Ning Rongrong's doubts didn't seem to be fake.

Han Tao stood there, looking at Ning Rongrong for a long time, trying to see something else from her eyes.

She lowered her head shyly.

"Do you remember the soul power frequency you mentioned?" Han Tao asked.

Ning Rongrong looked thoughtful:

"One of the characteristics of soul power."

"You mean, what happened on the fighting stage just now is the practical application of soul power frequency?"

She covered her lips, with surprise on her face.

Han Tao smiled slightly.

"Not only that, there is another part of knowledge involved here."

"Muscles, strength, and external movements", according to the law of force generation of the movement, strangle the starting end of the force, thus forming an outrageous practical effect.

However, to achieve this, there are two prerequisites.

The first difficulty is, "How to break through the enemy's soul power blockade?"

It's very simple, the theories are linked.

"Same frequency penetration" can achieve a breakthrough in soul power defense.

The Blue Silver Bamboo is made of soul power, inheriting the soul power characteristics of Han Tao, and is synchronized with the frequency of the enemy. Even if it is extremely fragile, it can also penetrate the enemy's defense.

The second difficulty is, "How to know the enemy's force trajectory?"

Perception is the core of the core.

"Blue Silver Eye" wraps around the entire fighting soul stage, taking the enemy's every move into its eyes, and only by taking the lead can you win.

Behind the seemingly outrageous record is a practical combination of multiple theories, supported by the perception foundation.

Ning Rongrong took small steps, little by little, and moved to the side of Han Tao.

She whispered: "I want to learn"

Then, she looked at Han Tao with innocent eyes.

"Want to get it for free?" Han Tao raised his eyebrows slightly.

She is even more excessive than Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi wants to get the research results in his hands, so he will at least exchange them for other things.

He spends money and resources, recruits all kinds of people, or comes up with theories that meet current needs.

But Ning Rongrong is different, she just wants to get it for free!


"For the sake of 2 million gold soul coins."

Han Tao sighed slightly.

Ning Rongrong might not have enough face, but money was definitely enough. Han Tao would not go against money.

Then he began to introduce how to use the knowledge in "Muscles, Strength, and External Actions" to form an effective attack.

"A person's entire action is a combination of many microscopic forces."

"Blue Silver Eye" can transmit body movements to Han Tao's mind from a third-party perspective, but Ning Rongrong can't do it.

Although the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower made up for the inherent shortcomings of perception under the effect of Qiluo Tulip.

But she still has no perception-type soul skills.

Han Tao swung his arm slightly:

"For example, my swing this time uses the strength of multiple muscles such as arms and chest muscles."

While speaking, Han Tao took out a whiteboard.

If Ning Fengzhi were here, he would find that the one in Han Tao's hand was the one displayed in the Sect Master's Mansion.

Ning Rongrong took out the same notebook as Han Tao and took notes carefully.

She had studied this book and had a theoretical foundation, so she could understand what Han Tao said.

Ning Tian and Ye Lingling came over.

Han Tao looked very professional, with the demeanor of a scholar.

The two came over, pretending to study and get some literary background

But it was useless.

Even if the knowledge was in front of them, what's the use of it going in one ear and out the other!

Insufficient foundation is not enough. You don't know addition and subtraction, but you want to learn advanced mathematics?

It's a joke.

Han Tao drew the trajectory of his arm swinging on the whiteboard.

The power transmission process changes at different stages of swinging.

"You don't need to fully grasp the changes in power transmission, but you need to understand the nodes of power transmission."

"At the right time and key nodes, giving the wrong power guidance can completely destroy the integration of the enemy's actions."

"Integration of actions?" Ning Rongrong held the pen, frowning and thinking.

After a long time, she raised her head and asked:

"You mean, such a complex amount of power changes and conduction, the external movement is just a wave of your arm?"

"Yes!" Han Tao gave an affirmative answer.

"This is the simplest one."

"If it is running, you need to coordinate the muscles of the whole body."

"To perform soul skills, it is necessary to involve the mutual influence of soul power and physique, and the knowledge involved is more complicated."

Ye Lingling sighed and turned away.

She knew that these theories were not something she could get involved in.

Ning Tian still stood there.

He was not a fool. He knew very well that the theory given by Han Tao would have a great impact on the soul masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower.

But he couldn't learn it!

He hated his playfulness in the past few years because he couldn't understand it and couldn't learn it.

The VIP of more than 20 clubs is not as valuable as the value of a theory.

Ning Tian was frowning.

An embarrassing voice came from the side.

"Ning Tian!" She called Ning Tian.


"Help me test it."

"No." Ning Tian instinctively wanted to refuse.

He met Ning Rongrong's vicious gaze and shuddered.

"Say it again?"

Ning Rongrong was a well-deserved little witch in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and few people dared to displease her.

Ning Tian moved his lips but did not respond.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as an agreement!"

He smiled and summoned his Nine Treasures Glazed Tower.

The light scattered, and the perception of the unique Qiluo Tulip shone down from the sky.

"The muscles in the body are completely different in static and dynamic states."

Han Tao was itchy for a moment, and also summoned his "Blue Silver Bamboo".

It passed through Ning Tian's waist, lightly.

"When standing, there are 27 key nodes for human body support. Any disorder in any position will cause the soul master to lose balance."

Ning Tian was hit in the waist, shaking and dancing.

But in the end, he still relied on biological instinct to return to the standing posture.

Ning Rongrong thought for a while.

She lifted the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower in her hand and said with confidence:

"Nine Treasures turn out glazed, and Nine Treasures have a name. One is: power!"

The first soul skill, power amplification, was displayed at the node on Ning Tian's waist.

"No response?" She was a little confused.

Compared with the last time, Ning Tian's movements this time were much smaller, and there was no reaction after just a slight shake.

"Wrong position!"

She lowered her head and thought.

Micro-manipulation, a slight error can lead to a huge loss.

Even a slight deviation in position or timing can hardly break the balance.

Ning Tian is now standing, and there is no variable in timing, which is a low-level difficulty.

He circulated his soul power again and applied the amplification according to the node instructions on Han Tao's whiteboard.

"It's really a powerful soul skill."

Once again, Han Tao sighed when he felt the effect of Ning Rongrong's soul skill at close range.

The gain in any direction and any strength is useless for a rookie.

But for a master of micro-manipulation, the functions that can be achieved here are simply unimaginable.

Ning Rongrong is now a rookie.

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