The process of Amon killing the three-eyed golden lion, absorbing the soul ring, and leaving the scene took a very short time. Even though Di Tian rushed back with Brigitte immediately after noticing the accident of the auspicious beast, he did not have time to stop it.

He saw the scene of Amon turning into a flash of lightning and disappearing into the sky, with endless anger and sadness in his golden eyes.

The huge black dragon roared, shaking the entire Xingdou Great Forest: "Human, you can't run away!"

The auspicious beast was dead, and Di Tian was sure of this. The three-eyed golden lion was not only closely related to the fate of the Xingdou Great Forest, but also his friend.

Di Tian flapped his wings and flew high, ripples appeared in the space, and he drilled into the layers of ripples. When he appeared again, he was already in front of Amon.

When Lei Yin transformed into lightning and moved, he was not immune to damage. If he hit an object, he would also be injured.

Amon noticed the changes in space in advance through the "insight" of the "decryption scholar", and immediately launched the "invincible golden body" to respond.

The lightning scattered, passed around Di Tian's body, and then gathered again behind him.

Amon wanted to move forward, but found that the space around him became sticky. Even if he shuttled through it in the form of lightning, his speed was pitifully slow.

"Die, human!" Di Tian spit out a mouthful of black flames.

The dragon breath with dark power covered it, and the terrible attack with high temperature and strong corrosiveness seemed to shake even the space.

Amon stopped. Under the power of "Invincible Golden Body", even in the black sea of ​​fire, his face remained unchanged and he was not injured at all.

It must be said that Xiao Wu is really a treasure girl. "Invincible Golden Body" and "Teleportation" are very useful. Even in the battle of Extreme Douluo level, they are very powerful and effective skills.

He stared at Di Tian, ​​his dark eyes calm and deep: "Long time no see, Di Tian."

Raising his right hand and adjusting his monocle, Amon smiled.

"Human, you dare to hurt the auspicious beast, you will pay the price for what you did!"

The huge black dragon raised his terrifying claws, and above the claws, a dark deep light emanated, the light seemed like an eternal night, as if even the soul would sink in it. In the darkness, there was a faint group of colorful light flickering, and the world was filled with an unspeakable majestic atmosphere.

Dragon God Claw!

Di Tian's claws turned golden little by little, and the claws were covered with colorful light. This was the favor of the Dragon God, and it was the legacy of the ancient power countless years ago.

Amon found that the sticky space around him suddenly returned to normal, but he still couldn't leave. The terrifying claws had fallen, and the space was completely blocked. He couldn't resist or dodge, and he could only bear such an attack head-on.

"Invincible Golden Body!"

This time, he was surprised to find that the "Invincible Golden Body" was not invincible. There were cracks and blood oozing out. Di Tian's power was about to reach the limit of this skill.

But that was all. Although Emperor Tian was strong, he had not broken through the limits of the human world. Without the power of the gods, he could not break the rules of the Douluo world.

Amon flew backwards. He seized the opportunity and used "teleportation" for hundreds of times in a row, leaving the space solidified by Emperor Tian.

He turned into lightning again and flew away.

"Hmph..." Emperor Tian snorted coldly, "Don't you understand yet? You can't escape. I will hunt you down endlessly! Feel the despair and fear."

The space was rippling, and the huge black dragon flapped its wings and flew into the space channel.

In the blink of an eye, he crossed a long distance and came to the outside of the Xingdou Great Forest.

What came into view was not the despicable, annoying, and hateful human being, but a majestic city.

The city was not large in area, but the 80-meter-high and 30-meter-thick city wall was completely repaired by granite. The whole city was hexagonal, and six reliefs were engraved on the six faces of the city wall, which was consistent with the pattern on the Pope's order.

The city was built around a hill. Halfway up the hill, there was a magnificent, golden dome-shaped building. On the top of the hill was a jade-white palace.

Amon had disappeared, apparently blending into the crowd in the city. Di Tian stared at the city with his golden eyes, revealing a sneer.

He whispered to himself: "Heh... stupid, do you think I will carefully distinguish which one is you and slowly find it? Kill them all and destroy the entire city together..."


A little bit of fluorescence appeared on the dead body of the Titan Giant Ape, condensing into a red soul ring.

The red halo was not bright, but gorgeous and eye-catching. It was so charming that the eyes of the ten Titled Douluo present were attracted by it.

"Bibi Dong, Xiong Jun has stopped moving. He merged with the other two auras, quickly absorbed the soul ring, and then evacuated according to the plan. When the three of them come, it will be difficult to use "teleportation" again." Jiang Mo said lightly.

"I understand." Bibi Dong adjusted her somewhat disordered breath, not caring that her own condition was not at its best, and released soul power, pulling the soul ring produced by the Titan Giant Ape closer to herself.

