Try to move your lips.

It was not easy.

On and off.

He blurted out four words.


Zhu Zhuqing frantically shook his head.

Tears poured down.

Choked up and cried:

"elder sister!"

"I will never let you!"

"Absolutely not!"

"outside world!"

"Star Luo Empire to the end!"

"I don't know what happened!"

"But I can do it now!"

"Just try your best!"

"Let my sister get better!"

Zhu Zhuqing said this excitedly.

I gritted my teeth.

His eyes were determined.

Increase divine power infusion.

The corners of the mouth are also gradually.

Spilled red blood.

On grass barium.

Zhu Zhuyun looked at his sister.

Now this man.

Very distressed.

But now she.

The body is too weak.

Couldn't even move a little.

It didn't take long to pass out.

This can make Zhu Zhu Qing.

Scared out.

Hug my sister on grass.

Cry heartbroken.

The body trembled.

The eye sockets are already red.

outside world.

Hundreds of millions of living beings are watching.

above the sky.

Zhu Zhuqing was on the screen.

And the picture of Zhu Zhuyun.

Especially being.

The Luck Golden Dragon counterattacked.

The body is aging.

Elderly grandma.

The dying Zhu Zhuyun.

So sad.

well known.

Not so long ago.

During the Battle of Jialing Pass.

Two empires.

Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire.

Summon an army of two million.

Draw countless.

Academy staff.

Soul master family.

Zongmen disciple.

Gather at Jialing Pass.

Want to break through in one fell swoop.

Then destroy the Wuhun Palace.

Who ever thought.

Contained in the Spirit Hall.

background and strength.

Greatly exceeded expectations.

In Pope Bibi Dong.

Great worship to Qian Daoliu.

When a group of high-level powerhouses disappeared.

It's a breeze.

Disintegrated Wuhundian.

first wave.

The assault of the stormtroopers.

To scare off the titled Douluo Dugu Bo.

With all the disciples of Haotian School.

Sovereign, elder.

Including those of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

all staff.

As a result, the morale of the two empires collapsed.

The morale of the army is chaotic.

Lose without fighting.

Therefore, the Star Luo Empire.

In name only.

Although Wuhundian did not immediately.

Send troops.

Siege and suppress the remnants of the empire.

Royal blood.

But Emperor Xingluo and.

The eldest prince Xingluo escaped secretly.


The luck of the Star Luo Empire.

Long gone.

That's what makes it.

During the air luck challenge.

The challenger is Zhu Zhuyun.

Bound within her body.

The Star Luo Empire was lucky.

Luck Golden Dragon.

whine, despair.

In the end, it backfired and disappeared.

Within the territory of the Star Luo Empire.

A deserted, remote place.

In the remote mountain forest.

There are hundreds of people from the Zhu family.

All hide here.

After the battle of Jialing Pass.

There are a total of five Contras in the Zhu family.

level strong.

Only the head of the Zhu family was left.

Zhu Youzhi and the Great Elder survived.

Three elders died in battle.

lost heavily.

Zhu Youzhi and the Great Elder.

He was also seriously injured.

Zhu Youzhi watched.

above the sky.

The daughter Zhu Zhuyun on the screen.

Watch her become like this.

Old and frail.

for a while.

Old tears.

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