"Qian Renxue, you started the 'Attack' challenge."

"Now unleash your strongest attack and attack Lucky Xingyu."

"Xingyu will give you a rating based on your damage."

PS: The fourth update (4/5)

The author updates a lot every day. A chapter is almost 3000 words, and some are more than that. If you see a typo, please comment and I will correct it immediately.

Chapter 53 Qian Renxue was almost exposed, the beauty is shy, rated B-reward low-profile version of Guanyin Tears

Heaven Dou Palace, Martial Arts Arena.

On the ring, Qian Renxue looked at the silver-haired man in front of her.

An excited smile appeared on the little face.

She was looking forward to this moment, she had been waiting for a long time.

Quickly bowed deeply and said:

"Yes, senior!"

And when she bowed deeply.

The front of the tube top skirt leaked a touch of spring.

Lin Feng happened to have a panoramic view, and his eyes froze.

His little move was discovered by Qian Renxue.

She knew she was gone.

It's just that Dai's eyebrows were tightened, and soon let go.

However, just as Qian Renxue was about to cast the angelic golden body.

When launching a full attack on Lucky Xingyu.

In the distance came the loud voice of the Royal Forest Army:

"His Majesty is here!"

Immediately, one or two hundred people gathered near the ring.

They all saluted Emperor Xue Ye and shouted:

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Qian Renxue on the ring could only stop attacking.

Also salute:

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Bibi Dong held the gem scepter and looked over.

He said with a smile: "Your Majesty!"

Emperor Xue Ye looked exhausted, obviously he hadn't slept all night.

And troubled.

Looking at Bibi Dong, he responded, "Your Majesty the Pope!"

Looking at the people around him, he said:

"You are welcome!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone just got up.

Then he saw Emperor Xue Ye walking quickly to the edge of the ring.

Facing the silver-haired man on the futon.

The voice of arching hands is slightly flattering and said:

"Xue Ye, I met senior!"

Suddenly, the audience fell silent.

There was no sound, the silence was terrifying.

No one would have thought of the majestic Heaven Dou Emperor Xue Ye.

Even when facing the star official, his posture was so low.

He also lowered his identity to call himself "Snow Night".

Call each other seniors.

Even Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue showed shocked expressions.

On the futon, Lin Feng glanced at Emperor Xue Ye.

There was no point in getting up to greet him.

Said softly:

"I don't know why your Majesty came to look for me?"

His indifferent attitude made his jaw drop again.

Meeting Emperor Tiandou is so unscrupulous.

Looking at the forces of all parties, I am afraid that only the senior dared to do so.

Emperor Xue Ye did not because of the other party's attitude.

If you feel displeased or angry, you feel that a superior person should have the posture of a superior person.

Xue Ye said with a smile:

"Senior, Tiandou Palace last night!"

"The prince's palace was bloodbathed by assassins, and the prince was even taken away!"

"So far there is no news!"

"I also hope that the senior can take action to save the prince!"

"Xue Ye must remember it in his heart, no matter what price he will pay!"

"Senior, please!"

After Emperor Xue Ye finished speaking, he turned to the silver-haired man on the ring.

Clasped fists and bowed deeply.

Such an incredible scene.

It shocked everyone in the audience.

There was no reaction for a while.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Xue Ye would be so humbly begging senior.

Take action to rescue the prince Xue Qinghe.

Everyone looked at senior in unison, expecting him to make a decision.

But Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, and Gui Mei were already panicked.

They all know the strength of the senior, it is mysterious and unpredictable.

If senior really wants to help Emperor Xue Ye with this favor.

Rescue "Xue Qinghe," then Qian Renxue's identity will definitely be exposed.

On the ring, Qian Renxue's face remained unchanged.

But breathing became uncontrollable and became rapid.

When she looked up, she just found the silver-haired man on the futon.

He cast a playful look, and instantly withdrew it.

Qian Renxue was completely panicked.

She was 100% sure that the senior had already seen through her identity.

"What should I do now...?"

"Could it be that you have worked so hard to undercover the Tiandou Empire for so many years?"

"Is it really going to fall short?"

"This is the hard work and hard work of countless people in Wuhundian for more than ten years!"

"Now you want to destroy it in my hands!"

"Grandpa, I'm sorry!"

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been so greedy!"

"I have to come to accept the star officer's challenge, and I want to reward..."

Qian Renxue has always been aloof, her emotions and anger are not shown on her face.

But at this moment, pain and regret appeared on his face.

Just when she was mentally prepared to break through with all her strength.

Lin Feng on the futon looked at Emperor Xue Ye.

Opened his mouth and said:

"Your Majesty, the prince is destined to have such a catastrophe."

"But auspicious people have their own appearance."

"It won't take long to tide over the difficulties."

"If Your Majesty has nothing else to do."

"Then the people in the arena will start to challenge."

Emperor Xue Ye was originally in a heavy and sad mood.

This moment is much better, with a happy face.

These days, the challenge of star officials has created one miracle after another.

So what Emperor Xue Ye said to seniors.


Quickly bowed down and said:

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion, Xue Ye understands!"

"You continue to accept the challenge of the star officials, continue!"

"Senior, I still have important matters to deal with, so I will leave!"

Then, Emperor Xue Ye turned around and left.

Everyone around the arena was extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the majestic Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire would show such respect in front of the star officials.

This made them have to re-examine the identity and status of star officials.

Liu Erlong, Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, Qian Renxue.

All four women focused their eyes on the futon.

On the silver-haired man with a calm expression from beginning to end.

Liu Erlong compared Yu Xiaogang with his predecessors.

Finding that there is no comparison at all, it is an insult to the predecessors.

Hu Liena looked at her senior with tender eyes, full of admiration.

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