Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 445 Blue Silver Dominant Eye

After the special adaptation of "Soul Blast", the internal structure of Blue Silver Overlord presents a cavity.

Recall the structure of the Evil Eye Tyrant Overlord as a reference for evolution.

Eyes, tentacles.

"Perhaps, it still lacks an eye?"

"The cavity adapted by the soul blast is the location for the eye?"

Without "Fiery Apricot Delicate" and "Eight-Angled Mysterious Ice Grass", the space in the inner circle of the spring is further expanded, and more thousand-year-old blue silver can be placed at present.

Sitting cross-legged by the muddy lake, appreciate the intersection of hot and cold wind.

"And I happen to have an external soul bone!"

"Perhaps it is the key to the formation of a divine martial soul."

The center of the forehead is the brow bone of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

After the external soul bone is fused, it cannot be separated from the soul master's body, but it happens that the martial soul is an extension of the body.

Han Tao waved his hand and summoned the Blue Silver Overlord.

"After integrating the martial soul body, I now have enough tolerance. Even if some unpredictable changes occur, I can easily deal with them."

"However, in order to increase my bargaining chips"

It was a little more complicated, so Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling were called over.

"What's the matter?"

"Test the possibility of breaking through the divine martial soul."

"Yes" Rongrong nodded lightly.

Han Tao raised his hand, and the martial soul mirror, the Blue Silver Emperor, appeared.

"Nine Heart Begonia" and "Nine Treasures Glazed Tower" emerged in the coquettish voices of the two women.

Immediately, with the three martial souls of "Nine Leaf Blue Silver Emperor", "Nine Treasures Glazed Tower" and "Nine Heart Begonia", the unpredictable [Digital Dimension Tower] was constructed.

Ye Lingling was surprised: "Try to construct a divine martial soul by combining soul bones and martial souls?"

"Yes!" Han Tao nodded lightly.

Among the nine soul bodies, one soul was fused with the external soul bone, and one soul was fused with the Blue Silver Overlord.

Han Tao couldn't move the position of the "third eye bone", so he could only move the Blue Silver Overlord and place it on his forehead.

In a strange and alternative way, the precise eyes were assembled into the "cavity".


"No! Failed!"

Shaking his head, Han Tao stroked his chin and immersed himself in thinking.

Sacrifice: Blue Silver Faith!

"When Bibi Dong broke through the God-level martial soul, she relied on the power of luck and faith, and I have mastered the core sequence of the Blue Silver Grass, 'Blue Silver Sacrifice', and the faith power of the entire Blue Silver tribe is at my disposal."

"Faith is not the same as origin."

The faith of soul beasts is more difficult than that of soul masters.

Because in order to give birth to faith, it is necessary to temper the spiritual wisdom, so only soul beasts over ten thousand years old can breed faith.

Blue Silver Overlord, Blue Silver Emperor, Blue Silver Sacrifice, Blue Silver Core, all have no spiritual wisdom, so they cannot give birth to the power of faith.

In the entire tribe, Ah Yin provided the most faith power, followed by the deceased Blue Silver King, Sun and Moon Chimera, Feng Yin, Dark Blue Silver Grass, and the least was the Red Spider Flower.

Chen Xin said in a long tone: "The evolution of Blue Silver Grass is really troublesome!"

"In the early stage of evolution, you need to understand the essence of the martial soul and rely on the origin of the martial soul;"

"And the transformation from the top to the extreme requires the foundation of the martial soul, soil, water, and sunlight."

"The evolution of the leap god product still requires the power of faith?"

Rongrong Ling smiled happily: "Look at Bibi Dong, the martial soul evolves as it says, why do you need to go through so much trouble?"

"It's different!" Han Tao interrupted: "Bibi Dong has the help of luck and faith. The thousand-year faith power of the Wuhun Hall plus the rhythm of dyeing the world into red clouds allowed her to find a rare chance of survival."

"Besides, I can't understand the two runes on the queen's scepter now."

