Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 474 Rank, Godhead

"Illusion·Mirror Image"

-Reflection of the World

The colorful lights, stone forests, and leaves are the admiration of the whole world. The soul power and the rhythm of time and space are all rushing towards Han Tao.

"Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion!"

Han Tao straightened his face.

Although it is far away from him, the frost of the extreme ice carves the ground into pure white crystals, spreading towards Han Tao with every wisp and every movement.

"Phantom Fire Flower Cup!"

In the boundless cold wind, a wisp of candlelight is nurtured in the flower cup. It is very small and even looks weak.

But such a "candlelight" has the ultimate rhythm, and the flame restrains the ice.

"Water restrains fire, and fire restrains ice. Before the extreme frost melts, my phantom fire occupies the upper end of the element."

"Really?" The Ice Emperor sneered, harshly.

"When part of the ice melts and becomes a mixture of ice and water, how will your weak candlelight cope with it?"

Han Tao: "You won't have that time!"

Ice Emperor was puzzled, so he accelerated the level of frost.

In the world, only ice and fire coexist, and it is the ultimate ice, with the ultimate rhythm of the flame.


Di Tian watched the battle from the side.

The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was afraid, but it held on to the majesty of the million-year soul beast and did not run away.

It didn't think that the Ice Emperor came to protect itself. She came here probably to devour itself to absorb the same source of "ice" as itself.

"Do you know?"

"When the temperature difference between heaven and earth approaches the limit, it is the best time for the birth of wind."

Ice Emperor didn't understand Han Tao's words.

The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm didn't understand, and Di Tian was secretly surprised. In the eyes of everyone, a slight wind suddenly blew across the junction of ice and fire.

"Listen, the wind sings."

The weak wind, under the extreme temperature difference, transformed into a storm.

Following the foundation of the world, it swirls counterclockwise, connecting the dust of the earth with the sky.

"What do you mean?"

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion looked around.

In all directions, there was endless raging wind, mixed with soil and untold shocks, which posed a fatal threat to the Ice Emperor from time to time.

"Extreme flame, shock force, wind tornado?"

"Human, what kind of martial soul are you? How can you have so many means?"

There was a slight respect in her words.

Originally, she thought that this was just an ordinary Soul Douluo, who would just bully Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, but after the battle, she understood the cards in Han Tao's hand.

"Blue Silver Grass!"

Han Tao's tone was indifferent.

Holding the "Blue Silver Sacrifice Scepter", the "Blue Silver Domination Eye" above the ancient sky, and the "Blue Silver Emperor" on the ground showing the "Macro Nine Leaves".

"Blue silver grass, this is impossible!"

"There is blue silver grass in the Far North Forest. I have seen this kind of soul beast. Human, don't try to deceive me!"

Her voice was chilly.

She looked alertly at the wind that passed through her body.

Ice and snow, wind, dust, illusion, blazing fire, shock, sun, force field.

"Under the scene, the complex and numerous elemental characteristics are mixed."

"And at this moment, I can no longer tell whether the wind is flowing in an illusion or in reality."

This is undoubtedly uncomfortable.

However, Han Tao's shock was triggered but not released, and it was this state of triggering but not releasing, and the occasional connection with the same frequency made her heart beat wildly.

After a while, she finally noticed the person standing beside Han Tao.

"Your Majesty Emperor Tian?"

So, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Emperor Tian was here, Han Tao could not kill the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. It seemed that the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm would only be swallowed by himself.

"Yes!" Emperor Tian nodded.

Han Tao paused and said, "Your body."

"It makes me feel different possibilities."

"How is it possible?"


Han Tao emphasized this word.


The Emperor Scorpion was puzzled, but then heard Han Tao's answer.

"Yes, although my bloodline has surpassed the extreme, but..."

"My rank is obtained by devouring and seizing the Blue Silver King and the Blue Silver Emperor. It did not rise with me."

"I am not satisfied with the rank of the Blue Silver Emperor. I want the rank of the Blue Silver Emperor, the rank of the Ultimate Blue Silver Grass, and this possibility may be answered from you."

The Blue Silver Emperor, of course, has more than one ability of blood stagnation.

The rank of [Emperor] can suppress the Ghost King Vine and make it immobile. It is precisely because of this phenomenon that Han Tao feels strange.


"Why is he suppressed like this? But my Blue Silver Overlord did not have this situation when facing Ah Yin?"

So, Han Tao realized the meaning of [Rank].

[Rank] is ineffective against the core sequence, but it is very restrained against the Blue Silver Grass evolving in other directions.

"Do you want to kill me, absorb my spirit rings and soul bones, and plunder my rank?"

"No!" Han Tao shook his head.

"The way of spirit rings and soul bones, or the way of plundering and devouring, is not a long-term solution after all!"

"I want to condense the rank of the Blue Silver Emperor in my own way. I wonder if you can give me an answer?"

At this time, Han Tao's attitude was not bad, and could even be considered humble.

The strong have the capital of tolerance, while the weak have no power to choose. The only opportunity is to explode after forbearance.

"Human, do you want to condense your own rank?"

"Regardless of whether I know it or not, even if I know it, why should I tell you?"

She smiled contemptuously.

Han Tao is easy-going: "Why don't you look around you."

"Do you have a choice?"

The Ice Emperor's face froze, and during the conversation between the two, the surging wind never stopped.

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion has the ultimate characteristics, ultimate bloodline, and imperial rank.

But she was unable to counter Han Tao's power. She had not even experienced [Same Frequency Resonance], but she was already frightened by the sudden sense of crisis.

"That's all, human!"

"If you think you can make me surrender just like that, then you must have misjudged the soul beast. I am not a coward like Tianmeng Ice Silkworm!"

Han Tao did not refute.

Her expression was indeed consistent with her thoughts, and she was unyielding.

"Human, stop it!"

Suddenly, Di Tian spoke.

Gently rubbing the hair of the three-eyed golden beast, his tone was casual and unhurried.

"Fundamentally speaking, she is also the ultimate soul beast that gave birth to spiritual intelligence. It is not easy to cultivate to this level."

Han Tao thought about it.


"I promise you!"

The raging wind and the surging earth gradually and slowly calmed down.

Since it gives you enough respect, you also need to worry about its face, especially for a strong person like Di Tian.

"Di Tian, ​​his strength is comparable to that of Tang Chen."

"At this moment, because of some unnecessary disputes of will, it seems unwise to offend it."

Rank is important, but it is not that important, because it is impossible for the entire Blue Silver group to give birth to an existence that is disobedient to Han Tao.


As if knowing Han Tao's thoughts, Di Tian still added calmly.

"Rank is very important!"

"The divine [level] is the godhead. If you don't plan to inherit the divine status, you must understand the laws of [level]."

There was a hint of pride in the eyes of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

The Blue Silver ethnic group, or most of the ethnic groups on Douluo Continent, have lost the method of condensing [Rank].

This core ability is in the hands of Ditian and a very small number of soul beasts.

"As long as I don't tell him this, Han Tao will be used by us!"

"And... keep taking advantage of it!"

Thinking of this, Ice Emperor was excited and at the same time quietly came to Di Tian's side.

The corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

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