Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 159 This rabbit seems delicious

The azure bull python poked its head out of the water, its huge head intimidating.

It stared at the handsome man with flowing long hair by the water with its eyes, and said with a hint of doubt: "Human?"

"You little guy now, don't you recognize me anymore?" Di Tian had a smile on his face and exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

The vast abyss of soul power fluctuations, carrying the power of the bloodline of the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King, struck like a terrifying pressure from the sky. The Azure Bull Python instantly broke out in cold sweat and was too frightened to move.

It was as if he had returned to his childhood, facing a terrifying predator. No, it was a bigger gap than that. The man in front of him gave him not only the pressure of his aura, but also the urge to worship him.

"You...who are you?" The Azure Bull Python vaguely knew that there was a group of terrifying soul beasts hidden in the real core area of ​​the forest. They were the real kings of the Star Dou Forest.

"My name is Ditian, you can also call me the Beast God."

Beast God... these two simple words shocked the Azure Bull Python. It prostrated its head on the soil to show respect to this soul beast king.

The oppression from the depths of the bloodline and the terrifying soul pressure made it convinced of its identity. If it wasn't the Beast God, how could it have such terrifying power and such terrifying bloodline?

"Great Lord of Soul Beasts, what are your orders?"

At this moment, a little golden beast with a body like a lion, four claws like a dragon, and flames on its feet, about one and a half meters long ran over.

"Ditian, Ditian, I can't feel that fate has not given me a more accurate revelation." It said in a childlike voice.

"Huh? Who is this?" The three-eyed golden tiger looked at the azure bull python, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

The emperor’s auspicious beast!

The moment he saw the three-eyed golden python, the Azure Bull Python understood the identity of the other party. It was a hint from the depths of his bloodline.

As a result, Azure Bull Python's attitude became even more respectful.

"Da Ming!" Sensing the pressure and worrying about the Azure Bull Python, the Titan ape arrived. It was very aggressive when it came, but as soon as it saw Di Tian and the auspicious beast, it braked suddenly and plowed two tracks on the ground with its feet. Gully.

A pair of small eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief: "Auspicious beast?"

It suddenly remembered that in the past, their cultivation was extremely slow. Until about five thousand years ago, the progress of cultivation suddenly accelerated a lot, which played an important role in it crossing the threshold of one hundred thousand years.

Now, it understands the reason. The accelerated speed of cultivation is because of the birth of the auspicious beast!

The three-eyed golden beast turned his gaze to the girl in the white dress sitting on the shoulders of the Titan ape, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Just now, it noticed a slight disturbance in fate. The soul beast's fate of extinction seemed to be related to the girl in front of it, but it was very vague, so it was not sure.

It twitched its nose and said, "This rabbit looks delicious."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape immediately changed, while Xiao Wu looked frightened.

"Run!" the Azure Bull Python roared.

Facing auspicious beasts, they dare not show any resistance. Even if they are regarded as food, they will at most run away instead of attacking.

What's more, Di Tian was watching from the side. At this moment, the Azure Bull Python was ready to wake up and planned to use his own life to buy Xiao Wu and the Titan Giant Ape time to escape.

"If you like, just eat her." Di Tian said with a doting look on his face.

The terrifying pressure held the Titan Giant Ape firmly in place. Under the double pressure of this soul power mixed with the power of blood, it was impossible for it to even move.

Even though its life was threatened, even though its favorite sister Xiao Wu was about to become food, its body's instinct defied its will, and it could only watch in despair as the golden little beast approached step by step.

"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous. I'm just joking. Under normal circumstances, I won't eat a soul beast with complete intelligence." Rui Beast said with a smile.

"But why do you smell like fate? The huge disaster I perceive seems to have some intersection with you."

Rui Shou's words attracted Di Tian's attention, and he cast his gaze on Xiao Wu, making the latter's heart tremble.

Just looking at her made her soul tremble.

"I, I don't know what you are talking about." Xiao Wu said tremblingly.

Ditian explained: "The auspicious beasts saw a huge disaster approaching the Star Dou Forest, which may cause the destruction of the soul beasts. We are here to investigate the cause. Have you had contact with humans before?"

Xiao Wu quickly said: "Yes, because the soul beast transformed, if you want to continue practicing, you must feel the breath of human beings, so I blended into human society."

"Oh, what a bold move." Di Tian shook his head, "Then have you ever met anyone special? A very special kind."

"You mean, it's humans who bring disaster?"

"Not necessarily, but it's very possible for humans." Di Tian nodded.

A special person... Xiao Wu thought of Tang San immediately. To her, there was no one more special than Tang San... She didn't know how the third brother was doing now... She thought divergently.

However, the auspicious beast was definitely not talking about the third brother. The third brother was so kind and gentle, how could he harm the soul beast?

Xiao Wu immediately excluded Tang San, and then she began to seriously think about who might bring devastating disaster to the spirit beast.

