Blue Silver Grass is not good?

Han Tao once questioned his martial soul, but the martial soul cannot be changed. Whether he wants to or not, he has to accept this fact.

"The application of force is mutual."

The foundation of the blue silver grass is on the ground.

The blue silver grass placed on the ground can indeed control the movement of the soul master through the entanglement ability.

The only flaw is that it cannot fly.

It is separated from the ground, and it is separated from the foundation, and there is no source of power.

The blue silver grass does not have the power of "force" in the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower.

Faced with the cruel truth, Han Tao had to admit the reality.

For now, the upper limit of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower is indeed stronger than the blue silver grass.

It is much stronger than the blue silver grass.

Han Tao can only comfort himself: "Fortunately, I have soul bone skills."

"When I break through the Title Douluo, these so-called flying abilities will not be important."

Ning Rongrong's eyes reflected a brilliant light, and a bright smile hung all over her face, like a big bear who stole honey, quietly hiding aside and secretly rejoicing.

Perhaps influenced by her, Han Tao's frustration was swept away and turned into motivation to move forward.

"She surpassed me again, how abominable!"

Although Ning Rongrong's success came from her own theory.

But why, why, with the same theory, different martial arts would show completely different levels?

Flying, whether in terms of style or applicability, is far stronger than the control of blue silver grass.

"What are you thinking about?" Her tone was gentle, but her expression was extremely firm.


"Just some emotion, the terrifying difference in martial arts strength."

Ning Rongrong smiled after hearing this: "It seems that you don't know much about blue silver grass."

Han Tao didn't speak, his face was calm, expressing denial.

"Or you don't know much about plant martial arts."

Ning Rongrong suddenly proposed a concept, and Han Tao pricked up his ears to listen.

When it comes to blue silver grass, Han Tao is still somewhat confident.

But when it comes to the entire plant category, he is indeed not as good as Ning Rongrong.

Botany and pharmacology are closely related, and mixed pharmacology requires spirituality, which is the so-called talent.

Her expression was confident and calm, her eyes flickered with a glimmer, her lips slightly parted:

"There are many things that restrain your Blue Silver Grass."

"Yes." Han Tao admitted this.

"Blue Silver Emperor is restrained in terms of rank."

"Qiluo Tulip is restrained in terms of category."

"Then do you know that it is restrained at the attribute level?"

Han Tao thought of Tang San's battle just now: "Fire?"

He lowered his head and pondered. Blue Silver Grass is naturally afraid of fire, and it seems that "fire" is the most perfect answer.


Thinking about it, Han Tao couldn't help but think of mathematics.

There are several solutions to the answer, and you only got one, the price is deduction.

Can't neglect another level.

"The earth is the foundation for the growth of Blue Silver Grass, and it is also the restraint of all plant-type martial spirits."

"Breaking away from the restraint of the ground and having the ability to fly is a kind of rebellion at the attribute level!"

The Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone has a soul skill that is flying!

This soul skill is a bit abrupt, but at this moment, it happens to be the perfect interpretation of the answer.

"The Blue Silver Emperor has reached the third stage, breaking away from the limitations of the earth and completing its rebellion against the rules."

The third stage of the Blue Silver Grass is something Han Tao can hardly imagine and cannot touch at this moment.

Ning Rongrong bit her lip, with a hint of envy in her expression:

"Han Tao, do you know?"

"The ultimate martial soul is already the limit of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower and the Nine Heart Begonia."

"I no longer have any way to find a way to go further, but your Blue Silver Grass does. The evolutionary path of Blue Silver Grass is open from beginning to end."

"Breaking the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth, Blue Silver Grass will be strengthened step by step, surpassing the extreme, reaching the God-level martial soul, and even surpassing the God-level martial soul."

Han Tao shook his head: "These are too far away from me."

"My Blue Silver Grass, the martial soul quality has just reached the advanced level, far from breaking the rules of the world."

"Rongrong, you shouldn't be so anxious."

The Nine Treasures Glazed Tower is already an ultimate martial soul, with a growth base of 0.9, and because of the special gem-type martial soul sublimation, it is not weaker than the God-level martial soul.

Mastering micro-manipulation, gaining the authority of "force";

Mastering illusion, gaining the means of "reading thoughts";

Adding the digital domain formed by perception, calculation, and control, it is no longer a beauty interpreted by strength.

How could the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower be weaker than an angel?

Ning Rongrong's tone was anxious, and she explained with her hands randomly:

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

"I mean you don't have to be depressed because of the quality of your martial soul, because the blue silver grass is not weak."

When she spoke, her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

Han Tao laughed, he had misunderstood Ning Rongrong just now.

Ning Rongrong said so much, not wanting Han Tao to help her study the evolution of martial souls.

She said this just to comfort herself.

But this girl doesn't know how to comfort people at all, she has no skills at all.

"Oh, really bad!"

Back to the rest area.

Han Tao looked up at the screen, which marked the next opponent of the Seven Treasures team.

Canghui College.

Seeing this name, long-lost memories emerged in Han Tao's mind.

The Seven Gem Team of Canghui Academy can build a seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, which is called the "Seven Shura Illusion".

"In the original book, something happened before this game."

"Shi Nian, the teacher of Canghui Academy, gave Tang San a set of soul bones."

Han Tao couldn't help but feel a little amused when he thought of this.

In this life, Tang San didn't have the energy to wait for the autumn water dew, and couldn't break Shi Nian's high-level illusion.

There was no fairy grass to refine the King of Hell's Post for him. Facing Shi Nian's attack, I don't know if he can survive.

"Probably not." Han Tao shook his head.

Tang San couldn't stop Shi Nian's attack, this is his conclusion.


Shi Nian may not attack Tang San.

Shi Nian will attack geniuses. Tang San, who is level 36, performed a little well in the competition, but he is not a genius.

Even though there was a quarrel between Tang San and Canghui Academy before, it did not involve interests and was not a deadly feud.

Who is the genius?

Who is the enemy of Canghui Academy?

The one who is really in danger is me, Ning Rongrong.

Thinking of this, Han Tao's heart skipped a beat.

"Ning Rongrong is Ning Fengzhi's daughter, if Shi Nian had some brains."

"Don't overestimate the IQ of supporting characters!"

He really did this kind of thing.

If they were not prepared, Han Tao and Ning Rongrong would almost die if they encountered Shi Nian's attack.

Han Tao has no means to deal with illusions yet.

Ning Rongrong is full of hope, and she is not afraid of illusions, but she lacks the ability to kill.

She cannot pose a threat to Shi Nian.

"Whether he intends to attack or not, I should make some preparations."

Adjusting his breathing, Han Tao walked forward quickly.

Gently knocked on the door of the lounge.

"Ning Rongrong?"

After waiting outside the door for a long time, there was no sound from inside.

Han Tao had a bad premonition.

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