Choked up and said:

"Young man, thank you!"

"Let me settle the regret in my heart!"

"The old man has nothing to repay!"

"Please accept my worship!"

Old Jack was about to kneel down when he said those words.

Lin Feng raised his right hand upwards.

The power of the invisible formation helped Old Jack up.

Said with a smile:

"Old Jack, you don't have to thank me."

"These are the rewards you get for accepting the star officer's challenge."

"not my business."

After a pause, he took out a pill from his bosom.

He flew over and continued:

"Old Jack, this is a ten-year longevity pill."

"After taking it, you can increase your lifespan by ten years."

"It's useless for me to keep this thing by my side."

"Give it to you together."

Old Jack looked at the ten-year longevity pill in his hand.

I was very excited.

It made him look much younger at this moment.

"thanks, thanks!"


Old Jack said "Thank you" three times in succession.

Today he is grateful.

There are no words to describe the mood at this moment.

Carefully place the mask of the gods.

After Ten Years Shouyuan Pill was put into his bosom.

He strode towards the ring, full of energy.

"Tang Hao, thank you."

"If you didn't send the old man here."

"Today's star officer challenge."

"I'm afraid I'm going to miss it."

Old Jack came in front of Tang Hao and said emotionally.

Tang Hao patted the old man's shoulder, said with a smile:

"Old Jack, when we were in Holy Soul Village."

"I was in a daze all day long, and got drunk with wine."

"It was thanks to you for taking care of Xiaosan at that time."

"This friendship Tang Hao always remembers in his heart."

When old Jack recalled the past, he blew his beard and stared angrily.

He stared fiercely at Tang Hao and cursed:

"Tang Hao, you were really nothing at that time!"

"Little San is only four or five years old, you let him wash and cook for you every day!"

"But I go to the tavern to drink all day long. Now that I think about it, I'm still angry!"

Tang Hao laughed heartily, in a good mood.

Although he was abused by old Jack pointing his nose.

But really not angry at all.

On the contrary, it feels very cordial.

After all, there are not many people in this world who are willing to reprimand him like this.

Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, and Qin Ming stepped forward.

The three of them shouted respectfully:

"Greetings to Haotian Douluo!"

Tang Hao nodded to the three of them.

Old Jack returned the jeweled walking stick to Ning Fengzhi.

Just heard what Zhu Zhuqing and the others said.

Looking at Tang Hao with surprise on his face, he asked:

"Tang Hao, are you really the famous Haotian Douluo in the rumors?"

Tang Hao nodded, straightened his body and said:

"Yes, old Jack, I am Haotian Douluo..."

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was reprimanded by old Jack pointing his nose:

"Well, Tang Hao, you are a Haotian Douluo!"

"You didn't take good care of Xiao San when he was young!"

"Instead, I keep putting more pressure on Xiao San, beating him and scolding him!"

"Tang Hao, do you think you are short-hearted!"

"Little San met a father like you, it's really unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

For a moment, old Jack cursed Tang Hao from under the ring.

Knowing that Tang Hao didn't dare to talk back, he became even more unscrupulous.

The crowd around watched this scene.

Gradually all numb.

Dare to reprimand the famous Haotian Douluo like this.

I am afraid that Old Jack is the only one on the mainland.

He is no longer that ordinary person without soul power.

Instead, get the Amulet Mask.

A superpower who can master level 95 soul power at any time.

Just like that, time flies by.

Night falls.

Star Luo Empire, Dongyu Soul Hunting Forest.

Near the arena, a large number of soul masters gathered here.

Everyone looked excited.

Staring at the silver-haired man on the ring.

Looking forward to the announcement of the Golden Monument tonight.

Among them, Tang Hao was the most excited.

Because tomorrow is the three-day time for him to enter the list of "Defense" and challenge the Golden Monument.

If no one beats his first place.

Then you will be rewarded with an A+ rating.

Bone Douluo Gu Rong observed the sky.

If you find that your fortune is changing, there will definitely be happy events in the near future.

Secretly looking forward to being selected by Lucky Xingyu.

In the sky, the "Attack" challenged the golden monument.

Shines golden light.

Reflect the night sky as day.

The entire Douluo Continent.

Hundreds of millions of beings are witnessing this sacred moment.

The second place is "Ma Hongjun".

turns red.

There was a countdown later on.

Finally, the child's hour came.

Everyone in the audience held their breath.

Invisibly, emotions were pushed to a climax.

I saw the silver-haired man on the futon in the arena.

At this moment, he opened his eyes.

A majestic voice sounded from the mouth and spread:

"Ma Hongjun, congratulations on your second place in the 'Attack' challenge gold monument."

"Starting to distribute B+ rating rewards now."

Immediately, a purple ball of light flew out of his hand.

Turned into a red tree in the air.

Ten fruits with different breaths formed on it.

Tens of thousands of soul masters in the audience stared at the fruit on the red tree.

The blood in everyone's body is boiling.

full of longing.

Tang Hao was equally excited.

He has experienced the magic of the star officer's challenge.

How I wish I could get a miracle drug.

It can make his wife Ayin grow up faster and transform into a human being as soon as possible.

Old Jack stood still.

He just wanted to return to Holy Soul Village as soon as possible, and he didn't want to expect anything else.

At this time, the "attack" in the sky challenged the golden monument.

A holy golden light descended.

Flying over everyone's head, it seems that they haven't found the target.

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