Blood dripping.

Blood runs down the face.

mixed with tears.

But Zhu Zhuqing did not.

No intention of stopping at all.

appear on the ground.

A small pool of blood.

The scene was extremely shocking.

The air smelled of blood.

After a few minutes.

Zhu Zhuqing lost a lot of blood.

Signs of blurred consciousness.

But continue.

Kowtow again and again.


His eyes are sad and uneasy.


at this time.

Zhu Zhuqing's body.

Straight to a standstill.

My heart skipped a beat at this moment.

In the dark.

It seems that there is something important.

Quietly go away.

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head abruptly.

towards grass barium.

Sister Zhu Zhuyun looked over.

She at this time.

The vitality of the body completely dissipated.

Dead air enveloped the whole body.

But unbelievable.

Zhu Zhuyun's eyes.

Wide open.

He stared at Zhu Zhuqing closely.

In the meantime, there is also a deep sense of reluctance.

There is no breath of life.

Star Luo Empire.

Duke Zhu's house.

Miss Zhu Zhuyun.

She... died.

And die with peace.

She couldn't let go of her younger sister Zhu Zhuqing.

Can't let go of Zhu's father.

There are also members of the Zhu family.

Zhu Zhuqing watched this scene.

The tears in the corners of the eyes stopped.

The whole person lost his response.

like a statue.

The eyes stared blankly.

The eyes of sister Zhu Zhuyun.

mind at this time.


When I was a child, I stayed with my sister.

those happy.

Happy, good times.

with the previous days.

The two reconciled as before.

Make a promise to become God together in the future.

Longing, desire.

Zhu Zhuqing is like this.

I was in a daze for a few minutes.

Then he knelt and crawled in front of his sister.

reach out.

Close your eyes for her.

Hold Zhu Zhuyun tightly.

The bodies of two people.

curl up together.

Trembling violently.

Tears are finally like an open dam.

It gushed out endlessly.

In a quiet cave.

Zhu Zhuqing's despair sounded.

Sad cries.

Terrible, depressing.


Wisps of majestic purple air.

Emanate from the surrounding space.

The space was torn apart abruptly.

A silver haired.

A young man in white came out.

Lin Feng looked at Zhu Zhuqing in the corner.

She was too nervous.

Did not find himself coming.

Opened his mouth and said:

"Zhu Zhuqing."

"I want a way to revive Zhu Zhuyun."

"There are."

"It depends on whether you are at the top of the canyon."

"It can be found."

The words fell.

Lin Feng walked directly into the space.

I didn't bother.

react to.

Excited, delighted.

Rekindled hope and fighting spirit.

Zhu Zhuqing.

The body came to the Canyon of Kings.

Above the secret realm of the map.

The voice of majesty spread to every corner of the world.


"It's noon!"

"I declare!"

"Top of the canyon!"

"Officially opened!"

PS: Happy New Years Day everyone!

In addition, on New Year's Day, the author went home to accompany his parents, so there is only one update, please forgive me.

The storyline on the top of the canyon has begun, and the battle between the soul beasts and humans will also begin.

It won't be sloppy, don't worry.

Chapter 213 Tang San Wants to Revenge Huo Yuhao, Yu Xiaogang Wants to Revenge Bibi Dong, and Enters the Top of the Canyon

accompanied by.

Lin Feng's voice.

Spread throughout the Canyon of Kings.

Map secrets.

In addition to being swallowed by Shura.

Poseidon and.

The dead Zhu Zhu Yunwai.

Participating in the luck challenge.

Twenty-five challengers remain.

All in this moment.

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