Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 399 Red Spider Lily

"According to the inheritance data of the Star Luo Empire, the Nether Cat soul master only needs to hunt soul beasts such as the Ghost Tiger, the Shadow Cat King, or the Shadow Leopard to obtain the Nether Shadow Link soul skill."

"Other than that, I don't know about the clone-like soul skills of other martial souls."

Zhu Zhuqing stopped narrating and directed the topic to everyone.

The elder guarding the palace hesitated for a moment, then added: "Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Palace, her eighth soul skill comes from the Shadow Spider King, a 70,000-year-old soul beast."

After sorting out the information about the conversation between the two and pondering for a long time, Ning Fengzhi suddenly burst into laughter.

Pretending to be a master of wisdom, his tone was calm and confident: "It seems that I am close to the answer!"

"Selecting soul beasts with shadow, shadow, and ghost characteristics will allow the soul master to obtain clone-like soul skills."

Bone Douluo echoed: "Obviously, this is the truth."

Just when he was feeling proud, he was suddenly refuted by his daughter.

"Dad, you think too simply!"

"The Nether Civet can only obtain martial soul clones through Ghost Tiger, Dark Cat and Shadow Leopard. Bibi Dong can obtain martial soul clones through Shadow Spider King. In addition to the differences in characteristics, there is an additional commonality."

"Ah? What do they have in common?"

Han Tao added: "Same family and genus!"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flickered blankly.

Although I didn't understand, in order to maintain the dignity and wisdom of the sect leader, I pretended to understand.

Rongrong thought to himself: "Dad, after all, I lack the humility of a researcher."

However, she didn't advise anything, and Han Tao didn't point it out, but gave the master enough face.

"Family and genus."

Hearing the new term, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flickered.

She obviously has the deepest understanding of this aspect, because it is really too difficult for the Nether Civet Cat to absorb the characteristics of Lone Bamboo.

Pick up a ladle of spring water and drink it.

Dialyzing the reflection in the spring water, staring at the martial soul with vertical pupils, the fourth and fifth soul rings are as bright as white jade.

"Less than a hundred years."

"Use animal martial souls to absorb plant soul rings"

Two distinct negative effects.

Lone Bamboo's age is low, so it is very difficult to overshadow the strength of Nether Civet Cat.

With the help of two Guzhu soul bones and soul rings, four levels of iterative systematic gains; and using "martial soul rejection" and "bloodline silence" to degrade the strength of his own martial soul, the linkage of multiple factors has covered up the first point. Disadvantages.

And "animal martial souls, absorbing plant soul rings" also rely on the special environment of the ice and fire eyes.

"Yu Xiaogang's theory is wrong!"

"Animal-type martial souls absorb plant soul rings, and the utilization rate is extremely low. Plant-type martial souls absorb animal soul rings, which has the same effect."

"Assuming that Blue Silver Grass absorbs animal soul beasts with shadow characteristics, it may not be able to give birth to clone-like soul skills."

She was right.

Han Tao nodded in approval, and his will followed suit.

Memories and information are like trains passing through an illusion, with hundreds of plant souls and beasts appearing alternately.

"Martial spirit clones require herbs with ghost, shadow, and shadow properties."

"Most plant-based soul beasts are born towards the sun. Where can I find such a dark soul beast?"

Stop for a moment! stop!

The memory freezes, when it reaches the beginning of the Ice and Fire Eyes.


"The color drips red like blood, concluding death and communicating with the underworld, and the shape is like a ghost."

With inspiration sparkling in his eyes, he sat casually on the floor, not caring about his posture at all.

In the Blue Silver Domain, blood and will are connected together, weaving together with Han Tao's thoughts.

"The flower of the other shore is based on toxins as the plant's evolutionary route, and snake venom as the benchmark."

"Dandora snake, ghost vine snake, and viper!"

At this moment, the Blue Silver Master is already at the top, while Bianhuahua is not at the top.

