Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 76 Combat System

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"Does temperature affect the coagulation of toxins?"

Han Tao took out a cold stone and approached the toxin condensate.

As expected, as the temperature dropped, the diffusion rate of the toxin condensate slowed down.

However, the condensed green phosphorus toxin was extremely corrosive. The cold stone that Han Tao took out did not last long before it was corroded.

"Temperature can affect the coagulation of toxins."

Han Tao wrote this theory in his diary.

The theoretical value of the former is not high, and the theoretical value of this one is also not high.

But when put together, the gold content instantly changed.

"Choose a material with cold properties that can resist green phosphorus toxins as the tip of the arrow."

The condensed green phosphorus toxin is stored in the tip of the arrow.

As the arrow is fired, the terrifying toxin explodes in front of the enemy, which can cause terrifying damage.

"If the spirit ring of the Blue Silver Poison Barrier is upgraded to 99999 years."

"The condensed green phosphorus toxin may be able to cause harm to Soul Douluo."

"But. To cause this kind of killing, two theoretical limitations need to be broken."

"The first is the material problem."

In Douluo Continent, the more famous low-temperature materials, such as Deep Sea Silver Mother and Cold Heart Iron Essence.

Perhaps, they may have the strength of arrows, but Han Tao has not verified it, so he can only describe it as perhaps.

These materials have some characteristics, that is, expensive! Rare!

Very expensive, extremely rare.

For the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, using such a high price to exchange for a Soul Douluo-level attack is a negative benefit.

Ning Fengzhi may not agree to Han Tao's request.

"The second is the problem of hitting."

This is the second most critical issue.

Soul Douluo has soul power defense, which can isolate the attack of arrows, and can also use soul skills to knock away Han Tao's arrows.

And Soul Douluo is not a wooden stake, and will dodge when seeing the arrows flying over.

So even if the attack and damage reach the corresponding standards, this theory cannot really have the killing power of Soul Douluo level due to the limited hit rate.

But it is undeniable that in the world of Douluo Continent, toxins have extremely terrifying strategic value.

Han Tao gave up the idea of ​​top-level arrows.

"Forget it, let's settle for the second best and make a second-level weapon first."

"The cold jade porcelain bottle can hold the green phosphorus toxin, the liquid green phosphorus toxin."

Then, Han Tao turned the green phosphorus toxin from solid to liquid and put it in a porcelain bottle made of cold jade.

Arrows made of cold jade can hold liquid green phosphorus toxins and will also have a certain threat.

"The jade arrowhead is wrapped with toxins. As the arrow hits, the jade is broken, and the green phosphorus toxin inside is released, forming an effective killing."

"It is a good attack idea, but the limitations are too obvious."

"The arrowhead made of jade does not have the ability to penetrate and cannot break the defense of high-level soul masters."

Han Tao thought about it and made a judgment on the offensiveness of this type of weapon.

It can kill the soul king and pose a great threat to the soul emperor.

Soul Saints are divided into those who have not activated their martial souls and those who have activated their martial souls. The former can pose a threat, but the latter cannot.

Until this moment,

Han Tao's combat system has taken shape.

The third soul skill, "Blue Silver Eye", strengthens the perception ability and assists the bow and arrow to hit.

The fourth soul skill, "Blue Silver Poison Barrier", provides a source of green phosphorus toxins and strengthens the lethality of bows and arrows.

Using bows and toxins, Han Tao can threaten the Soul Emperor, which is a leap between two major soul power stages.

After forming a combat system, Han Tao immediately began to be eager to try.

He drew his hand and drew the bow, and the arrows of condensed green phosphorus toxins accurately hit the green phosphorus flower not far away.

The concentrated green phosphorus toxins exploded in the green phosphorus flower, but did not have any effect.

This is normal.

Han Tao's green phosphorus soul ring was taken from the green phosphorus flower.

Trying to kill the green phosphorus flower with green phosphorus toxins is like trying to drown a fish with water.

"Do you need me to do it?"

Sword Douluo Chen Xin saw Han Tao's strange behavior and couldn't help laughing.

Han Tao shook his head.

He took out another arrow and shot it with his bow.

The green phosphorus flower was not a pushover. Its trunk swayed and it actually dodged Han Tao's attack.

The branches and leaves waved, and two drops of concentrated green phosphorus venom fell with the movement, flying towards Han Tao at a very fast speed.

The Blue Silver Eye felt the two drops of green phosphorus poison flying.

Han Tao tried to dodge.

Even if he used up all his strength, he only dodged one drop of venom, and the remaining drop of venom brushed against Han Tao's arm.

A strong spoiler appeared on his arm, and Han Tao quickly took out the antidote and poured it on it.

Jian Douluo sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Five scum in battle."

There is a deep gap between ideals and reality.

If you can't cross it, it's a setback, and if you cross it, it's growth.

Han Tao can sense the attack of the green phosphorus flower and calculate its attack path.

Even so, Han Tao still didn't dodge!

Ideally, Han Tao has the ability to kill Soul Emperors.

But the reality is that even facing a 3,000-year-old green phosphorus flower, he may not be able to win.

"I have no combat experience!"

Obviously, this is the reason for failure.

Combat experience and on-the-spot decision-making are of vital importance in the face of sudden attacks.

Soul masters of the same level grow up little by little through the Great Soul Fighting Arena and hunting soul rings in the wild.

What about Han Tao?

Has he ever fought?


He has never experienced a decent battle.

Han Tao calmed down and admitted his weakness.

"Battle experience is not the current focus, breaking through the level is the key."

"At a low level, studying soul ring matching and complex soul skills is a behavior that puts the cart before the horse."

Yu Xiaogang and Feng Xiaotian are typical examples.

The two-headed Swift Wind Demon Wolf, a genius with full soul power, insisted on studying his own soul skills and neglected the cultivation of soul power level.

Han Tao also did research, but Han Tao was different from him. What did Han Tao study?

Meridian cultivation system, martial soul evolution method, these are closely related to breaking through the level.

It can even be said that.

Han Tao did not consider combat power at all in the first 30 levels.

Soul ring selection is always for personal growth.

The fourth soul ring is because he wants to enter the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, and he must choose it if he wants to evolve his martial soul.

While gaining personal growth, he also gains the corresponding killing ability at the same time. This is Han Tao's strategy.

"Jian Douluo, please help me."

Knowing his own path, Han Tao asked Jian Douluo again.

Jian Douluo smiled helplessly.

Summoning the martial soul Seven Killing Sword, he slashed it with one sword.

The petals of the green phosphorus flower were broken into pieces and on the verge of death.

Seeing that the three thousand year green phosphorus flower was seriously injured, Han Tao raised the bow and arrow in his hand again and harvested it at a fixed point.

A purple soul ring emerged from the body of the green phosphorus flower.

Han Tao merged his spiritual body with the fourth soul ring and began to absorb the energy of the green phosphorus flower.

The energy of the external soul ring was drawn to the black soul ring by the split spiritual body.

"The oppression seems to be stronger"

"But it is far from reaching the limit."

Han Tao could feel that the ten thousand year soul ring absorbed the energy of the green phosphorus flower and exerted a certain amount of oppression on his body.

At the same time, the surging "soul shock" swept over.

Han Tao hid the main consciousness in his mind into the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

After a long time

Han Tao opened his eyes and looked at the fourth soul ring.

The color is a little darker, but from the appearance, it seems that there is no change.

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