Ye Lingling stopped elegantly and exhaled like a blue breath: "Can the wooden shaft of the Blue Silver Overlord Gun be used as a material for the scepter?"

"Not sure yet."

Han Tao shook his head.

The blue silver cage is a must-have to stabilize the armor's form, while the blue silver overlord gun is the material that makes up the armor's stomach. The two together form the "blue silver diamond transformation" system.

Roaring, soul power surges.

The eighth soul ring transforms the blue silver grass again in a special direction, and outlines a spear in the air.

Wooden pole, spear tip, red tassel.

After cutting off the tip of the spear, Han Tao held the wooden pole in his left hand, connected with his mind, and let out a long breath.

"No! It's too hard!"

Qian Daoliu looked strange: "It's hard, isn't that bad?"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the evolution of hardness has only one quality: solidity."

The sacrificial scepter is not the overlord's spear, and it is not used for offense.

On Han Tao's right hand side, three blue and silver vines intertwined with each other, transforming into a slender and smooth "blue and silver bamboo".

"How about the bamboo scepter?" Ye Lingling's eyes were deep and his voice was ethereal.

Han Tao struggled for a while: "No!"

"The characteristics are there, but the strength is too low!"

Solidity is a type of strength, and the flow rate of soul power, the activity of the power of faith, the carrying capacity of the soul, and even the feel are also part of the strength.


"Did Tang San absorb a Lone Bamboo, and it was a one-in-a-million thousand-year-old Lone Bamboo?"

Han Tao's expression paused for a moment.

Suddenly he raised his hand, and five vines wrapped around it, engraved with a new "Blue Silver Bamboo".

"This time, it's barely enough."

Holding the thousand-year-old "Blue Silver Bamboo" in the palm of your hand, the special hollowness of the bamboo joints allows energy and the power of faith to flow.

However, it is still not possible to carry the soul.

The only inhabiting souls are 100,000-year-old soul rings, soul bones, and some ancient artifacts.

"That's all. Just make do with it."

Han Tao sighed leisurely and projected the transformed soul body of Blue Silver Faith into the thousand-year-old "Blue Silver Bamboo".

On special artifacts, the soul shows endless depletion.

"The impact is not entirely negative."

"The scepter is the position that bears the power of faith, and with the transformation of the power of faith, the upper limit of the soul body's strength will gradually increase."

The weakening of the soul and the improvement of the soul proceed in strange synchronicity.

And Ye Lingling's soul skill "Concentration" can restore the damage to the soul, which means it is another "Purple Demon Eye", a path of spiritual evolution without flaws.

"Ye Lingling, please help me."

"Hold on!"

Ye Lingling shook his head softly, but gave another suggestion.

"Blue silver bamboo does not necessarily have to be provided by Lone Bamboo. Are other varieties of bamboo also acceptable?"

"For example. Nine-jointed green bamboo?"

Since it is material selection, material is everything, and the special "extra growth base" is not the focus.

Han Tao fell into memories: "Nine-section green bamboo?"

Dugu Bo once gave him a soul beast, a highly venomous snake: the Nine-section Jade.

"It is a variant of Bamboo Leaf Green. It is said that the soul beast evolved because it ate a certain nine-section bamboo."

"To be honest, I almost forgot about it."

"But in this case, by referring to its body structure or obtaining the soul skill information in its mind, I can get the way to advance the bamboo joint."

Inside the soul guide, the nine-section jadeite was removed by Han Tao.

It was very ferocious and wanted to bite Han Tao the moment it came out, but it was quickly entangled and trapped in place.

"Nine-section jade, nine-section bamboo?"

"Use multiple bamboo joints to increase the length, energy intensity and structural stability of bamboo."

"In the soul skill information, a single blue-silver vine is surrounding and climbing, and in addition, there is an additional 'entanglement'."

To put it simply, it is vertical morphological evolution with no change in horizontal morphology.

Han Tao tapped his fingers: "Is this the special nature of Lone Bamboo?"

Leaning the innocent book code against the wall of the hall, he took out the quill again and dipped it in ink.


[Other varieties of bamboo grow vertically and gradually rise]

[Only the innate origin of Lone Bamboo can reverse the horizontal structure of the initial genetic changes when it breaks through the hundred-year or thousand-year barrier]

"It stands to reason"

"The extra 0.4 growth base represents the innate origin that can allow Lone Bamboo to break through ten thousand years, but in fact, it can only be obtained by a soul master who ingests the soul rings and soul bones of many Lone Bamboos and refines the system. The valuable 0.4 additional growth base can be obtained by Growth base, this kind of system is difficult to replicate on a single soul beast. "

Han Tao shook his head gently.

The shadow above the martial spirit, the form of the blue silver priest, changes with Han Tao's will.

Five branches are entwined and entangled nine times to form the imperfect and ultimate "Blue Silver Bamboo", and this is just the material selected for the sacrificial scepter.

"Second is the soul!"

The soul transformed and sublimated by the power of faith is projected into the soul ring and onto the blue silver sacrifice carved by the shadow.

The soul body once again showed weakness in the structure of "Blue Silver Bamboo".


She held the Nine-Hearted Begonia in the palm of her hand, and the blooming ripples eased the loss of her soul.

Han Tao extended his attention.

"Finally, the totem texture!"

"As for the shape of the texture."

In a short period of time, the optimal solution to the totem texture could not be found.

So, he suddenly chuckled: "Whatever, just use the eight-petal one-eye."

In an instant, material, soul, and totem were combined. Although it was not the optimal solution, it still constituted the ultimate form of "Blue Silver Sacrifice".


——[Blue Silver Sacrifice] transformed into a beast weapon soul weapon

"Come to think of it, are you successful?"

Seeing Han Tao's satisfied smile, Qian Daoliu shook his head and smiled, but he didn't understand the meaning.

"It's just a simulated form of a soul ring. Is it necessary to waste such a tedious time?"

"It's necessary!"

Han Tao nodded.

Of course, Seraphim is a god-level martial spirit and comes with the Holy Sword of the Sun. Being able to arouse the sword's intention is the offensive advantage of Tianxuan.

Moreover, angel martial souls are born with the ability to control faith, and there are simply no shortcomings in such martial souls.

"Oh, it's not completely without flaws."

"Because the martial spirit is already the highest, so the possibility of the martial spirit's evolution is lost, and the perspective of being a weak person is also lost?"

Han Tao laughed at himself, then held the "Sacrificial Scepter" tightly with his fingers, realizing the power in the new form.

“First, a clear discernment of faith.”

On the Douluo Continent, the complete Blue Silver ethnic group, and the power of faith born over tens of millions of years, were clearly presented in Han Tao's eyes.

With the power of thousands of beliefs, there are only two beams of light, distinct and bright.

"This is a true believer!"

In the eyes of ice and fire, there is the place where the flower of the other side grows.

The elements are netherworld and shadow, and the form is energy and nothingness. Only the power of faith is pure and unmatched by other blue silvers.

"Then what is the other light?"

Within the Blue Silver Clan, no second true believer of their own has been born.

"This power of faith comes from the ages before eternity?"

"The luster of faith has not faded over time, but has shone in the reincarnation of history?"

Han Tao was very curious.

So, accompanied by Ye Lingling, he left in Wuhun Hall.

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