The inner circle, which has been bustling all day, gradually quieted down...

Star Dou Great Forest, the core area.

Xiao Wu sat on Erming Titan's shoulders.

A feather emitting divine golden light appeared in front of her.

Slowly reach out to touch.

The next moment, a man's majestic voice sounded in his mind:

"Whoever wins the star feather can do so before tomorrow's time."

"Go to the Dongyu Soul Hunting Forest of the Star Luo Empire to accept the challenge from the star officials, and the star feathers will disappear automatically when the time expires."

Xiao Wu reacted.

An excited smile appeared on the small face.

Hold Lucky Xingyu tightly in your hands.

Seeing as a treasure said excitedly:

"Da Ming, Er Ming!"

"I was chosen by Lucky Xingyu!"

"I've been chosen!"

The titan great ape saw Xiao Wu so excited.

He opened his mouth and finally swallowed the words back.

The Azure Bull Python stuck its head out from the Lake of Life.

Looking at Xiao Wu, he sighed and said:

"Miss Wu, are you really going to accept the star officer's challenge?"

Xiao Wu nodded and put away Lucky Xingyu.

Looking at the three challenge gold monuments in the night sky.

His eyes became firm and he said:

"Accepting the star official's challenge will give you great opportunities!"

"Improve your strength and strengthen yourself!"

"It's not easy for me, Xiaowu, to get such a precious opportunity!"

"It must not be wasted in vain!"

"I must go to the Dongyu Soul Hunting Forest of the Star Luo Empire to accept the challenge from the star officials!"

"In this way, we can see Third Brother as soon as possible!"

Missing thoughts appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes.

The eye sockets are slightly red.

Er Ming looked at Daming.

The two hundred thousand year soul beasts hesitated for a while and nodded to each other.

Er Ming stretched out his hand and gently stroked Xiao Wu's head.

The simple and honest voice said with a smile:

"Sister Wu, since you want to accept the star officer's challenge!"

"Then Daming and I will **** you there!"

"It just so happens that the Dongyu Hunting Soul Forest borders the Star Dou Forest!"

"Da Ming and I will bring more soul beasts there!"

"If those soul masters who don't know how to live or die dare to hurt you, Miss Xiaowu!"

"At worst, let's start a war!"

"Da Ming and I have never been afraid of anyone!"

Xiao Wu happily hugged the head of the titan great ape.

Smiling and moved, he said:

"Da Ming, Er Ming, thank you!"

In the lake of life.

Daming sees Xiao Wu so happy.

The huge ox head spit out some hot air from the corner of its mouth and smiled.

Start to summon the high-level soul beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest to prepare...

Heaven Dou Empire, Fasino Province.

Holy Soul Village, in the blacksmith shop.

Tang San who was training suddenly opened his eyes.

He went out and shouted excitedly:

"Dad, you're back!"

However, he took a closer look and found Tang Hao clutching his chest.

His body was covered in blood and his breathing was unstable.

"Dad, how did you get such a serious injury!"

"Sit down quickly, Dad drink water!"

After Tang San supported his father to sit down.

Quickly poured a glass of water and handed it over.

Tang Hao exhaled heavily.

Take the water glass and drink up the water in the glass.

Then he patted his son on the shoulder.

He laughed and said, "Little San, I'm fine!"

"These on my body are the blood of the eight lackeys of Wuhundian!"

Tang Hao was in a good mood when he said this.

Some of the grievances that have been accumulated in my heart for many years have been relieved.

He began to talk about today's events with great emotion.

Tang San was terrified when he heard that.

If it wasn't for the last father to accept the star officer's challenge.

The soul bone left by mother Ah Yin resisted the thunder.

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

What's more, Tang Hao is one against eight.

Facing the eight titled Douluo Elders of Wuhun Hall.

The last is design entrapment.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out of the body.

"Father, you can come back safely!"

"Recover the injury, the strength will go further!"

"It's really good!"

"Let's leave here tomorrow!"

"In case people from Wuhundian come here in the future!"

"It hurt the people in the village!"

Tang San looked at his father and said worriedly.

Tang Hao nodded.

Suddenly, at this moment.

A golden light shone from outside the house.

So quickly rushed out of the house.

An old man was found with a bamboo and wooden cane in his left hand.

Holding a golden feather in his right hand, he marvels.

It's Old Jack, the village chief of Holy Soul Village.

Old Jack raised his head when he saw someone coming.

I happily patted my thighs a few times, and I was so happy.

Excitedly said:

"Little San, Tang Hao!"

"I saw that the lights in your house are on in the middle of the night, come and have a look!"

"I didn't expect you two to really come back!"

Old Jack's eyes fell on Tang Hao.

He leaned closer and sniffed with his nose.

Satisfied nodded and said:

"I don't smell of alcohol on me."

"It seems that you, Tang Hao, haven't gone to get drunk recently."

"That's right."

"A father should be a little bit like a father."

"There should be a father's responsibility."

Old Jack reprimanded Tang Hao as before.

Obviously very satisfied with Tang Hao's current changes.

Tang Hao and Tang San's eyes fell on Lucky Xingyu.

The two were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Old Jack, the village chief, would be chosen by Lucky Xingyu.

Tang San stepped forward to support Old Jack.

Excitedly said:

"Grandpa Jack, when you got this star feather just now."

"Is there any voice in your head?"

Old Jack looked at Tang San kindly.

With a puzzled look, he said:

"Yes, little three."

"When I got this chicken feather."

"There was a voice in my head."

"Let me Dongyu of the Star Luo Empire..."

"Dongyu Soul Hunting Forest."

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