Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 66 Wrong Route

Han Tao received a return gift from Dugu Yan.

A bottle of toxin taken from the Green Phosphorus Snake King, with sufficient strength.

However, it is not pure.

But it doesn't matter, Han Tao has studied pure pharmacology and knows how to pick out the part he wants from the chaotic medicine.

Sedimentation and stratification.

Boil and distill.

Soon, a bottle of extremely high concentration of Green Phosphorus poison was made by Han Tao.

The medicine is dark green, like the eyes of a wolf in the middle of the night.

A trace of rhythm is disillusioned up and down in the medicine, implying the murderous intent of devouring people.

"Not bad, perfect finished product."

Han Tao wore a pair of white gloves with a built-in anti-toxic layer of cloth in the gloves, which can slow down the corrosiveness of the Green Phosphorus toxin.

This pair of gloves is worth a lot of money, but it still can't resist the pure Green Phosphorus poison.

"Dilute the toxin!"

Han Tao made a decision, and he dripped the Green Phosphorus toxin into different test tubes.

100 times, 80 times, and 50 times dilution.

Then he began to summon his martial soul:

"Martial soul, blue silver grass!"

Blue silver grass emerged from Han Tao's palm.

Compared to before, the blue silver grass at this time is more resilient, and its vitality, adaptability, and martial soul strength are far beyond the past.

"Dilute it a hundred times, I don't know if it can withstand it."

Han Tao dripped a very tiny bit of green phosphorus poison on his martial soul.

The green phosphorus poison is very strong, but if it is diluted a hundred times, it will be nothing.

Sensing his martial soul, there is no change.

The weak poison can't even cause the slightest injury.

"It seems that I am too cautious."

Han Tao took out the reagent again and poured the 80-fold diluted green phosphorus poison on the blue silver grass.

Still no reaction.

The blue silver grass is no longer the blue silver grass before.

The strength has changed qualitatively, and the overly diluted medicine cannot cause damage to it.

Step by step, test by step, Han Tao is not in a hurry.

Finally, when the green phosphorus poison was diluted only seven times, it caused damage to the blue silver grass for the first time.

Han Tao quickly mobilized his mental power and began to detect his martial soul.

"Third soul skill, Blue Silver Eye!"

The double intersection of perceptions made Han Tao aware of the changes in his martial soul.

Poison resistance increased, activity increased, and hardness decreased.

Growth is accompanied by attenuation, and adaptation itself is like this.

If the increase in poison resistance is removed, "adaptation" will not be improved for Blue Silver Grass.

But with the increase in poison resistance, the situation will change.

Because the increase in poison resistance will lead to the increase in the resistance of Blue Silver Grass to "Green Phosphorus Toxin".

Then, a higher concentration of toxins can be used.

Higher concentration means higher quality, which means that the result tends to be positive.

"It seems that I made the right choice."

The core of Green Phosphorus Toxin is "corrosion", which is a neurotoxin.

The vitality of Blue Silver Grass gradually withered under the corrosion of Green Phosphorus Toxin.

And under Ye Lingling's treatment, it gradually recovered.

"One leaf falls, one leaf blooms."

Han Tao thought of the secret method called "Falling Red" shown by Ye Junlan.

But the meaning is the same, the principle is different.

After several twists and turns, the benefits are weak.

The 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone provides a huge martial soul origin.

The origin is the foundation of strengthening the martial soul, and it is the foundation of everything. Soon,

the toxin resistance is greatly improved in a short period of time.

The blue silver grass has adapted to the "green phosphorus toxin".

It is not completely adapted, but the extreme that can be adapted under the current situation.

Dugu Yan can only provide the toxin of the Green Phosphorus Snake Emperor, which is not low in strength.

However, compared with the toxins in the center of the Sunset Forest that are strengthened by the kiss of the Snow Swan, or the poison of the fairy grass such as the Seven Absolute Green Phosphorus Flower, Han Tao is still far behind.

"If you want the martial soul to evolve again, these are far from enough!"

Thinking of this, Han Tao sighed.

In the Sunset Forest, the quality of the green phosphorus poison in the inner circle of the poison barrier is definitely high enough to make his blue silver grass change positively.

However, Han Tao cannot go deeper.

Although the toxins in the periphery can no longer pose a threat to his martial soul.

But the spirit is the spirit, and the body is the body.

The spirit can withstand the green phosphorus toxin, but the body cannot withstand the corrosion of "green phosphorus".

"Hey, let's put it aside for now."

"The road to the evolution of the spirit is far away."

Seeing that things were impossible, Han Tao immediately gave up the idea.

Qibao Liuli Sect. Outside the library.

"24 points!"

The elder guarding the hall reported Han Tao's results.

Han Tao did not pass.

With Han Tao's level, it is impossible to fail, so there is only one possibility.

Han Tao wants to enter the small black room again.

A more accurate term is the enlightenment room.

The unique environment there can make soul masters think more clearly.

According to the process, Han Tao, led by the elder guarding the hall, went to the small black room.

"Huh!" The guards made a sound of surprise.

"You didn't pass?"

Han Tao nodded with a smile: "I have indeed been a little careless in theory recently."

"It's quite surprising."

"Ning Tian passed, but I didn't expect you didn't pass."

He took out the key, fumbled around, and pushed open the door of the small dark room.

"Hey!" The guard sighed and extended his hand to guide.

"Go in."

Inside the small dark room, the window was wide open.

The light passed through the lush Ningshen tree, and carved a colorful reflection on the precious desk.

Han Tao's eyes swept through the window and stopped at this tree.

The Concentration Tree.

A very expensive category. Ning Fengzhi's Concentration Tea used to entertain guests comes from the fruit of this tree.

"So damn rich!"

Han Tao secretly sighed.

Money is not omnipotent, but once you have a need, you can't do it without money.

Researching pharmacology requires money, and recruiting the Po Yi clan requires money.

Recruiting Zhao Wuji and lifting the wanted order of the Spirit Hall also requires money.

Whale glue costs money, and weapons cost money.

Walk forward and draw down the curtains.

Inside the small black room, it was pitch black and silent.

The last time Han Tao was enlightened in the small black room, he realized the essence of the blue silver grass - "adaptation"

This time, Han Tao entered the small black room again.

His purpose was to refute the last enlightenment.

"Adaptation" may not be the essence of the blue silver grass.

"Adaptation has helped me a lot in the early evolution of Blue Silver Grass."

"But now, there is an upper limit to adaptation, and I can't break this upper limit now."

When the upper limit is damaged, people will start to have wild thoughts.

This is exactly when inspiration is active.

Han Tao took advantage of this opportunity to come to the sect's enlightenment place and began to rethink the nature of Blue Silver Grass.

"So, what is the true nature of Blue Silver Grass?"

"Blue Silver Grass is born with strong perception"

"But the so-called adaptation does not need the help of perception."

Perception is an extremely important ability.

The increase of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower and the treatment of the Nine Heart Begonia can greatly increase the evolution speed of Blue Silver Grass.

These details are all proved.

Adaptation is the essence of Blue Silver Grass and is the right path.

"Am I really thinking too much?"

The path of the Green Phosphorus Snake King went wrong, giving Han Tao a major warning.

Dugu Bo was wrong, so why am I right?

Han Tao does not think he is superior to others, nor does he think he has the so-called luck blessing.

Question yourself, question the path, and you will see your true self.

“Maybe I can start with the puzzle”

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