Blue Silver Sacrifice is a relatively high-end evolutionary route.

Master the authority of "sacrifice", and only sacrifice can be made after more than ten thousand years. Master the "power of faith", and only faith can be born after more than ten thousand years.

"Faith, gather!"

Although there is not much "power of faith" in the tribe, it should be used when it is needed.

Wave it casually, and induce the continuous and imperceptible power of faith

Like butter for engineering equipment, like a catalyst for chemical reactions, the power of faith is necessary to break through the divine martial spirit.

And this time, the "third eye bone" merged into the "cavity" of the Blue Silver Overlord without too many twists and turns.

Ning Rongrong asked again: "Success?"

"Still a little short!"

The illusion, thinking, interweaving, and jumping made Han Tao realize the shortcomings of the divine martial spirit.

"The fusion with the martial soul, even with the power of faith as lubrication, the third eye bone is still too stiff."

"I guess"

Han Tao suddenly snapped his fingers: "A certain soul skill may be able to help them."

"The third soul skill, Blue Silver Eye!"

The Blue Silver Overlord, the third "red" soul ring, suddenly activated.

The origin of the 100,000-year evil eye, the structure of the 100,000-year soul ring, and the soul skill information of the thousand-year blue silver grass, built an incomplete "100,000-year" blue silver eye.

Martial soul, soul ring, soul bone, outline the form and strength of the divine product.

"Not in the form of [Blue Silver] cluster, this kind of cluster is difficult for me after all, so I can only use the simple path to evolve the Blue Silver Overlord in the form of [Chimera]."

"Refer to the Evil Eye Tyrant Overlord."

"The eight-petal fairy orchid constitutes the evil eye tentacles unique to the blue silver grass, and the attached soul bone carves out the evil eye driven by itself. The two structures are coupled under the effect of faith."

"At this point, the divine martial soul is formed!"

[Divine martial soul: Blue Silver Dominant Eye]

[Growth base: 1.0]

Ye Lingling suddenly laughed, as if she was happy about Han Tao's martial soul evolution.

Or maybe Han Tao's martial soul evolution provided her with additional information, and helped herself find the evolution direction of Nine Heart Begonia by relying on the path taken by the predecessors?

After a long time, Ye Lingling asked: "How is it?"

Han Tao's gentle voice came to my ears, and people could faintly read joy.

"It succeeded, but it can only be regarded as a success!"

"Because the soul skill of 'Blue Silver Eye' is not a soul skill specially created for the fusion of martial soul and soul bone in a strict sense."

"Secondly, the fusion into a divine martial soul requires the consumption of faith power, and the Blue Silver tribe just lacks faith."

As the precision of [Chimera] increases, the consumption of faith power will gradually decrease.

As the number of ten thousand year old blue silver grass increases, the power of faith that Han Tao possesses will gradually increase. This is a process of increase and decrease.

"Now, Blue Silver Overlord's Eye, please let me comprehend your power!"

The divine product consisting of the eye, eight petals, and overlord fell off Han Tao's forehead.

- Leap, soar.

- Eternal at the end of the sky.

- Shaped like a second bright moon, as bright as the rising sun, and like the Eye of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings.

"Forests, towns, rivers, seas, fog, dark clouds, palaces, churches."

The line of sight,

rotates with the Blue Silver Overlord, taking everything into Han Tao's mind.

Tiandou Empire, Xingluo Empire, Wuhun Empire, the Great Douhun Arena, the hidden place of Haotian Sect, the ruins of Qibao Liuli Sect, and the ruins of Landian Tyrannosaurus Sect


"As Ning Rongrong said, the strength of the martial soul is everything!"

"When I entered the divine level, the flame isolation coating seemed to be unimportant!"

Smiling softly, unconventional, elegant, and unhurried.

Because, Titan, Huozhatian, who had passed through the Sunset Forest, and a tiny figure around him.

Under a more macroscopic perception range, they appeared in Han Tao's eyes again.

"Tang San? Luck?"

"It seems. Nothing more than that."

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