Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 51 All Eight Meridians Open

What is cheating?

It is cheating to make the soul master have the ability of a high level at a low level.

Cheating can achieve quick results and bring great benefits.

However, if you believe in cheating for a long time, you will lose your determination to follow the right path.

At this moment, Han Tao doesn't care about so many things.

Zhao Wuji, with all his strength, is urging the frequency of "Vajra Roar". Han Tao has already sensed it and recorded it on paper.

According to Han Tao's test, when his Tiandou Meditation Method is in the range of 71-72 strength, and the Qibao Liuli Sect Meditation Method is in the range of 16-17, there is a probability that it can reach the same frequency with Zhao Wuji's "Vajra Roar".

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, and Han Tao began his experiment.

With the help of Ning Rongrong, he deliberately controlled the speed of the meditation method and prepared to reach the same frequency with the vibration.

For a moment, there was no reaction.

For a moment, there was no reaction.

Han Tao constantly and extremely slightly adjusted the speed of his meditation method, and finally at a certain moment.

The frequency was consistent!

Bang, bang, bang!

Extremely fast reaction, unimaginable speed, quite coherent sound, rang in Han Tao's ears.

Instantly, all eight meridians were connected!

This is the breakthrough of theory. There is no benefit without breakthrough.

But once the breakthrough is achieved, it will bring a qualitative improvement.

When a certain stage is reached, all difficulties will be solved.

In the meridians, all impurities are shattered by "same frequency resonance", and all eight meridians are connected.

Not only the eight meridians, but also the twelve meridians, including some capillary meridians, all impurities in them are completely shattered at the moment of "same frequency resonance".

So, what is the price?

Damage, shock wave itself will bring damage.

The same frequency resonance brings greater damage. Han Tao suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously it is not good.

The first soul skill, fluorescence.

Ye Lingling's three soul skills are released in coordination and enveloped Han Tao.

The large meridians were quickly repaired with the help of Ye Lingling, and the fine meridians were slowly repaired under the effect of fluorescence.

Han Tao simply felt the repair process of the micro meridians.

"It will take about half a month to fully recover."

Ye Lingling has achieved treatment for the meridians, and she can help Han Tao recover the main meridians.

But the capillary meridians look different for every soul master, and they are very, very microscopic.

Treatment experience cannot work on the capillary meridians.

Han Tao can only use his soul skill fluorescence to slowly restore these capillary meridians.

But fortunately, the number of capillary meridians is large enough to go through other meridian branches, which will not affect Han Tao's benefits from using the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower Meditation Method.

After the eight extraordinary meridians are completely connected, there will be a qualitative change in the speed of cultivation.

Innate full soul power?

Even if the innate full soul power is not as good as the full connection of the twelve meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians.

The sixth level of the distraction control method means the mastery of advanced mimicry cultivation.

The main meridians are all connected, which means the speed of cultivation of innate full soul power.

The benefits of the combination of the two are multiplication and accumulation.

In a month, Han Tao followed Ning Rongrong to train and practice step by step.

In a month, all the capillary meridians were restored, and the soul power level broke through to level 26.

The physique, soul power, and mental power all increased by 1.8.

At this moment, the blue silver grass, including the solitary bamboo, has a growth base of 0.6, which is already the level of a medium martial soul.

Seven months later, the Star Dou Great Forest.

Lush and dense, it is the background color of this forest.

"Really fast!" Xiao Yuan exclaimed.

No one could have thought that in just half a year, Han Tao broke through to level 30.

He only needs to get one more soul ring to become a soul master, a famous soul master.

Soul masters are well-known big figures in the Holy Soul Village and even in Notting Junior College.

Level 30, seemingly an ordinary hurdle, is a natural chasm that Master Yu Xiaogang cannot cross.

With the improvement of martial soul quality and the extra growth base characteristics of Guzhu, Han Tao did not encounter any insurmountable obstacles when he broke through level 30.

There were no obstacles, no difficulties, and everything went smoothly.

In fact, Han Tao thought of this moment when he obtained Guzhu. Even if he did not discover the secret of martial soul evolution, he could reduce the difficulty of breaking through the level with this extra growth base.

After level 30, it is unknown whether Guzhu will retain its characteristics.

However, if the limit of level 29 cannot be broken, everything will be in vain.

"Which soul beast should I choose?"

The soul ring selection needs to consider the type and age of the soul beast, which may be difficult for soul masters of small forces.

But for Han Tao, there is no need to entangle at all.

Except for the blue silver grass, no soul beast can make him nostalgic.

Blue silver grass means the origin of blue silver.

"Origin determines everything!" This is the idea set by Han Tao.

With the origin, the toughness of the blue silver grass can be enhanced through "adaptation".

Strength, hardness, and resistance can all be enhanced through "adaptation".

Whether the spirit ring of the blue silver grass can increase the "blue silver origin" depends on this moment.

"How many years of soul beasts can I bear?"

This question lingered in Han Tao's mind.

The number of years a soul master can bear soul beasts depends on the physical attributes of the soul master.

Master Yu Xiaogang proposed the ten core competitiveness of soul masters, and set the maximum soul ring age standard for level 30 soul masters as: 1700 years

The growth base of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is 0.8. According to the algorithm rules, the physical panel of a level 30 soul master is 51-55.

Han Tao's physical attribute was only 23 at level 25, and now at level 30, the physical attribute has reached 34.

Compared to the physical data of the top martial spirits, Han Tao is still far behind.

Therefore, he dare not absorb according to the maximum age of the soul ring.

Han Tao can only find a blue silver grass that barely exceeds a thousand years to absorb the soul ring.

"Do you have a corresponding target?"

Xiao Yuan possessed the martial spirit and showed a warning.

This is the Xingdou Great Forest. With his soul power level of level 62, he will not be in danger unless he enters the depths of the forest.

"Blue silver grass, a thousand-year-old blue silver grass."

Han Tao expressed his thoughts.

There are many blue silver grasses in the forest, and it is not difficult to find them.

"Protect me."

I immediately sat cross-legged and began to use the distraction control method.

Level 6, Perception

The Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul emerged beside Han Tao and began to resonate with the Blue Silver Grass in the forest one by one. The vast blue silver vision appeared in Han Tao's mind bit by bit.

The dense starlight corresponds to the boundless blue silver grass in the forest.

"This way!" Han Tao waved his hand.

Perception gave him guidance, and Han Tao picked a brighter light from the numerous starlights.

Soon, Han Tao came to a clear pond.

There were densely packed strange rocks around the clear pond. Han Tao turned over one of the stones and found a blue silver grass growing inside.

The blue silver grass was very small and looked only a hundred years old.

Open the soul beast book and verify it against the memory.

"This is the blue silver grass. It looks small, but it is actually a thousand-year soul beast."

The appearance of the blue silver grass is usually not used as a basis for judging the age.

No matter how many years it is, the blue silver grass looks almost the same, even the Blue Silver King is the same.

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