"My lord, please take back these golden soul coins!"

"Although I am the head of Holy Soul Village!"

"But everything here belongs to every villager!"

"I have no right to make this decision!"

The man in brocade clothes sneered and continued:

"Do you think one thousand gold soul coins is too little?"

"Well, the Chen family will add one thousand gold soul coins!"

Old Jack still had a determined expression on his face and said:

"My lord, it's not about the gold soul coins!"

"It's that I can't be sorry to the villagers of Holy Soul Village!"

"If I took these golden soul coins!"

"The villagers who will be harmed will be displaced and homeless!"

Three soul rings rose from under the brocade-clothed man's feet, threatening:

"Old man, the Chen family will directly offer five thousand gold soul coins!"

"As long as you collect the money and leave Holy Soul Village!"

"The Chen family will naturally have a way to deal with the remaining matters!"

Old Jack showed fear on his face, and retreated slowly.

Hissed and shouted:

"No, even if I, Jack, die!"

"I will never accept money that is against my conscience!"

"I can't do it for my own benefit!"

"It killed the villagers of Holy Soul Village!"

"I...I can't!"

But when his last word fell.

The brocade-clothed man in front of him disappeared instantly.

In front of the huge jade mirror outside.

A number "7" appeared on Lucky Xingyu.

Lin Feng explained at this time:

"There are four kinds of tests in this level."

"Aiming at the four directions of the 'Field of Fortune'."

"Completing each test will give you a point."

"In the end, all four tests were completed."

"Rating rewards are given based on the sum of four points."

Under the arena, everyone looked shocked.

Obviously, the challenge of "desire" is extremely difficult.

After all, people have the seven emotions and six desires, love, hate, anger, and ignorance.

Among them, "desire," that is, greed, is the most terrifying.

In front of the jade mirror in the sky, Lucky Xingyu condensed a word "couple."

Small world of consciousness.

Old Jack's old appearance is rapidly becoming younger.

A man's handsome face appeared.

And that tall, muscular body.

At this time, a woman's gentle voice came from the kitchen.

"Jack, it's time to eat."

Old Jack got up and went into the kitchen.

I saw two side dishes and bowls and chopsticks on the dining table.

A plainly dressed woman is busy.

Her skin is slightly dark, and her hair is simply tied up.

Turning around reveals a cheek scarred by a birthmark.

Old Jack walked over and pulled the woman to sit down.

Looking at her, he said affectionately, "Xiaofang, it's really hard work for you."

Xiaofang smiled lightly and shook her head to pick up food for Old Jack, and said softly:

"Jack, you need to go to the back mountain to cut firewood every day."

"You have worked harder than me."

"Hurry up and eat, and then go to Aunt Li's."

"Aunt Li came to see you in the morning. She is so mysterious that she must have something urgent."

Old Jack nodded and began to eat.

From time to time, the two would give each other food.

You take a bite and I take a bite, warm and happy.

After dinner, Old Jack went to Aunt Li's house.

Aunt Li's daughter Li Yanyan came out of the room.

Greeting warmly:

"Brother Jack, do you remember me?"

Old Jack recognized the other party and said with a smile:

"So it's Yanyan."

"I remember that you went to Advanced Soul Master Academy for further study, why did you come back?"

Li Yanyan took old Jack's hand like she did when she was a child.

muttered and said:

"Brother Jack, I received news that you are going to get married soon."

"So I rushed back from the academy immediately."

Old Jack subconsciously shook his hand away, and said with an embarrassed smile:

"Yanyan, I'm getting married soon."

"Xiaofang and I love each other very much. You must come over for a wedding banquet on the day we get married."

Li Yanyanhong looked at him and said:

"Brother Jack, didn't you like me before?"

"Actually, I like you too."

"It's just that I went to the Soul Master Academy later, and the number of times we met was too little."

Old Jack smiled bitterly and said:

"Yanyan, I liked you before, but we were still young at that time."

"I have already met Xiaofang, a woman who wants to accompany her for the rest of her life."

"I also hope that you will find the man who can stay with you for the rest of your life as soon as possible."

At the end of the sentence, old Jack was about to leave, but was blocked.

Li Yanyan said unwillingly and excitedly:

"Brother Jack, we grew up together."

"No one can replace the feelings between us."

"And I look better than that Xiaofang."

"I don't have a birthmark on my face, and I'm prettier than her."

"My figure is also better than hers, and I'm still a soul master with a soul power of level 35."

"My conditions in all aspects are much better than hers."

"I don't believe you have any reason to choose her over me!"

Old Jack looked at the woman in front of him.

His face became cold and he said:

"Yanyan, I don't allow you to say that about Xiaofang."

"You are a very good woman, you are better than Xiaofang in every aspect."

"But I... only like Xiaofang, and I will only marry her!"

Old Jack pushed Yanyan away and went home.

However, fate seems to be deliberately tormenting old Jack.

Xiaofang fell ill the next day and was bedridden for the next few months.

His condition became more and more serious until he passed away quietly on August 15th.

From then on, old Jack would sit in front of Xiaofang's grave every night and wash his face with tears.

Recalling the good memories of the two of them being together.

Flash past three years.

The people in the village introduced him to many girls, and some of them had good conditions.

Hoping to help old Jack start a family and not be alone.

But they were all rejected by Old Jack.

From the day Xiaofang passed away, his heart also died.

No pink lady in the world could ever walk into his heart again.

In front of the huge jade mirror outside.

A character "8" appeared on Lucky Xingyu.

Then, the word "Fa" was condensed.

Inside the small world of consciousness.

The elderly Jack lives in Saint Soul Village.

He never married a wife in his life and had no children under his knees.

But living in the holy soul village, accompanied by the villagers.

It's been quite satisfying.

Every year, the children are sent to awaken the martial soul, and then the children who can practice are sent.

Sent to Notting School.

Year after year, without interruption.

This has also become the thing that Old Jack is most proud of.

This day, late at night.

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