strength?"


The answer was vaguely guessed: "Evil Eye Soul Bone, Head Soul Bone, increases mental strength instead of physical strength?"

-From this, it can be inferred

From the soul bone level, the maximum increase value of a single soul bone is 100.

Among the six soul bones of a soul master, the head soul bone cannot increase the physical strength. The remaining five basic soul bones and the external soul bones: claws, tail, wings, scales, and horns

"In the ultimate exploration of theory, it can provide soul masters with 1,000 points of physical strength!"


Han Tao rejected his guess.

"The evil eye tyrant's eye occupies the position of [horn]."

"Convert the physical strength increase of the soul bone into the increase of mental strength, but this is a good thing!"

A slight smile.

"Han Tao, what did you do?"

Yu Luomian looked angry.

Purple thunder, purple rays of light, in the interlaced pupils.

"Ignore me?"

"You will definitely pay the price!"

The eighth soul ring was activated and lit, and the mouth radiated scarlet crazily: "The eighth soul skill, the annihilation dragon claw!"

The dragon claw, which was pregnant with the breath of decay, was raised high above the dark clouds, and even blocked the sun for a time.

Stepping down suddenly, the ground shattered.

Oscar vomited blood in the room, fortunately Tang San ran fast, otherwise he would definitely not be able to stop the aftermath of this.

Han Tao raised his finger: "Fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Mirror!"

The seven-leaf Blue Silver Emperor stretched out its leaves and vines, rain, sunlight, and soil constituted the three inseparable foundations.

"Occupying the rank and martial soul of the Blue Silver Emperor, from now on"

"The fundamental authority of the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor has been cracked!"

Han Tao can use the original soul bone to simulate the microscopic structure of soul power to resist soul masters above the Soul Douluo level.

Indifferent tone: "Soul power, annihilation!"

Constructing the convergence of soul power structure and the reverse of soul power frequency, using the soul power of heaven and earth as capital, all existence will be eliminated into nothingness.

"It's still the same method!"

Yu Luomian smiled wantonly: "Han Tao, have you forgotten that I have joined the Spirit Hall?"

Liu Erlong's face was pale.

So far, she is unwilling to believe this fact.

"The Spirit Hall is not a pushover!"

"After the soul hunting plan failed, Bibi Dong pulled a group of worshippers together to summarize, review, and reflect."

Han Tao added: "And shirking responsibility!"


Yu Luomian raised his head arrogantly. This is the same lineage as the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect: "Han Tao, we dismantled the source of your power in an attempt to master your skills and techniques."

"Through the photo stone of the National Elite Soul Master Competition, our Spirit Hall think tank watched, felt, and analyzed it over and over again!"

"Finally, hard work pays off!"

Raising his head in surprise, Han Tao wanted to hear what he said next.

Yu Luomian pretended to pause: "Although."

"We have no way of knowing how you achieved the annihilation of soul power, but we have also mastered the method of resistance!"

"Tell me about it!"

Han Tao became a little interested.

Yu Luomian knew that Han Tao could plunder memories and thoughts, and concealing it was a meaningless move.

Tell the truth: "Just keep changing the speed of meditation to crack your tricks!"

Change the speed of meditation practice to achieve "soul power frequency movement" to resist same-frequency penetration and reverse annihilation.

Han Tao nodded gently: "Indeed!"

"Good idea, but."

-Theory will be iterated.

In the past that Wuhun Hall did not understand, Han Tao had already comprehended the essence of soul power frequency.

And based on "soul power frequency", he completed several theoretical iterations.

"Wuhun Hall?"

"Stay a few years ago, by changing the speed of meditation practice, adjusting the soul power frequency, these are already in the past tense!"

Han Tao's heart, a little more attention.

The soul ring flickered, and the soul skill was running: "The third soul skill, Blue Silver Eye!"

With Han Tao as the center of the circle, the grass seeds of Blue Silver Eye scattered and grew.

The multi-dimensional and three-dimensional perception was suddenly transmitted to Han Tao's mind, and all this was a prerequisite for achieving soul power annihilation.

A light smile floated on the corner of his mouth: "Do you know?"

"Through meditation, the frequency of soul power can be indirectly changed. This change can be traced."

"It only requires sensitive perception and a little bit of prediction. The ending will eventually return to the starting point."

Zhang Yang raised his hand: "Soul power, annihilate!"

Using the seventh level of distraction control method, the ultimate control from the microscopic level, predict Yu Luomian's next soul power frequency.


The reflection of the world in his control demarcates a clear space, and under the space, there are thousands of soul forces that ordinary people cannot perceive, and these thousands of soul force flow veins constitute the entire space.

"Eliminate everything, return to nothingness!"

As the naked eye can see,

the soul power of the martial soul, the martial soul's true body, and the dragon transformation secret method on Yu Luomian are completely eliminated.


Yu Luomian is immersed in shock.

At this moment, he may really understand why the Wuhun Hall treats Han Tao so carefully.

This kind of means is not something that ordinary people can talk about.

"Strength is the right to speak!"

"Han Tao, what conditions do you want me to agree to?"

Han Tao was delighted.

"Refine the bloodline!"

"I might as well tell you one more piece of information. The thunder of the heavenly tribulation can refine the bloodline of the soul master!"

"And the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex has the element of thunder, and the Purple Lightning Demon Dragon is the advanced version of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, so I beg you to help my Blue Silver Emperor martial soul and my own body to refine the bloodline."

Yu Luomian was stunned for a moment.

It was only then that she reacted and understood why Tang San wanted to ask her for help, but he didn't even want to synchronize the basic information to me.

The anger was about to burst out: "Damn kid!"

"I helped it refine its bloodline with good intentions, but it didn't even want to tell me the truth?"

"Liu Erlong, how did you accept disciples? In my opinion, your vision is shit, Yu Xiaogang was like this at the beginning!"

"Uh" Liu Erlong touched his nose.

The request came from her adopted daughter Xiao Wu, and she really didn't know these details.

"Let's get started!"

Yu Luomian is also half a doer.

Seeing Han Tao let go of the meaning of soul power annihilation, he activated his second soul skill.


The interlaced purple thunder flashed on the Seven-Leaf Blue Silver Emperor.

But unfortunately, the thunder summoned by the Purple Lightning Demon Dragon was not a heavenly tribulation after all, and could not allow Han Tao's bloodline and martial soul to cross to the extreme of [Blue Silver Emperor].

Bloodline Refining: 86→89

"Just a hair's breadth!"

Han Tao sighed regretfully.

Yu Luomian was a little surprised and puzzled.

After a little thought, he didn't think too much and said directly:

"Since you told me the information about refining bloodline, I can provide you with an additional information. Tang San's bloodline refining has broken through!"

"Oh?" Han Tao's expression paused.

There must be a reason for the abnormality of reality.

Tang San has lost the Blue Silver Grass and most of his innate soul power, and the Eight Spider Lance has also left him.

Where does he get the capital?

Obviously, "Crystal Snow Dragon Ginseng!"

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