Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 456: Survival of the Fittest

What is the natural enemy of Blue Silver Grass?

Not only Yu Xiaogang, but Han Tao is also questioning himself.


"Plants can be ignited by flames, and plants cannot move, so it is inevitable that they are restrained by flames."

"Besides flames?"

The heavy earth was once the limitation of Blue Silver Grass, because plants could not leave the ground and grow above the sky and clouds.

The birth of the Blue Silver Dominant Eye and the appearance of the Earth Lotus Root mean that this status quo has been completely overturned.

"It is difficult to be exempted from the flames, but the earth is no longer my limitation."

Han Tao sighed slightly.

The reason why Blue Silver Grass can come to this day is the accumulation of countless backgrounds behind it. These theoretical backgrounds cannot even be regarded as part of its strength, but they are everywhere and play a role at certain specific moments.

With a "click", Yu Xiaogang opened the exquisite pocket watch.

Put the pocket watch under the sun, hide in the shadow, and the reflected light reflects the eyes of wisdom.

"The only one that can restrain the Blue Silver Clan is another one!"

"Cows, sheep, horses, rabbits, these herbivores are all natural enemies of the Blue Silver Clan, and their keen sense of smell can ignore the disguise of Blue Silver Grass."

Tang San's impoverished mind was gradually replaced by shock.

It unfolded a blank scroll and wrote four big words with a feather pen: "Soft Bone Rabbit!"

"According to my observation, the soft bone rabbit is simply the perfect natural enemy of Blue Silver Grass."


Hearing Yu Xiaogang's narration, Han Tao suddenly laughed.

A Yin was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

"Is he wrong? The soft bone rabbit has been the natural enemy of Blue Silver Grass since ancient times?"

Han Tao shook his head.

There is a natural gap between A Yin and himself.

"Yu Xiaogang has learned something, but it is difficult to conceal his narrow perspective. He cannot understand the macro and the cluster, and still uses the individual to speculate."

"From the perspective of individual soul beasts, the restraint of the soft-bone rabbit on the blue silver grass is absolute, but once it rises to the cluster, everything will change."

Yang Wudi pretended to think.

In fact, he did not understand what Han Tao meant by the macro and the cluster.

Han Tao waved his hand, and the illusion flashed, and the current situation of natural development was deduced.

"The blue silver grass was eaten by the soft-bone rabbit, which is not much of a loss to the cluster, and the feces of the soft-bone rabbit can be turned into another kind of nutrients."

"As the number of soft-bone rabbits increases, the number of carnivores also increases. The entire soul beast ecology is multi-dimensional."

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that under the threat of the soft-bone rabbit's life, "those blue silver grasses with poor breath concealment and poor camouflage will be eliminated under the laws of nature."

"And under the long evolution of time, the concealment and camouflage capabilities of blue silver grass gradually became stronger, spanning tens of millions of years, and finally turned into the first law of the blue silver field: camouflage!"

Han Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because suddenly, while narrating, it seemed to be close to the essence of [cluster].

-Blue Silver Overlord!

"A Overlord known for cruelty and tyranny."

"Adaptation is the essence of individual blue silver grass, and survival of the fittest is the law of the tribe."

"Blood guidance and accelerated growth are the abilities of the Blue Silver Emperor, and the Blue Silver Overlord, as the ultimate, naturally has the same power."

In the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, thousands of blue silver grasses were mobilized by Han Tao.

Put them on the edge of the hot spring, and most of the blue silver grasses could not withstand the heat and gradually withered.

"They don't have the talent to resist fire."

"But I'm not sure if they have the talent to resist ice or other factors."

Han Tao's tone was indifferent.

Afterwards, he took the withered and dying blue silver grass from the edge of the blazing spring water. Only two or three blue silver grasses remained in the blazing spring water.

"Ye Lingling, thank you for your help!"

She nodded gently, and the flowing healing restored the blue silver grass, and then Han Tao threw it into the edge of the icy spring water again.

A Yin couldn't bear it: "Han Tao, what do you mean?"

I ignored her thoughts, because there was a huge gap in theory and understanding between Han Tao and A Yin.

Test the talents of blue silver grass in turn: blazing, frost, shock, oppression, and sharp blade.

"In the entire blue silver group, the talents of blue silver grass are different, and the innate abilities are also significantly different."

