One word "exposure" emerged.

PS: The third update (3/5)

I have to go out temporarily, and the remaining two chapters will not be updated until the early hours of the morning, so please wake up tomorrow and read them again.

Chapter 62 Challenging mission Ghost and Bibi duel

Martial arts arena, above the arena.

Lin Feng looked at the adventurous Xingyu in the sky.

Turned into two adventure cards.

Looking at the ghost in front of him, he said:

"Ghost, you have started an adventure challenge."

"Now you can choose from two adventures."

"Choose one to challenge."

"The first is exposure risk."

"It's about exposing a little-known secret about yourself."

"Adventure Xingyu will be based on the degree of exposure, effects and other aspects."

"Give ratings and rewards."

"The second is to challenge and take risks."

"That is to randomly issue a challenge mission."

"As long as you do it on the spot."

"Adventure Xingyu will complete the effect according to the degree of completion."

"Give ratings and rewards."

"Now you have a minute to choose."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and settled down.

Everyone under the ring stared at the top of the ring.

Two adventure cards made from adventure stars.

I didn't expect to expose the adventure as long as one of my own secrets is exposed.

The challenge adventure is to complete a challenge task on the spot.

of these two adventures.

Obviously the exposure adventure of the first kind looks.

Easier to do.

After all, you only need to expose your own secrets.

Just don't know how the ratings are judged.

Everyone is very curious about this.

He cast an expectant gaze towards the ghost.

Dai Mubai and Hu Liena concentrated on staring at the ghosts on the ring.

The two of them are also today's adventure star feather holders.

Faced with this unprecedented.

Brand new adventure challenges.

They all hope to find some experience from ghosts and ghosts.

In the arena.

The ghostly eyes are "exposing" the adventure card.

There are also "challenges" to wander between adventure cards.

Ended up staying on the "challenge" adventure card.

He looked at the silver-haired man on the ring.

saluted respectfully and said:

"Senior, I choose to accept the challenge!"

On the futon.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and nodded.

Raise your hand and use the power of a formation.

Among the "challenge" adventure cards played in the air.

next moment.

"Challenge" on the adventure card.

A paragraph of text is gradually revealed by the blue light.

Challenge task:

Ghosts, now they are going to fight Bibi Dong with all their might.

After the words on the adventure card were revealed.

Everyone under the ring subconsciously froze.

Unexpectedly, the adventure challenge was opened.

Challenging Adventure Challenge missions for the first time.

It turned out to be a duel between ghosts and Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace.

Although ghosts belong to Wuhundian.

Title Douluo Elder.

But the soul power is only level 95.

Bibi Dong is the Pope of Spirit Hall.

The soul power has reached the 98th level Super Douluo level.

If the ghost fights Bibi Dong.

There will be a risk of falling.

Otherwise, it will not meet the requirements of the challenge task: do your best.

Everyone looked at the ring in unison.

Ghost Douluo Gui Mei with a startled expression.

Bibi Dong held a gem scepter in her hand, with a strange expression on her face.

On the stage, Lin Feng continued:

"Ghost, the adventure card has given a challenge mission."

"You can choose to take it or leave it."

"Choose now."

Ghost stared closely at the "Challenge" adventure card in the air.

Clenched fists.

His eyes were full of determination.

He looked at the silver-haired man on the ring.

Ning Sheng said:

"Senior, I choose to accept the mission!"

"Duel with the Pope!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Fly out of the arena with the power of a formation.

Wrap Bibi Dong underneath.

Take it to the arena.

Then play the power of the second formation.

Create an ancient battlefield in the sky.

Slowly said:

"You two, now go to the duel in the ancient battlefield."

The ghost looked towards Bibi and bowed eastward:

"Master Pope, in order to complete the challenge mission!"

"excuse me!"

Immediately, he took the lead in flying into the air.

Enter the ancient battlefield.

Bibi Dong looked at the silver-haired man on the futon.


Just now she was brought to the arena by the power of the formation.

It was completely suppressed, without any resistance.

Then look at the ghost that entered the ancient battlefield.

Holding the gem scepter in hand, he flew into the air.

Enter the ancient battlefield.

Lin Feng's majestic voice sounded:

"Duel, start!"

Following his announcement, the sound fell.

Everyone in the audience is Ghost Douluo Ghost.

Squeezed a sweat.

Everyone knows what the standard of the challenge mission is.

How can it be considered to complete the task?

Among the ancient battlefields.

Enter the ghosts and Bibi Dong here.

Both of them were attracted by this small world.

Influenced by the boundless killing atmosphere.

The eyes of each other became fierce.

The blood in the body is boiling.

The body is desperate to fight.

Ghost still maintained a sliver of sanity.

He stared at Pope Bibi Dong in front of him.

Staring at this woman, he did not make a move.

He is hesitating.

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