"I didn't expect you to be here!"

Xiao Wu happily ran over.

The scorpion braid behind her was swaying, very much like her current mood.

"Xiao Wu, long time no see."

"In the past three years, how have you been?"

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu embraced each other.

Both girls' eyes were red.

Dai Mubai and Qin Ming looked at each other and smiled beside them.

Xiao Wu nodded and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

smiled and said:

"Zhuqing, these three years."

"I'm always with my soul beast friend."

"Look... it's Er Ming, it's Da Ming!"

Xiao Wu said while pointing to the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python in the distance to introduce them.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, Qin Ming were stunned.

They knew that Xiao Wu's body was a hundred thousand year soft bone rabbit.

Little did she know that the giant ape, the king of the forest, was her good friend.

Think back to when the titan great ape captured Xiao Wu in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Now Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai finally figured it out.

Xiao Wu looked at Dai Mubai, then at Qin Ming and said enthusiastically:

"Boss Dai, long time no see!"

"Hello, Senior Qin Ming!"

Dai Mu nodded and said, "Xiao Wu."

"Seeing that you are safe and well, Zhuqing and I are relieved."

"That's right, Xiao Wu."

"Both you and Xiaosan were rescued by Haotian Douluo back then."

"Why did you appear in Dongyu Soul Hunting Forest?"

"Where did Xiao San go?"

Xiao Wuxiang's eyes dimmed.

sighed and said:

"Back then, my mistress and I were rescued by Uncle Tang."

"Uncle Tang asked me to return to the Star Dou Forest when I woke up."

"It's before Xiaosan has enough strength."

"If the two of us are together, we will only hurt each other."

"In desperation, I can only go back to the Star Dou Forest separately from Xiaosan."

"Little San these years...should be with Uncle Tang."

Zhu Zhuqing saw Xiao Wu's sad expression.

Holding her hand, he said softly:

"Xiao Wu, don't worry."

"Third brother is with Haotian Douluo, he will be fine."

Dai Mubai said at this time:

"Xiao Wu, I have some good news for you."

"Yesterday, Haotian Douluo accepted the challenge from the star officials in the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest."

"Obtaining a Nine-Turn Great Return Pill can restore the injury."

"The strength returned to the peak and it was upgraded to level 96."

"With my own strength, I fought against the eight titled Douluo Elders of the Spirit Hall and repelled him."

"It is conceivable how powerful Haotian Douluo is now."

"It must not be long before."

"You and Xiaosan will be able to be together openly and aboveboard."

Xiao Wu recalled what happened yesterday.

It was she who discovered that Tang Hao asked Da Ming Erming to do it.

Qin Ming looked Xiao Wu up and down.

asked with a smile:

"Xiao Wu, those friends of yours specially escorted you here."

"You won't also get Lucky Star Feather."

"Come here to accept the star officer's challenge?"

Xiao Wu took out the lucky star feather and said with a giggle:

"Yes, senior."

"Lucky star feathers are so precious."

"Of course I can't pass up such an opportunity in vain."

"So I came over with my best friend."

Qin Ming also took out the lucky star feather and said with a smile:

"It seems that we can accept the star officer's challenge together today!"

"To win glory for Shrek Academy!"

Xiao Wu never thought that Qin Ming would also have Lucky Xingyu.

So the two began to communicate about the various star official challenges they had opened in the past few days.

Exchange experiences and be fully prepared.

This made Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai next to him envious.

The titan giant ape in the distance felt bored and sat on the ground.

Behind him are a few younger brothers massaging and beating its back.

The Sky Blue Bull Python was always vigilant about its surroundings, not daring to be negligent.

The situation here is seen by those soul masters who dare not approach from afar.

They couldn't believe that humans could live in peace with spirit beasts.

Soon someone recognized them as members of Shrek Academy.

Recognize the two super hundred thousand year soul beasts.

They are Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python from Star Dou Great Forest.

This shocked everyone even more.

On the ring, in the cubicle.

Lin Feng woke up.

After washing, open the door and go out.

For a while, he found something was wrong.

The surroundings seem to be a bit too quiet.

And there was no one in sight.

But when he looked in the direction of the east.

What came into view were two huge monsters with a height of 100 meters.

There are countless soul beasts densely packed behind.

These guys are all staring at themselves.

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"Did I go to the zoo when I woke up?"

"Aren't this monkey and this snake with water chestnut too big?"

Lin Feng finally came to his senses, a light appeared in his eyes.

"The breath of a hundred thousand year soul beast!"

"Could it be the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python from Star Dou Great Forest?"

"Is Xiao Wu here?"

He became interested all of a sudden.

As a Douluo fan.

She has a different kind of feeling for the soft bone rabbit Xiaowu.

Lin Feng went to the futon and sat down.

Then I saw a few figures appearing under the ring.

"Hi, senior!"

"You finally came out!"

"Hurry up and start the star official challenge for us!"

Xiao Wu saw a silver-haired man coming out of the cubicle.

Hastily came to the edge of the formation, waved and shouted.

She found that the other party was really handsome.

A little more handsome than Tang San.

Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, and Qin Ming followed.

Several people looked excitedly at the silver-haired man on the ring.

There was a look of awe in his eyes.

Lin Feng saw the young woman with scorpion braids.

At a glance, he guessed that the other party was Rougu Tu Xiaowu.

It was discovered that Xiao Wu was entirely based on her own aesthetics.

Set pure, cute in one.

The proper type of sister next door.

He looked at another beautiful woman next to him.

The black tights wrapped her proud figure.

As long as the charming figure is a normal man, he can't help but look at it a few more times.

This is the **** Yujie type.

Lin Feng judged by the blond man with evil eyes next to the woman.

He guessed that the other party was Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost civet.

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