Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 488 Tidal Body Refining


Han Tao sneered.

Suddenly he looked up at the sky, and within his sight was the divine world outlined by the illusion.

"Sea God, is this the Sea God?"

He fought for thousands of years, oppressed sea soul beasts and land soul masters to provide faith, and with the accumulation of faith power for thousands of years, he completed the transformation from soul master to god.

He disagreed with the angel god and parted ways.

"Since you want to alienate Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong, but you are unwilling to give the bargaining chip of the godhood, is the godhood too precious to you, so you are only willing to give the position of the high priest as bait?"

"Sea God High Priest, hehe!"

Ning Rongrong blinked at Han Tao.

There is a qualitative gap between the peak Douluo and the peerless Douluo, and it is also a leap that thousands of soul masters cannot cross.

This bargaining chip may be tempting for other soul masters, but it is still pale to want Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling to take the bait.

In the illusion, Ye Lingling sent a message: "Is this the Sea God's idea?"

"The Sea God's throne is gone, and now we can only choose one person to inherit the position of the Sea God High Priest?"


Ning Rongrong shook her head: "I don't want to be the High Priest."

Han Tao shook his head casually. Ning Rongrong's abandonment was expected. It would be strange if she was willing to be the High Priest.

"Ye Lingling, the High Priest of the Sea God can breed divinity, which is a very beneficial reference for us."

"It can provide us with a breakthrough idea for levels 94-99, so please go through the process of the God Test, but next, there is no need to work too hard towards the direction of the Sea God."

"What do you mean?"

Ye Lingling was puzzled, and her soft eyes stared at Han Tao with watery eyes.

"Understand the water element, the ocean element, the vast sea element, and the divinity of the sea."

"Because they are part of your Begonia's essence, and even if you merge the divinity of the Sea God, you can use the tears of Guanyin to remove it in the future."

She placed the Begonia in her palm.

The warm energy flows in the buds, which is the ripples of the breath of life and the ocean element.

Han Tao rubbed her short hair.

"Don't worry."

"The Sea God's position is indeed broken, but I will help you find other positions."

"The Nine-Heart Begonia is the best healing martial spirit, and you have now realized the true meaning of vitality. Next, you can develop in the direction of the God of Life."

Ye Lingling's eyes were secretly happy: "The God of Life?"

According to the records of the Tiandou Empire, the God of Life is a higher existence than the Sea God, but there is no news of her inheritance of the position of God in the entire Douluo Continent.

"Han Tao, it's your turn!"

Hippocampus Douluo urged.

Han Tao also stepped forward, and the light of the holy pillars flickered one by one.

White, yellow, purple, black, and then stagnated powerlessly.

"Black Level Five Tests!"

Hai Ma Douluo's tone was indifferent. Compared with the other two geniuses, Han Tao's test level was not good enough.

The black beam of the holy pillar slowly faded, and everything returned to calm. There was a bit of piety in his eyes, and he solemnly warned

"Black Level Five Tests, you must take an assessment every year. I took the Black Level Five Tests at the beginning. After completing the test of Lord Poseidon, you can become one of the seven guardians of the holy pillars."

"This doesn't seem to be difficult?"

Han Tao spread his hands casually.

Hai Ma smiled undeniably.

"The content of the test is essentially the same, but."

"Although it is the same content, it is easier for sea soul masters to complete it, while it will be particularly difficult for you land soul masters."

"Why?" Han Tao asked puzzledly.

He gave a look: "You will know when the time comes!"

Han Tao was thoughtful, staring at the holy pillars that had lost their power. These holy pillars can actually be absorbed as soul rings. The so-called God-given soul rings are the power from the holy pillars.

[How is the level of this assessment determined? ]

[What exactly is its energy, and what kind of judging mechanism is used to determine the talent of a soul master? ]

"But, obviously, it is not accurate!"

Han Tao's mental power swept over himself. At the age of 20, he had a soul power close to that of a Titled Douluo.

The eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve regular meridians were fully connected, and the innate soul power formed a cyclone. The ultimate rank, the soul power of the second transformation, and the martial soul of the divine product.

The blood, skin, and muscles are all the top of the world.

"Such a talent should be planned as the black level five test for me. I suspect that it is not me who has a problem, but you!"