"And some blue silver grass with poor hiding ability, poor cultivation speed, poor adaptation effect, and poor luck, rather than being hunted by other soul beasts under the natural ecological laws, it is better to die directly in my hands."

A Yin tried to persuade: "But this. Isn't it too cruel?"

"Should those newly born blue silver grass be destroyed just because of their poor talents?"

Han Tao was stunned: "Cruel?"

"Maybe it seems that this is an extremely cruel act at the moment, but what about extending it to the years of history?"

Suppose that many pieces of blue silver grass are destroyed by flames, giving birth to flame resistance.

And in the future of history, these flame resistances spread throughout the group and are passed down from generation to generation.

A Yin heard this and couldn't hide his anger in his heart: "Han Tao, have you forgotten your own talents?"


Han Tao nodded suddenly.

He was visibly confused for a while, and the original plan was gradually perfected in his mind.

"Yes, your reminder gave me inspiration."

"Survival of the fittest is necessary, and before survival of the fittest, we need to set up the concept of 'talent'."

Han Tao whispered softly.

Resistance to fire is a type of talent, and resistance to cold is also a type of talent.

Concealing smells, the speed of cultivating soul power, the efficiency of adapting to pressure, and even luck can be regarded as a type of talent.

"Talent must be diverse."

"If there is no thorough and concrete measurement, it will put the entire ethnic group into a narrow predicament."

She had lost her status as "Emperor" and did not want to deal with her own position, but she still couldn't hide her dissatisfaction under Han Tao's decision.

Ning Rongrong frowned and suddenly retorted:

"Han Tao, how do you know those Blue Silver Grass people have no talent?"

"There are also idiots among kings' sons, and there are also people with extraordinary talents among common people's children. How can you judge the descendants of Bluesilver Grass so simply and kill their lives with their talents?"

Thousands of years ago, the Bluesilver Grass had not tempered its spiritual wisdom and could not give birth to faith, so there was no such thing as intelligence.

Blue Silver Grass is not human, talent is everything.

Han Tao looked frustrated.

The concept of "recessive genes" suddenly came to mind.

"It's me who's narrow-minded!"

"From the perspective of a single generation of Bluesilver Grass, it is indeed impossible to identify the genetic talent of a Bluesilver Grass. More iterations are needed to judge."

"But in this case, we need to consider too many factors, and the calculation method is extremely complicated."

Ning Rongrong smiled quietly.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, weighted 9 times by calculation, was flowing with brilliance in the palm of her hand.

"Han Tao, isn't it me?" Her tone was charming and soft.


Ye Lingling interrupted Ning Rongrong, interrupting her beauty and joy.

"What do you want to say?"

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong was very dissatisfied.

Ye Lingling's pure white dress was close to her body, her eyes were filled with light, and her breath was like orchid.

"You can't kill them. The strongest thing about Bluesilver Grass is its possibilities!"

"Kill those with poor talents, and multiply those with good talents. Several iterations can make the remaining Bluesilver Grass talents stronger and stronger, but it will also lose the diversity of the group!"

Ethnic diversity?

Speaking of this, her attitude was particularly decisive.

"For example, my Nine-Hearted Begonia only has an evolutionary line of Begonia Flower - Seven-Star Begonia - Nine-Hearted Begonia. It can allow me to easily reach the ultimate martial soul, but it also kills my future!"

"At least. A divine begonia like Acacia Heartbroken Red."

"The begonia flower that gave birth to the power of emotion is a possibility that I cannot imagine and cannot evolve."

Ah Yin muttered: "Diversity of ethnic groups. What is this?"

"Structural breakthrough, even talent degradation, even the Bluesilver Grass itself cannot survive."

"This kind of blue silver grass is a decrease in talent for individuals, which is completely disadvantageous. But for the entire group, it is an improvement in diversity and an expansion of the upper limit of the blue silver group."

Ning Rongrong stopped questioning, and Han Tao also recalled the past.

"Four Poison Blue Silver Grass, Dark Blue Silver Grass"

"These two veins have evolved to the end of Blue Silver Grass, but they are not the end of countless possibilities. Only by fading, deteriorating, and starting over on a new road can we reach the ultimate destination."

Blue Silver Dominance is the ultimate path out of the dappled possibilities.

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