Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 391 Blue Silver Domain

"A Yin told me that the heavenly tribulation can temper the bloodline!"

This is not a lie.

Whether it is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex or Yu Luomian's Purple Lightning Demon Dragon, they are essentially the evolution of the thunder element and do not have the rules and will of the world.

"Now, I'm here!"

Han Tao stood in the center of the thunder tribulation.

He glanced at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and smiled slightly.

It had just used the Life and Death Arena and needed to deal with the power of the heavenly tribulation. At this moment, it was just an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast.


The lightning flashed by, and the mighty sound of thunder was transmitted under the vast world.

"Fifth soul skill, martial soul mirror!"

The seven-leaf Blue Silver Emperor flew across the sky and held it at the fingertips of his left hand, while Han Tao's right leg stepped on the ground.

The mirror soul ring, the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, and the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, the three forms converged to cater to the aura of the heaven and earth thunder tribulation.

"Han Tao?"

A familiar person came to him.

Han Tao suddenly raised his head, wondering: "Yu Luomian?"

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?"

Looking at the thunder that crossed the sky and the earth, Yu Luomian's expression was proud, confident, and flying.

This is the characteristic of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but unlike Yu Xiaogang, Yu Luomian's confidence is really confident.

"Since you have already set up the stage, why not let me also be a curtain on it? Of course, I won't affect you!"

"You want to use the heavenly tribulation to temper your bloodline, and I also hope to evolve my martial soul."

Yu Luomian raised his head while twisting.

The Purple Lightning Demon Dragon also flew into the sky.

Han Tao's expression turned cold: "Do you want to steal the power of the heavenly tribulation?"


"The Purple Lightning Demon Dragon is already an ultimate martial soul. It is very difficult to go further, and I want to try it anyway."


It fell on the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and it let out a violent wail.


The ground was pierced with a huge hole.

Under the influence of the aura of the heavenly tribulation, the first thing that showed a transformation was the blood in Han Tao's body.

"Blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, the ultimate blood!"

Blood Tempering: 89→90

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was covered with burn marks and blood, and its black skin exuded the smell of barbecue.

Only then did he notice the two people and suddenly asked Yu Luomian: "Are you Han Tao?"

Yu Luomian shook his head: "I am not Han Tao, he is!"

Han Tao pondered and felt the changes in himself without any explanation.

"After the blood transformation, it was the transformation of the mirror image Blue Silver Emperor!"

"The second is the transformation of the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor!"

Not satisfied with his gains, Han Tao once again looked up at the sky.

"The Nine Treasures are transformed into Glazed Glass, and the Nine Treasures have names. One is strength, the second is speed, and the third is soul."

Wearing a thread of light blue silk, Rongrong slowly stepped forward with a light tone, and the various enhancements of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower fell on Han Tao's body and martial soul.

Then, he glanced at Ye Lingling proudly.

Ye Lingling was not to be outdone and used his soul skills: "Treatment, healing, vitality!"

"Damn it!"

The ghost was angry.

He looked at Han Tao, anger brewing in his eyes, and suddenly raised and lowered his "ghost hand of the underworld".

But Ning Rongrong waved her arms: "Reverse, annihilation!"

Soul skills and soul power alternated in the air, but this time, the ghost's soul skills did not retreat.

"The Spirit Hall has mastered the means of changing the speed of meditation to adjust the frequency of soul power!"

"And we want to achieve soul power annihilation again, which is not as simple as before. It requires a deeper perception and prediction to achieve it."

Han Tao added a sentence.

He stirred up the soul power again, and then the ghost's soul power was annihilated.

"Ghost, you don't seem to take me seriously?"

The tone of Jian Douluo was as cold as frost.

Dozens of sword qi intertwined around him, densely penetrating towards the ghost.

"Ghost's true body!"

Transformed into nothingness again, completely ignoring the material dimension from the sword energy.

"Not bad soul skills!"

Jian Douluo praised.

The Seven Killing Swords turned, and the ninth gem flashed fiercely.

"The laurel trees are green in the borders of a hundred miles, and the partridges are singing in the cool afternoon shade. The peaks of Yanpingjin are like cuts, and the river is empty and the water grows when the sword is gone" - Sword Dao·Chen Xin

The whole body is surrounded by sword blades, half of which dominates the sword energy and the other half dominates the killing energy.

The crisscrossing power penetrates the chest of the ghost.


Ghost Douluo was terrified in his heart, because the ripples stirred by Chen Xin's soul skills were too terrifying.


the nothingness state of "Ghost's true body" completely exempts material damage and reduces half of the energy damage, while Jian Douluo's soul skills can only cause damage with half of the killing energy elements.

Adding the two together, the ghost did not suffer too much injury.

"Oh, nothing more than that!"

"Why is that?"

Chen Xin held the sword blade, and the divine work was at a loss.

"Because of nothingness!"

"Nothingness and emptiness are the abilities that the evil eye tyrant ruler dreams of. How can it be simple to have the ability that makes it think about it?"

Facing Grandpa Jian, Rong Rong explained this.

Han Tao said with incitement: "If you want to threaten nothingness and emptiness."

"You need to mobilize the power of 'intention', including sword intention and killing intention!"

"Sword intention?"

Chen Xin lowered his head and looked at his martial soul.

The Seven Killing Sword does not have a 100,000-year soul ring, so no sword intention soul skills have been born.



The thunderbolt fell again.

The emperor's blood in the body forcibly raised the martial soul of the mirror blue silver emperor, and under the guidance of the blood, the mirror martial soul showed a fundamental transformation in the bath of the heavenly tribulation.

"Martial soul, evolve again!"

Put the martial soul in the left hand in front of the body, after the seven-leaf blue silver emperor transformed, the emperor's breath brewed.

The extreme end of the blood connects the energy weaving of thousands of blue silver grasses, and it seems that some kind of rhythm is born from it.

"This is."

Han Tao stared at this scene.

Then, he chuckled approvingly: "Blue Silver Domain!"

The thousands of blue silver grasses in the Star Dou Great Forest cheered one after another under the guidance of the supreme blood.

The blood under the body made Han Tao feel a sense of joy.

"A Yin."

"She didn't lie to me. She said that the Blue Silver Emperor couldn't weave a domain. It was because she hadn't reached the level of the Emperor!"

"In the history of the Blue Silver Clan, there has never been a master or an emperor!"

Han Tao showed a wanton smile.

Opening his hands, he embraced the thunder of the world, which was the horn of the evolution of the martial soul.

"The master leads the tribe with his will, the emperor drives the people with his blood, and the sacrifice guides the people with his faith. They each have their own duties and are clearly divided."

"A complete Blue Silver Domain must be a rigorous triangle system of the master, the emperor, and the sacrifice. It is not complete without any dimension."

"Blue Silver Sacrifice, indispensable!"

Han Tao's eyes flashed magnificently.

In the original work, Tang San got two: Blue Silver Sacrifice and Blue Silver Emperor.

"He didn't get the Emperor's bloodline, because if he wants to go further, he must specialize."

"And I have obtained the Blue Silver Overlord and the Blue Silver Emperor, the coupling of two extreme martial souls, which is far ahead in different time and space processes."

Han Tao suddenly raised his head, exuding confidence from his understanding of martial souls.

And just in the interval of relief.

"Blue Silver Domain" was woven into shape under the two-way dimensions of bloodline and mental power.

"The first power of the domain: camouflage!"

"The weak use camouflage to protect themselves."

"Survival is the first priority of the tribe, and camouflage is the beginning of adapting to the essence."

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