Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 178 Invincible Golden Body Thousand Streams

Chapter 178 Invincible Golden Body · Qian Daoliu

Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Amon stole the external manifestation of "Starlight" when he left the Soul Bone Space. He appeared silently beside Lei Yin, who had merged with the Time Worm.

Snapping his fingers, he dissolved the fusion of the Time Worm clone and Lei Yin. Amon smiled and said to him:

"It's done. The goal of the past three years has been successfully completed. Our deal is over. You've done a good job. Next, just wait for Yan Jin to absorb the soul ring."

Lei Yin nodded and pinched his right eye socket... This was the sequelae of being parasitized by Amon too many times and for too long... He responded:

"I have gained enough. Thank you for your cultivation. If not, my achievements would be far from the current height."

Amon smiled and cast his eyes to the sky.

The battle between Qian Daoliu and Di Tian continued. The terrifying soul power was raging, but it had weakened a lot compared to the beginning. Even the soul power of the two of them could not support such a high-intensity battle for too long.

There was more than one battlefield. The Golden Crocodile showed its true spirit and turned into a huge crocodile covered with golden scales, fighting with the Bear King.

The fight between the two behemoths seemed like a monster movie.

Qianjun and Jiangmo fought against the cunning and changeable King of Ten Thousand Monsters. They were not good at facing such an opponent and seemed a little passive.

Guangling Douluo also joined the battle here. King of Ten Thousand Monsters looked calm. He could not win, but he could still hold him back.

The third worshiper Qingluan Douluo faced Ziji.

The fourth worshiper Xiongshi Douluo wanted to kill Biji and solve this beast that gave them the most headaches besides Emperor Tian.

Although Biji's attack power was not high, she had many means of self-protection. After the pair of emerald green wings protected herself, she concentrated on treating the other beasts.

The lion was helpless with her tortoise-shell defense. No matter how he attacked, he could only cause insignificant ripples on it. This made him look very ugly.

Under Biji's treatment, the beasts hardly need to care about themselves. They use a fierce fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries. The battle situation is very unfavorable to the worshippers.

The magic bear and the ghost leopard also want to come forward to support, but they are stopped by Bibi Dong, "Come back and protect me."

Bibi Dong had previously attracted and absorbed the spirit ring left by the Titan Giant Ape, but she had no time to absorb it before she was interrupted by a series of accidents.

She has been forcibly suppressing the surging energy, and has even begun to be backfired. Even with her powerful cultivation, she can't suppress this huge energy for too long.

Tuoba Xi stood faithfully beside Bibi Dong, alert to the surroundings. He has his own little thoughts and doesn't want to set foot on that dangerous battlefield. Bibi Dong's order gave him a perfect reason.

The magic bear and the ghost leopard looked at the battle of the worshippers, and then looked at Bibi Dong.

Although their position is not too dangerous, it is not safe. Bibi Dong needs a quiet environment to absorb the spirit ring and cannot be disturbed too much.

Although the priests were at a disadvantage in the battle with the beasts, the situation was not critical, and it was still too early to decide the winner.

After weighing the pros and cons, they also chose to stay and protect Bibi Dong.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were almost exhausted, and they could not raise effective combat power in a short time, so they could only stay beside Bibi Dong.

The silk puppets that Walter left on the city wall instantly collapsed. He did not give Bibi Dong any face at all and left without saying a word.

Seeing him leave, Bibi Dong looked ugly, snorted coldly, and then ignored him and began to concentrate on absorbing the soul rings provided by the Titan Giant Ape.

After Walter's puppets were reorganized in another place, they approached the beasts and looked for an opportunity to attack.

Whether it was his martial soul or soul power, he was a little weak. In such a battle, his role in facing the enemy head-on was very limited. He could only rely on surprise to create trouble for the beasts and create opportunities for the priests to attack.

Xiong Jun was like a silk thread, his body stagnated, and he was almost bitten on the head by the golden crocodile.

Sensing this familiar trick, it was furious and roared: "Biji, Ziji, King of Ten Thousand Demons, be careful, there is a very despicable guy who will sneak attack from nowhere."

Thank you for the compliment... Walter said secretly in his heart, he did not feel insulted at all, the enemy's anger and disgust were the best compliments to him.

This shows that his interference has some effect, at least it can relieve some pressure on the worshippers.

A clone of Amon sat on the edge of the roof, his legs hanging in the air, watching the battle in the air, his expression leisurely.

The airflow caused by the collision of soul power formed a gust of wind from time to time, blowing over his head.

Di Tian used his tail to blow Qian Daoliu away, and suddenly saw Amon who was watching their battle as if no one was around, and he was almost furious.

He roared like thunder: "Human, you dare to appear in front of me?"

Amon raised his hand to adjust the position of his monocle, with a playful smile on his face, and replied softly:

"What is there to be afraid of? By the way, the spirit ring of the auspicious beast is very good, I am very satisfied."

This contemptuous attitude was undoubtedly the biggest provocation that Di Tian could not tolerate. He rushed towards Amon like crazy, and even though he was chopped several times by Qian Daoliu who was chasing behind, he did not turn back.

The black dragon flames covering a wide area poured down, and the dancing flames exuded extreme darkness, even the space was faintly distorted and burned by it.

