Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 389 Storm is coming

"Tang Xiao, get the hell out of here!"

The raging air wave oppressed the entire Haotian Sect.

Many elders of the Haotian Sect and the Sect Master Tang Xiao leaped forward, and when they saw Tang Chen's face.

Everyone knelt down.

"Your Majesty Haotian!"

Seeing this, Tang Chen's disgust became even worse.

If they were unruly and stood up to compete with him, he might have looked at them a few times, but now they are like this.

"A bunch of trash!"

The eyes swept over many disciples of the Haotian Sect.

Seeing the second and third generation disciples of the Haotian Sect turned into strange hammer spirits, anger rose from his heart.

"What's wrong with their spirits?"

"Tang Xiao, tell me, what's going on?"

The sturdy arm suddenly grabbed Tang Xiao's collar and pulled him in front of him.

"Yes, yes."

Tang Xiao's tone was hurried, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Tang San added, his expression mixed with a little confidence: "Because of my master, since the master taught them, the Clear Sky Hammer spirit has undergone a transformation."


The spirit power was activated, and Tang San was thrown away.

At the same time, Tang Xiao's clothes were torn by the spirit power, and the gravel scraped his shoulders, and blood marks were drawn under his strong muscles.

"Tang San, I don't blame you for being brainless!"

"But you, Tang Xiao, are also brainless with your age like rotten wood and the position of the sect leader that cannot be helped?"

"Cowardly, ignorant, because of fear, let the Clear Sky Sect retreat, and let the shitty master who didn't know where to teach our disciples?"

Tensionally pressed Tang Xiao in front of Tang San.

Completely disregarding his face as the sect leader, Tang Xiao tried to resist, but he couldn't resist.

"Come, show me their martial spirits!"

"Is this Clear Sky Hammer possessed by a spider spirit? Tell me what you were thinking, letting the Clear Sky Hammer absorb the spirit ring of a shitty spider?"

Tang San felt

that his grandfather was cursing the master. He wanted to protect the master's reputation, but he didn't know where to start.

"Master." Tang Xiao added: "Master came to Douluo Continent and enjoyed a great reputation in theory."

"Once the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect wanted to recruit him as a guest of theory, so I gave him the corresponding status."


Tang Chen kicked Tang Xiao to the ground with a sudden kick.

"It is a shitty theoretical master. It was confused by Bibi Dong and wanted to express its attachment to Tang San's martial spirit."


"Tell me, why did you let the Clear Sky Sect retire?"

Answering the familiar topic, Tang Xiao mustered up some courage.

"For the inheritance of Haotian Sect!"

"I didn't know you were still alive, Grandpa. Our Haotian Sect couldn't beat the Spirit Hall. In order to ensure the inheritance of Haotian Sect, retreat was a helpless choice."

"And the facts prove that I did the right thing!"

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect has been wiped out by the Spirit Hall, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has also suffered heavy casualties. Only our Haotian Sect is intact!"

Seeing that he was getting more and more arrogant.

Tang Chen became even more angry and smashed the Haotian Hammer on the table, and wood and stone fragments flew.

"Intact, humble coward, intact is useless!"

"Oh, why don't you let the Haotian Sect surrender to the Tiandou Empire? Maybe with the reward of Yuexuan, you can humbly beg for survival?"

Everyone looked very embarrassed.

Although Tang Chen was their ancestor, his words were too damn harsh.

After a long time

Tang Chen took a breath: "Tang Hao is dead!"


"How is it possible?"

"Tang Hao is a Titled Douluo, who can kill him?"

The people of Haotian Sect were talking about it.

Tang San stood up and said: "Han Tao!"

"The revenge for killing my father is irreconcilable, we must take revenge!"

The elders of Haotian Sect and Tang Xiao said: "Tang Hao's revenge must be taken!"

"If anyone hurts my Haotian Sect disciples, even if he is a peerless Douluo, we must fight him."

Tang Chen smiled contemptuously.

If I hadn't stood here, would they have said this? If they had a little courage, they would not have chosen to let the entire sect retreat.

"Let's go, Tang San!"

"I am satisfied to see the former sect, but they really disappointed me. I don't need them for the next revenge!"

Tang San nodded.

Following his grandfather, he left Haotian Sect.

Star Dou Great Forest, tiger habitat.

Ghost Douluo coerced Davis to come here through the dense jungle.


Davis was bound by soul power, but he muttered: "The Xingluo Empire has no hatred with your Wuhun Hall!"

"Ghost Douluo, why did you capture me?"


"What did you bring me here for?"

Wearing black armor, with a sneaky face under the veil, he suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"Wuhun Hall has its own arrangements!"

"You will understand in a little time!"

As the largest force on Douluo Continent, Wuhun Hall has long known the information about the two 100,000-year-old soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest.

When the Titan Giant Ape traded with the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the content was naturally presented on Bibi Dong's chopping board.

Thus, the plan to capture Davis arose in her heart.

"Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, I brought you a gift!"

Opening his throat, Ghost Douluo led the singing.

Inside the dense forest, a giant tiger with a dark aura came out. It was light-headed but had a solid foundation.

"Human, what can I do for you?"

It was not afraid of Ghost Douluo. All beings were equal in front of the arena of life and death.

Ghost Douluo smiled proudly: "I heard that you need a soul master with evil power?"

"Look, I brought you a gift!"

Ghost Douluo kicked casually.

After forcibly activating Davis's martial soul and soul power, a white tiger flashing with evil aura suddenly jumped to the ground.

[Evil Eyed White Tiger]

"Unique fit!"

"Not only is it a tiger-like martial soul, but it also has evil power. I wonder if you are satisfied with this gift?"

"Satisfied, of course!"

The eyes of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger were full of greed.

After eating Davis's martial soul, he would definitely be able to step into the ranks of 100,000-year soul beasts, and from then on, the Titan Giant Ape would no longer be able to threaten him.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. What do you need me to do?"

Ghost chuckled.

The tone was neither hurried nor slow, and the voice was hoarse: "We, the Spirit Hall, have the same goal as Tang San, to kill Han Tao!"

The fingers rubbed slightly, with an extremely tempting rhythm.

"Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, I know what you want, evil power!"

"On the Douluo Continent, soul masters and soul beasts with evil power are extremely rare. Even if you cross thousands of mountains and rivers, you may not find two. And our Spirit Hall has obtained the answer you desire based on our own intelligence."

"The secret realm of the Xingluo Empire has the entire evil eye tribe."

"The evil eye tribe."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has long been greedy for that secret realm.

But it also knows its own strength, and its face is depressed: "But."

"The evil eye tyrant ruler is not something I can defeat."

"No!" Ghost Douluo retorted: "As far as I know, the evil eye tyrant ruler in the secret realm has been killed by Ning Rongrong, and now is a unique opportunity!"

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