Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 46 Research Results

"Tell me, what do you want when you come here this time?"

Ning Fengzhi wiped his eyes, concealed his emotions, and asked.

"I have a guess."

"Shocking has the same properties as gravity pressure."

"I want to find a soul master with shock ability to verify my guess."

Han Tao's plain narrative.

Han Tao did not directly say what effect the shock could have on soul masters, because he himself did not know what effects it would have until it was verified.

"Tell me, who do you want to recruit?"

Han Tao didn't even think too much before blurting out: "Zhao Wuji!"

"Zhao Wuji, Fudo Mingwang Zhao Wuji?"

"Are you talking about the Zhao Wuji who is wanted by Wuhun Palace?"

Han Tao nodded.

Ning Rongrong had attended Shrek Academy and had a teacher-student relationship with Zhao Wuji, so there were ways to recruit him.

Zhao Wuji is currently wanted by Wuhun Palace. If Ning Fengzhi is willing to spend a certain amount of money, Wuhun Palace can cancel his wanted order.

Wealth can achieve many things without violating the fundamental principles of great power.

Using kindness as a bondage makes it easier to manipulate people's hearts.

"Okay!" Ning Fengzhi agreed.

Yang Wudi's recruitment was proposed by Han Tao, and his arrival brought huge benefits to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

The success last time will earn trust next time.

Then, Ning Fengzhi took Bone Douluo and headed to Shrek Academy.

"What, you want to recruit me?"

Zhao Wuji scratched his head, puzzled.


Ning Fengzhi nodded.

"I will help you cancel the wanted order from Wuhun Palace."

This wanted order was difficult for Zhao Wuji to cancel.

But for the Qibao Glazed Sect, they were vulnerable to the wealth offensive of the upper three sects.

"But, I am a teacher."

"Shrek Academy, there are many students there."

Zhao Wuji was a little entangled. Of course he wanted to agree at this moment, but the school needed a reasonable reason.

He wanted to save face, so if Ning Fengzhi wanted to recruit him, he needed to give him a reasonable excuse.

"It's okay. I can provide some funds to Shrek Academy."

"Trust me, Dean Flanders will let you go."

When Ning Rongrong enrolled in Shrek Academy, Ning Fengzhi conducted an investigation on its members.

He knew exactly what kind of person Dean Flanders was.

As long as the money is available, this little thing won't be a problem.

The difference from last time was that Ning Fengzhi personally took charge of the recruitment this time.


Tell me why, Yang Wudi brought news about the fairy grass. After Ning Rongrong ate the fairy grass, his martial soul transformed.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, this is the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, this is the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda that has been cherished by dozens of generations of Seven Treasures Glazed Sect masters.

This is an achievement that the Qibao Glazed Sect has never achieved since ancient times.

In this situation, if you still dare to ignore Han Tao's proposal, then how awesome you must be.

If you miss it once, you know how much you will lose.

After some twists and turns, Zhao Wuji came to Qibao Glazed Sect.

Han Tao came over.

"Excuse me, are you Zhao Wuji?"

Zhao Wuji didn't know Han Tao and was confused: "Who are you?"

"I am Han Tao, the disciple of the sect master."

"I asked you to come here this time, mainly because I want you to assist me and verify a guess."

Hearing Han Tao's answer, Zhao Wudi's face froze.

Just to verify a guess, the Qibao Glazed Sect was willing to spend huge sums of money to cancel his wanted order?

As expected of the Qibao Glazed Sect, they are rich and powerful.

"What do you want me to do?"

Zhao Wuji has a very fierce appearance and a very aloof personality.

But this was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, not Shrek Academy. How could he become aloof and arrogant when facing a new environment?

With the experience of gravity compression, Han Tao's exploration of "vibration" this time can be said to be very familiar.

First, take ten steps back, and then give the order.

"Please use your greatest soul power to release the sixth soul skill."

Zhao Wuji didn't know what Han Tao wanted to do, but he decided to follow the instructions and summon the martial spirit, the powerful Vajra Bear.

"The sixth soul skill, the powerful Vajra Roar!"

The soul power operates in the soul ring, transforming into lethal sound waves that spread from the center outward.

Even though Han Tao had been far away, he could still feel the power of this "shock".

"That's it."

Han Tao recorded the destructive power generated by the sound waves, and based on the distance distribution, he judged the strength of the soul skill's effectiveness.

At a distance of ten meters, the power is greatest, and then decreases outward.

At a distance of a hundred meters, the soul skill loses its lethality.

Three hundred meters later, the sound was almost inaudible.

"Now, control your soul power intensity, use half of your soul power, and release your soul skills again."

Han Tao issued instructions again.

Zhao Wuji obeyed, after all, Ning Fengzhi gave him the money.

"The sixth soul skill, the powerful Vajra Roar!"

The power this time was far less than the last time.

When the distance is less than ten meters, the soul skill loses its effect.


Han Tao started to think.

"Could it be that because the soul power is insufficient and the corresponding structure of the soul ring cannot be built, the soul skill loses its effect?"

This is just Han Tao's guess. He has not done any research on soul rings, so he cannot take it seriously.

In this case, the only way to release the maximum soul power is to use it.

Han Tao stood 100 meters away and began to walk closer gradually.

90 meters, 80 meters.

In the end, Han Tao's footsteps landed at 47 meters.

"about there."

When the sound wave struck again, Han Tao began to deeply feel the changes in his body.

Muscles, bones, and organs all trembled under the force of this shock.

"The first soul skill, fluorescence!"

Follow the changes brought about by this force and make corresponding records.

"After the body recovers, the gain on the muscles is minimal, and it is obviously not as good as gravity compression."

There is no disappointment, the lack of results in research is normal in itself, most of them are like this.

The oscillating ripples are like waves on the sea surface, hitting Han Tao's body layer by layer, penetrating into the skin, permeating into the muscles, and passing to the bones and organs.

"The internal organs are strengthened!"

The arrival of results is always a joy.

"Where are the bones?"

"The bones are not strengthened, but the connecting parts are more stable, which is a second-level improvement."

The arrival of the results made Han Tao feel satisfied.

But this alone is not enough. Exploration must be persevering. We cannot be fooled by the immediate benefits and abandon the longer-term future.

Therefore, Han Tao put forward new ideas based on the results.

"The twelve meridians are connected to the internal organs."

"Running the soul power in the Twelve Meridians can strengthen the internal organs."

"Then, if the internal organs are strengthened, can it promote the improvement of the soul power of the twelve serious organs?"

Han Tao recorded his guess in his notebook, and then said to Zhao Wuji.

"Okay, let's get here first today."

Han Tao said to Zhao Wuji with satisfaction.

Then, he took the results to the lord's mansion of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

For this study, the preliminary research costs were borne by the sect, so he must have a share in the conclusions drawn from the study.

Opening the door, Han Tao walked in.

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