She thought of Bibi Dong, the contemporary pope of Wuhun Palace. Her mother died at the hands of Bibi Dong, and she herself was almost killed by him. Who was most likely to bring disaster to the soul beast, it was her. .

Then, a man wearing a black robe, a pointed hat, and a monocle on his right eye appeared in her mind.

It was because of him that his "heartbroken red" left his body and revealed his identity as a soul beast.

If there is any abnormality, there seems to be no bigger abnormality than that a young man in his twenties has the strength of a titled Douluo.

Moreover, his outstanding talent shows that he may become an unparalleled powerhouse that dominates the world in the future. If he wants to harm the Star Dou Forest, it may indeed have a catastrophic impact.

After Xiao Wu pondered briefly, she organized her words and said:

"There are two targets. One is the contemporary Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace. She has great malice towards soul beasts. My mother died at her hands.

"There is another one, a young soul master named Amon. He is only in his twenties, but he already has power comparable to a titled Douluo."

Ditian didn't know much about human beings, but he also knew some basic things.

A Pope of the Spirit Hall who could kill a hundred thousand year old soul beast was not worth mentioning, but a young man in his twenties who could rival a titled Douluo was a bit eye-catching. This was not a talent that he thought humans could have!

"Tell me about that young man." Di Tian said in a deep voice.

"I don't know much about him. I just met him at the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition..." Xiao Wu told everything she knew about Amon.

"Are you talking about me?" A young man wearing a black robe and a pointed hat sat on the branch of a tree not far away and said with a smile.

This is the clone of Amon who followed the guidance of the "Lovesick Red" Worm of Time and went deep into the Star Forest.

The moment he saw the auspicious beast, the time clones had already passed the news through each Amon in a relay style.

Amon successfully confirmed one thing, that is, his large-scale hunting of soul beasts indeed attracted the attention of the ferocious beasts deep in the Star Dou Forest.

After confirming this, his clones immediately shrank and evacuated quickly, leaving only the necessary few. He did not want to be targeted by Di Tian and suffer unnecessary losses.

The moment he saw the young man in black robe, the three-eyed golden man suddenly became furious, "It's him, it's him, it's him, our enemy..."

Amon's smile faded slightly. The performance of the three-eyed golden beast showed that it had the ability to feel the threat to the spirit beasts to a certain extent, and also proved that he, an "outsider", was also under the shadow of fate.

Di Tian's eyes were slightly condensed. He looked at Amon with some doubts in his eyes: "Who are you? Why do you want to embarrass me in the Star Dou Forest?"

"Embarrassed? No, I'm just hunting for soul rings like a normal soul master." Amon stroked his monocle and said with a smile.

He looked at the three-eyed golden beast, "That's the legendary imperial beast, right? It's really an honor for me to see such an existence with my own eyes."

"Di Tian, ​​kill him, kill him quickly, this guy will destroy the Star Dou Forest."

The three-eyed golden cat pawed at the soil with its front paws uneasily. Amon's glance made it feel full of malice.

The inspiration from the power of fate keeps telling it that the other party is destruction, the end, and the culprit of the dark future.

Ditian originally wanted to test some information through language. He didn't believe that the other party dared to appear in front of him without any preparation.

If the other party hadn't taken the initiative to speak, he wouldn't even have noticed that there was a human being hiding around him. All the signs made Di Tian feel a little wary.

The urging from the auspicious beast made Ditian decide to take action. With a wave of his hand, his powerful soul power condensed, and a dense darkness spread out, swallowing Amon in an instant.

When the darkness retreats, leaving only a flat land, everything it touches disappears.

Di Tian's eyes showed doubts, that's it? Isn’t it too relaxed?

But the three-eyed golden beast shouted: "No, not yet, that guy is still alive... I don't know why, but I feel that the fate of destruction is suddenly getting closer. Thirty years, no, not even twenty years!"

Di Tian pondered for a moment and said: "I'm afraid this is not his true form. This guy is a bit weird, but saying that he can destroy the Star Dou Forest is a bit exaggerated, right?"

The three-eyed Jin Yang shook his head: "I don't know, but this is how fate shows itself."

Di Tian hesitated for a moment and said, "Auspicious beast, follow me to see the Lord in a moment."

Then, he looked at Xiao Wu and the other three hundred thousand year soul beasts:

"Originally, soul beasts like you who have never survived a single heavenly catastrophe are not qualified to meet the Lord, but this time it is a coincidence, let's come together.

"Little Rabbit, when the time comes, tell the Lord exactly what you saw and heard, do you understand?"

"Yes." Xiao Wu nodded respectfully.

She, the Azure Bull Python, and the Titan Giant Ape all had huge waves in their hearts. The Beast God was already terrifying enough. Even they, who usually loomed large in the Star Dou Forest, could only look up at them, unable to resist at all. What kind of existence should he call the Lord?

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