Using the resources and theoretical basis Han Tao has mastered, constructing the evolutionary context of Flower of the Other Side is like a strong person facing the weak, with a certain condescending look down on it.

Stretching out his fingers, he lifted up hundreds of thousand-year-old blue silver trees blooming on the ground.

"First, it's the Datura Snake!"

As the soul guide rotated, Han Tao took out the test tube of Datura snake venom, checked the expiration date, and nodded gently.

Ye Lingling had already been prepared.

"Kill three birds with one stone!"

The venom splashed and scattered on several thousand-year-old bluesilver grass.

And the healing soul power of Jiuxin Haitang ripples through the bodies of many Blue Silver Grasses.

A few days later.

17 bluesilver grasses withered and withered, giving back to the origin of the bluesilver community, 64 bluesilver grasses were born with toxin resistance, and with a smaller number, 31 bluesilver grasses gave birth to "Datura snake toxin".

Han Tao nodded slightly: "Secondly, ghost vine snake venom."

According to the instructions of the sect master, Manager Ning had already prepared the ghost vine snake venom and handed it to Han Tao.

According to the procedure, the ghost vine snake venom was injected into the blue silver grass. This time the experimental sample was delicate, so Han Tao's movements were much gentler.

Ye Lingling stepped forward again, summoned Nine-Hearted Begonia, and treated the remaining Datura grass.

"Finally, viper venom."

Using snake venom as a benchmark, evolution reaches the end of its strength.


Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Han Tao smiled with satisfaction.

The experiment went smoothly, and the answer was not an isolated case. A total of three Bluesilver Grasses transformed into top-level soul beasts: "Flower of the Other Side"

"Success is normal because predecessors have already explored this step."

Holding the "Special Martial Spirit Inherited Soul Skill" in hand, Ning Rongrong stepped forward at the right time, and then poked the flowers and leaves on the other side with her small hand.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!" Han Tao warned.


She shook her head slightly and opened the page: "In the name of death, try to merge with the Blue Silver Emperor and form the ultimate martial soul in a chimeric form?"

When she heard the word "chimerism", Ah Yin's ears stood up high, which was closely related to her next step of research.

"The Blue Silver Emperor cannot represent life, and the Flower of the Other Side cannot represent death. There is no room for the two to fit together and oppose each other."

"The idea is beautiful, but the objective conditions are not so beautiful."

Han Tao nodded slightly.

He also stared at the three wisps of flowers and leaves, preparing for the next step: "Use the blue silver field to force them to ten thousand years of strength."

"After the spiritual wisdom is tempered, is it feasible to coerce them to sacrifice to me in the name of the ethnic group?"

"No, Han Tao!"

She rejected Han Tao's proposal: "It is the right step to promote the flower of the other shore to ten thousand years."

"But the next step is wrong!"


After thinking for a moment, Han Tao suddenly reacted.

He has already broken through to level 70, and his next soul skill can be the martial soul avatar.

"No, it must be the true form of the martial spirit."

"The martial soul clone, no matter how important it is, cannot usurp the position of the martial soul's true body."


Suddenly, Han Tao and Ning Rongrong looked at each other.

The blue silver master appears under the world.

The sixth spirit ring on the martial spirit came from the Evil Eye Tyrant. This spirit ring helped Han Tao find the path to perfection, but at this moment, the origin of the evil eye has been absorbed by the third spirit ring.

The third soul ring is the red color of a hundred thousand years.

The sixth soul ring is colorless and transparent.

"This is a blank soul ring!"

"Ning Rongrong, I roughly understand what you mean. Use the spirit of the blue silver group to form a spiritual bond, obtain the soul skill information of the [martial spirit clone], and then use the blue silver origin to build a new original soul ring?"

"From this point on."

"The fifth soul ring is the mirror image of the martial soul, the sixth soul ring is the clone of the martial soul, and the seventh soul ring is the true body of the martial soul. Are you okay?"

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