The soul ring shrank and was put on her second martial soul, the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor martial soul.

The surging energy came from the martial soul like a wave, impacting her meridians. Her face changed, and she sat cross-legged to absorb it quietly.

After surviving the first wave of soul power, she opened her eyes and said, "It's OK, Elder Guang Ling, take us to evacuate."

It takes a long time to absorb a 100,000-year soul ring. The Xingdou Great Forest, which may be threatened by ferocious beasts at any time, is obviously not a suitable place. Even under the protection of three priests and six soul douluos, it is not safe.

According to their plan, after absorbing the soul ring and controlling the energy for a short time, they will immediately use the arrangements that have been made long ago to "teleport" back to Wuhun City.

Guang Ling nodded, raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and a silver-white light emerged from his hand. A silver magic circle with a diameter of ten meters was generated under their feet.

The magic circle covered everyone, and a mysterious and complex pattern was outlined in the middle. Then, the silver light was strong, and the dazzling light shot up into the sky.

When the light faded, Bibi Dong and his group had disappeared into the forest.

In the flickering light and shadow, they returned to Wuhun City and appeared on the city wall.

Bibi Dong didn't dare to delay. Even she couldn't suppress the power brought by the 100,000-year soul ring for too long. She immediately sorted out the energy in the meridians and began to formally absorb the soul ring.

Qianjun and Jiangmo suddenly changed their expressions. They saw a huge black dragon in the sky outside the city wall, staring at the direction where they were.

The golden eyes were filled with uncontrollable murderous intent. The dark power emanating from his body slowly rose and merged with the dark clouds that had gathered in the sky at some point, making the whole world dark.

Guangling looked a little dazed. He looked around and confirmed that it was Wuhun City without a doubt, but how could this ghost thing come here?

Walter reacted immediately. After leaving behind the puppet clone, the main body quietly retreated to the city.

Yueguan and Guimei looked at each other with a hint of bitterness on their faces. The two of them first used the Wuhun fusion technique to forcibly control Xiong Jun, and then assisted Bibi Dong and Guangling Douluo to fight against Di Tian. At this time, they were almost exhausted.

"Is it you?" Di Tian's majestic and low voice came, like a muffled thunder.

Bibi Dong had to interrupt the absorption of the martial soul, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth: "Di Tian, ​​you dare to come to the martial soul city?"

"I am not interested in you, I just want the human who killed the auspicious beast, hand him over!"

Amon is Di Tian's only target now, not only because he killed the auspicious beast, but also because he is the culprit of the destruction of the Xingdou Great Forest that the auspicious beast saw from fate.

The only time he encountered his true body in three years, he can't let him run away.

Bibi Dong's strength is not worth mentioning in Di Tian's eyes, but the "immortal body" is quite difficult to deal with, so he doesn't want to entangle with her, dispels the idea of ​​directly attacking the city, and makes certain compromises.

Although Bibi Dong and others are also accomplices in killing the auspicious beast, it is more important to find Amon, whose whereabouts are mysterious. As for other accounts, it is not too late to settle them later.

"Killed the auspicious beast? What is the auspicious beast?" Bibi Dong looked puzzled.

"What is a lucky beast?" Di Tian suddenly laughed, and everyone could hear the anger in his laughter.

"That is the darling of our entire Xingdou Great Forest, and the fate of countless soul beasts. If you don't hand over that human today, all soul beasts will not give up. I don't mind launching a beast tide."

Bibi Dong's face was solemn, and she whispered: "We were also fooled by that bastard Amon. I hate him a lot..."

Qianjun had guessed what Bibi Dong was going to say, and said coldly: "Bibi Dong, no!"

"Shut up."

Jiang Mo stared at her with his eyes and said sternly: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"I said, shut up!" Bibi Dong, who tried her best to curb the surging energy in her body, had anger in her eyes, "I am the Pope!"

"You will regret it." Qianjun said lightly, but his tone revealed extreme indifference.

Bibi Dong ignored him, but looked at Di Tian and said softly:

"I will give the order now, let the whole city search for him. After finding him, we will take him down and hand him over to you for disposal. Is this okay, King of Soul Beasts?"

Di Tian pondered for a moment and nodded: "Okay, but I won't wait too long, one hour, at most one hour. If I don't see him, I will attack immediately."

In order to prevent Amon from using teleportation and lightning speed to escape, Di Tian completely blocked and solidified the space around Wuhun City.

This is also a big burden for him, but in order to catch Amon, who has many means and strange actions, he can only do so.

Amon, hiding in the crowd and staring at the city wall, "tsk", ready to play a game of "hide and seek" in the city.

"You should shut up!" A plain, old, and majestic voice sounded.

Qian Daoliu appeared in the sky at some point. He looked at Bibi Dong coldly, with a hint of anger in his always calm eyes.

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