Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 89: Anti-cracking of Soul Power Frequency

Soul power can isolate amplification.

The soul power of a high-level soul master, soul power of sufficient quality, has specific attributes and frequencies.

This unique property can avoid the gain or loss of other auxiliary soul masters.

"Suppose, my soul power frequency is mastered by others"

What will happen?

"It's like a completely broken wall, an undefended wall."

"Others can penetrate your soul power through the same frequency means."

There are many follow-up means.

Infiltration, assimilation, devouring, subversion, and taking possession.

In Douluo Continent, there is little research on this field, but it does not mean that it does not exist.

For example, same frequency resonance.

"Same frequency resonance" that helps Han Tao open up the eight meridians, if it is implemented as a killing method, how deterrent will it be?

Linking the enemy's soul power only takes a moment to completely destroy the internal organs and meridians.

What Ning Rongrong said was just ordinary, but for Han Tao, it meant more than that.

"Distraction Control Method, seventh level."

This secret method has unimaginable significance.

"Nine Treasures Glazed Tower"

"It's really an unimaginable martial soul."

Ning Fengzhi is not a fool.

Qiluo Tulip helped the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower to make up for the power of the perception end.

Real-time gain, distraction control method, requires soul masters to constantly calculate, constantly change, optimize their own operations again and again, and iterate the auxiliary logic again and again, which is to hone their own computing power.

And "same frequency resonance", unimaginable killing methods, and the "illusion" of gem-type martial soul sublimation,

may be the last piece of the puzzle of the "digital dimension field", depending on the power of the control end.

From then on,

Nine Treasures Glazed Tower has no flaws.

The "illusion" of gem-type martial soul sublimation involves the cracking and reading of thinking.

If you want to gain, you have gain, if you want to control, you have control, if you want to kill, you have killing.

If there is no need to take action, then these abilities are kept as trump cards.

If she needs to take action, she will give everyone a "surprise!"

"My thoughts cannot be read."

"My frequency cannot be cracked."

"My martial soul cannot be restrained."

Just a simple study, three unimaginable and insurmountable obstacles appeared.

Of course, if he does not study, this problem will not arise.

However, the problem exists in the objective, not in the subjective influence of people.

If you do not study and explore, the moment you face it, it may be a life-and-death crisis.

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, the maple leaves gradually falling in the sky are as sad as his thoughts.


Han Tao's thinking and memory

and soul power frequency are all defenseless.

As long as a soul master studies any field and comes up with the corresponding attack method, Han Tao can be easily hurt.

"It can't be like this!"

Han Tao sighed.


On the Douluo Continent, from the Titled Douluo to the newly awakened soul master, they are not defensive against these.

They are like this, should I be like this?

Han Tao denied it.

Respect the difficulties of reality and make peace with yourself.

Han Tao calmed down and thought about it one by one.

Difficulties can be broken down into units one by one, and then solved one by one.

"Mind reading is a special method that uses illusion as a medium."

Han Tao does not have illusion, so he has no way to get involved for the time being.

But the clues have been revealed. There may be a systematic way of growing in illusion at Canghui Academy.

"As for the soul power frequency."

Han Tao summoned his blue silver grass.

Blue light emerged one by one under the effect of soul power, circling around the martial soul.

Deeply perceive, analyze, and draw corresponding conclusions.

"The soul power frequency depends on the soul master's application of soul power."

"Even different soul skills show different soul power frequencies."

Take the Blue Silver Eye as an example:

The Blue Silver Eye in 1100 and the Blue Silver Eye in 9999 do not show the same soul power frequency.

Although similar, they are not consistent.

"No wonder."

"In the Qibao Liuli Sect, real-time gain is a required course."

It's easy to understand,

because the frequency of each soul skill is different.

She needs to adjust her frequency according to your frequency and apply gain.

First sense, then simulate, then apply, and complete in a short moment.

It's very cumbersome and very fancy.

So it must be real-time, and it can only be real-time.

"So, what if it's a teammate?"

After a long period of cooperation, your soul skill frequency will be recorded by her.

The next time you apply gain, it won't be so troublesome.

Just use the previous frequency to apply gain.

But at the same time.

"The frequency of teammates who have been given gain has been controlled by others."

"It's equivalent to your life being handed over to her."

At this moment,

Han Tao opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

Killing people and destroying their hearts, so terrifying! So terrifying!

It doesn't matter whether Ning Rongrong has the intention to hurt herself at this time.

The key is not to be controlled by others.

He came to the edge of the window and gently wiped it from the side of the window sill with his fingers.

The raindrops and dust stuck together and stuck to my fingers, and I couldn't get rid of them.

The scalp felt disgusted, and it was transmitted to Han Tao's mind.

"How to achieve the anti-cracking of 'soul power frequency'?"

"Change your own soul power frequency? This doesn't seem to be a difficult point."

Changing your own soul power frequency is too easy.

You only need to change the practice speed of meditation to adjust your own soul power frequency.

But, is this useful?

Not sure.

Han Tao certainly hopes it is useful, but objectivity is not moved by will.

Reality is often cruel and cold.

"Verify it."

Wiping off the mud on his fingers, Han Tao pushed open the door of the dormitory and walked out.

"Ning Rongrong!"

Turning around, the sunlight reflected a bright light and shadow in the pupils.

Seeing Han Tao, her steps staggered.

"Is there something you want to find me today?"

"Yeah." Han Tao nodded.

"This time I came to you to verify a theory."

"About soul power frequency."


Ning Rongrong bit her finger and thought for a moment.

Then he opened the soul guide, searched for a long time, and took out a book called "Soul Power Characteristics".

Han Tao was a little surprised.

Because just yesterday, Ning Rongrong told him that the premise of achieving the "gain effect" is frequency synchronization.

Obviously, she knows the concept of "soul power frequency".

Then why did she find this book?


Knowing this concept does not mean comprehensive mastery.

Finding books, comparing your own knowledge, and sorting them out will lead to more appropriate conclusions.

This is a seemingly insignificant skill she learned from Han Tao.

"How do you need to test?"

There was a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Use your skills to buff me."

"So simple?"

"Well, it's that simple."

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