Walked forward, gently tapped the Sea God Pillar, and laughed at himself.

Ning Rongrong laughed and defended: "Is it possible that it can measure other talents?"

"For example, luck, spiritual perception, or some advanced characteristics."

"It is possible!"

You cannot look at the gods from a narrow perspective. When you are not sure whether they have the ability to distinguish talents at a deeper level, you might as well judge them as if they do.

Han Tao had a hint of greed in his eyes: "This ability is very important!"

"If the Blue Silver Grass can also identify talents like the Holy Pillar, then the evolution of the tribe will be much easier."

"Han Tao is like this"

Ning Rongrong pulled Ye Lingling over and whispered in her ear: "Anyway, he can find a unique perspective for any inconspicuous thing and turn it into his own strength, or as a reference for some form."

"For normal people, when they encounter the Holy Pillar of the Sea God, who would have thought that it could be used as a talent selection mechanism for martial spirits?"

Ye Lingling felt a little more happy in her heart, and asked without thinking: "Han Tao, what is your assessment content?"

Han Tao straightened his face: "Tidal body training!"

"Tidal body training for 12 hours every day, for two months!"

Ning Rongrong looked up in surprise: "This is impossible to do, the Sea God is making things difficult for you!"

Han Tao was silent and agreed.

"Usually, it is true."

There are only 12 hours in a day, and to complete the assessment, it means that you must continue to tidal body training for two months, without eating, drinking, or sleeping.

Ye Lingling exhaled: "Han Tao, I am also undergoing this test!"

"Well, I know."

He touched his chin and fell into a long thought.

"In fact, we still have a way to complete the assessment."

"What method?"

"Although the conditions of the God's Test are extremely harsh, requiring 12 hours of tidal body training on the deep sea sinking silver, if you have a clone-type soul skill, or a time-delaying soul skill, you can naturally meet the requirements easily."

"And if you don't have these soul skills, you need a food-type soul master or a healing soul master as logistical support, and use distraction control to sleep intermittently, and hold on for two months."

Ye Lingling shook her head and resisted.

"I don't want to do this!"

"My time is very precious. It's a blood loss to waste it on such dispensable body training. It's better to let others tidal body training, and then I will directly treat the soul power and transform myself, and attribute the characteristics born after others' body training to myself."

Ye Lingling's tone was full of sporadic confidence.

Nine-hearted Begonia can synchronize the characteristics trained by others to itself, and can obtain the benefits of others' tidal body training.

But in this way, there is no way to talk about the God's Test.

"Are you Han Tao?"

A soft, soothing and kind voice came from a distance.

Wearing a white robe, elegant posture and a serious face, she looked at Han Tao calmly, with a hint of curiosity and doubt.

[How could he force Tang Chen to be like that?]

"High Priest?"

Han Tao's expression was a little serious.

But that was all. Even if this was Poseidon Island, she might not be his opponent if they really fought.

"Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Poseidon's tone was as tolerant as the ocean. She had devoted her life's faith to the Poseidon, and her character was destined not to be as unsophisticated as the Poseidon and Tang Chen.


"Tidal Body Refining, there are some problems with this divine test."

Poseidon rubbed his fingers.

The scepter was placed on the ground, and the vibrating breath scared away the fish and shrimp on the coast, causing many fishermen to return empty-handed.

"The test of the Sea God is not harsh!"

"The great God is more tolerant than you think. He will not demand harshly of his subjects to stay on the deep sea sinking silver all day to refine their bodies in the tides."

"Instead, during the process of refining the body, the soul master's physique will undergo some hidden changes, and the birth of this change means that your test has passed."

Ye Lingling: "But."

Poseidon's voice lingered on the island: "You are curious why the God's test deliberately marked 12 hours, right?"

"Yes!" Han Tao nodded.

She was easy-going and smiled indifferently.

"Completing the physical changes can pass the test, but this is a tricky way. It is feasible to pass the test by tricks, but it will also increase the difficulty of the next test."

"And the real meaning of tidal body refining is to allow soul masters to comprehend the relationship between the position of the sun and the moon and the tides over a long period of time. This kind of comprehension is born out of the rules and must be long-term and unremitting, and must be present for 12 hours."

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