Amon's clone activated the "Invincible Golden Body", and his soul power materialized into a pedal. He jumped in the air and left the area of ​​black flames.

Qian Daoliu was still attacking fiercely, and Brigitte's face changed. Her treatment also had a limit. Di Tian's behavior of not defending, not dodging, not counterattacking, and letting the opponent attack was a great burden for her.

She said in an anxious and helpless voice: "Di Tian, ​​deal with that strong enemy first. My treatment can't keep up with your injury speed."

Di Tian then turned his attention back to Qian Daoliu. He said: "That human is right in front of me now, and he is still crazy and provocative. Are you sure you want to continue to protect this guy who doesn't know how to live or die?"

Qian Daoliu hesitated for a moment, and reminded Amon: "There is nothing wrong with soul masters hunting soul beasts and absorbing soul rings... If it's just like this, as long as you are in Wuhun City, I will not sit idly by and watch the soul beasts that come to seek revenge.

"But if you do something else, deliberately arouse the anger of soul beasts and attract them, it will make me think you have ulterior motives. "

After saying that, he pointed the tip of his sword at Di Tian, ​​indicating his attitude.

In the corner in the distance, Amon's real body was silent, took off his hat, pressed it against his chest, and bowed to Qian Daoliu.

Taking the benefits and running away, not wanting to bear the corresponding responsibilities, and leaving the trouble to others to solve, this is in line with his core interests, so he likes to do this.

But this does not mean that he will not respect others, and will not be touched by the greatness and nobility of others. He is the time traveler Amon, not the son of God who lies and pranks.

Qian Daoliu is undoubtedly a respectable elder and deserves this gift from him.

Of course, respect is respect, Amon will not give up his core interests because of this, and will not follow, learn, and imitate others because of their nobility and inner touch.

What he puts first is always himself.

There is a trace of blood in Di Tian's golden eyes, and he is almost crazy.

"Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill your wish! "

He turned his attention back to Qian Daoliu. This was also a helpless move. Amon had a rule-based defensive skill. When this skill reached its limit, even Di Tian had no way to deal with it.

So he could only deal with Qian Daoliu first, and then slowly deal with Amon.

The strength of Di Tian and Qian Daoliu was originally not much different, but Di Tian had the assistance of Bi Ji, and Qian Daoliu gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Besides, there was Wuhun City below. Qian Daoliu had to pay attention to his skills and be careful of Di Tian's attacks. Sometimes he even had to take on some attacks that he could have avoided, so as not to cause too much damage to Wuhun City and cause too many casualties to the soul masters in the city.

Di Tian obviously also discovered this, and his attacks no longer only targeted Qian Daoliu. Sometimes, he would even deliberately miss some of them, so that the dragon breath would be aimed at the place where the soul masters in the city gathered.

However, Qian Daoliu could only move in front of the dragon breath to block the attack that was not originally aimed at him.

At this time, Bibi Dong was still absorbing spirit rings.

It was difficult to repel these beasts with the power of the worshippers alone. The only thing Qian Daoliu could do now was to delay time, wait for Bibi Dong to absorb the spirit rings, and gather the power of all the elders of the Spirit Hall, so that he could counterattack.

Qian Daoliu, who was exhausted from running around, finally couldn't hold on and was slapped down by Di Tian.

This time, it took him a long time to stand up again.

His body was covered with blood, his robe was torn, revealing a body covered with scars, which were proof of his life's battles.

Some were left by fighting with spirit beasts when he was young, some were left by the Red Lotus Snake, and some were left by Tang Chen and Poseidon...

There were also several new wounds, which were constantly bleeding. This was what Di Tian had just added to him.

Qian Daoliu panted, coughed a few times, and spit out the blood.

Di Tian sneered in the air: "You have too many concerns, otherwise, even with Biji's assistance, it would be difficult for this king to win so quickly."

"Win? It's still early. "Qian Daoliu stared at the huge black dragon with calm eyes.

"Alas... I am not Amon after all." Looking at the bleeding and injured old man who was about to give up but still guarding the glory of the soul master, Amon sighed.

Hundreds of streamers flew out of his body, merging into a dazzling beam of light emitting brilliant starlight, flying towards Qian Daoliu and sinking into his body.

Before Qian Daoliu could expel it, a thought came into his mind:

"Your Majesty, I am Amon... This is my martial soul. I can replenish your soul power and bless you with my soul skills.

"This soul skill is called 'Invincible Golden Body', which can provide you with 300 seconds of 'invincible' time. During these 300 seconds, you can fight at will. As long as the opponent's attack does not reach the god level, it will not cause you any harm."

Qian Daoliu stopped thinking about expelling the time worms, nodded, and agreed to join forces with Amon to fight the enemy.

The time worms quickly replenished their consumed soul power.

Feeling the soul power refilled and the effect of "Invincible Golden Body" taking effect, Qian Daoliu laughed loudly, with an indescribable heroism and spirit in his old laughter.

He looked at the black dragon in the sky and said: "You have the treatment of the Emerald Swan, and I also have the blessing brought by my compatriots. Let's enter the next stage of the battle."

Looking at Qian Daoliu below who exuded a dangerous aura, Di Tian suddenly felt something was wrong.

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