An out-of-control mud truck rushed to the side of the road, and the tires made a harsh friction sound with the ground.

The young man who was playing with his mobile phone took his eyes away from the screen and looked up in the direction of the sound.

Looking at the huge monster rushing towards him, he opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes were full of fear.


The world fell into darkness.


Amon rubbed his head, looking a little confused.

Soon, this confusion turned into a sudden realization. He traveled through time, twice in a row...

But I was obviously the one driving, why was it me?

The first time he traveled through time and became an incarnation of the twin gods Amon, and became a part of "Amon".

It was not a simple replacement, but a fusion.

With the memory and personality of the traveler as the main guide, he merged the fate of the incarnation of "Amon". He forgot his past name and only knew that he was "Amon".

The traveler Amon did not stay in the mysterious world for long, just two seconds, because the time and place he traveled through were not very friendly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a vague figure.

This figure was wearing a layered but simple black dress, dotted with countless stars.

He was as huge as a mountain, with a pair of arms covered with dark black short hair between his ribs and waist, but he had a beautiful and gentle face covered with a thin black veil.

He was majestic, beautiful, mysterious, and gave people a fear that went deep into the soul.

The Goddess of Night!

As soon as he crossed over, he was in the center of the battlefield where the Goddess of Night and the twin gods Amon fought in the Honachis Mountains!

A long scythe passed by, and then... nothing happened...

The memory of the mysterious world ended here.

The traverser Amon realized what had happened. He was deliberately sent to the goddess' attack by the body of the mysterious Amon.

No wonder Amon's body made such a choice. The consciousness revived in someone else's body, this was the method of the "old days"!

The mysterious Amon mistakenly thought he was the consciousness of the "Tianzun" who had revived, and he had no extra energy to verify it in the battle of gods. That was the critical moment when he and Klein competed for the position of "Lord of the Mysteries".

So he was sent to the most dangerous and chaotic place on the battlefield, using the simplest and crudest method to temporarily eliminate this potential danger.

He didn't even dare to steal the idea of ​​this abnormal clone and make more attempts.

It is estimated that for a moment, he was also scared.

The time traveler Amon pinched his right eye socket and sorted out the memories in his mind.

The memory of the time traveler is the main body, and Amon's memory is not much, only about the use of extraordinary power, in addition, there are fragmentary memory fragments of the body he now occupies.

Soul master, soul beast, spirit hall, Tiandou Empire... This is the world of Douluo Continent.

This body is currently twelve years old and is a thirteenth-level soul master. He lives in Shengen Village near Shuangye City in the northern province of Tiandou Empire.

The spirit was originally a fat and plump green worm. After Amon's soul settled in, the spirit changed and became a translucent worm with twelve rings and star-like colors.

This is the time worm with the characteristics of the star worm!

The original owner was a lucky guy. Although he was only level 13 and was just a civilian soul master, he had a hundred-year soul ring and an external soul bone!

The soul ring came from a two-hundred-year-old thief monkey. The soul skill was to hide the external performance of his own soul ring, so that there would be no light and shadow effects when it was activated, and there would be no soul power fluctuations.

After the martial soul mutated, the soul skill also changed a little, similar to the ability brought by the bug path sequence nine "thief".

The changed soul skill brought Amon a permanent passive effect and an active effect.

Permanent passive effect: slightly improve agility, control of one's own body, and soul power control, and then increase the increase synchronously with the increase of soul power level.

When actively activated, it can "steal" the expressiveness of one's own martial soul, soul ring, and soul skill, making the martial soul and soul ring imperceptible, and the soul skill will only be noticed by others after leaving the body. The "expressiveness" is stored in the soul ring and "returned" to oneself at the right time, which can create a huge effect and intimidate the opponent.

"Heh, it's quite fitting..." Amon chuckled.

Douluo's spirit ring system corresponds exactly to the nine sequences of the mysterious potion. Amon thinks that the abilities of each stage of the potion system can be used as a reference for obtaining spirit rings in the future.

This body has very few memories left, mostly information about the village.

Amon can learn little about the outside world through these memory fragments.

But the Spirit Hall still exists, which means that the timeline is still in the first part of Douluo Continent. He feels that he needs to confirm what time point it is now.

This is very important and is related to his future position.

The "creaking" sound of the door opening interrupted Amon's thinking. He was a little confused. Who would come to visit the original owner at this time? It's just dawn now!

Just as he was about to go downstairs to take a look, he stopped again.


Breaking into someone else's house without knocking on the door or the owner's consent is obviously not a friendly gesture.

Amon felt the weakness coming from his body and his face became ugly.

The original owner died last night. He drank water that had been left for a day before he died, and lost his life in cramps in his abdomen.

And the next day after his death, someone broke into the house without knocking early in the morning...

All signs indicate that the original owner's death was not an accident.

Realizing this, Amon dared not move anymore, and even breathed more lightly, fearing to disturb the uninvited guests below.

Perhaps it was the sequelae of death and resurrection, his current state was very bad, his soul power was only one tenth of it, and his body was so weak that he couldn't even clench his fists.

Relying on the control of his body brought by the first soul ring, he walked to the stairs without making any sound, leaned down, and peeked at the first floor through the gap in the stairs.

I saw a hunchbacked old man holding a long-handled fork, tiptoeing into the house. He was wearing a brown linen shirt, and his blue pants didn't fit well, only covering half of his calf. There was a hole in the tip of his right shoe, revealing two toes.

He had sparse hair, brown spots on his face, loose skin piled up grooves on his face, and a tumor on his chin, which looked hideous in the dim light.

Amon recognized at a glance that this was the street urchin that everyone in the village hated, Old Quinn.

It is said that he was born with half-level soul power, which can be regarded as a little soul master talent.

But his family did not support his cultivation due to financial conditions, so Quinn was only a sixth-level soul master at his age.

The original owner had little interaction with Old Quinn. The most recent communication was that Old Quinn wanted to borrow money from him, but was rejected.

Lack of money, poor character, and breaking into the house at such a delicate time...

Amon felt that the matter was obvious.

There was only one truth...

The murderer who caused the original owner's death was Old Quinn!

The original owner had more than a dozen gold coins, some of which were the inheritance left by his father, and some of which he earned himself.

For most villagers in Shengen Village, more than a dozen gold coins are a large sum of money, and few families can save this amount.

Amon guessed that it was probably because Old Quinn got greedy and came to his house to steal while the original owner was away, but he didn't find anything. He guessed that he carried the coins with him, so he poisoned the water.

After waiting for a night, he came to collect his spoils early the next morning.

Old Quinn's soul power was not high, and he was old and weak. His overall strength was equivalent to that of an ordinary middle-aged man without soul power.

If Amon was in good condition, he would certainly not be afraid.

Even if his martial soul was not the type that was good at frontal combat, even if he was only level 13, the advantage of a soul master over an ordinary person was almost overwhelming.

Unfortunately, there was no if. The current Old Quinn was indeed a big threat to Amon.

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