Outside the Hell Killing Field, Hu Liena looked at the non-standard cone-shaped building in front of her with a somewhat melancholy expression.

She glanced at the side and behind her. The dark moon, which was emitting a cold and strange light, was still there, and the purple and blue candles on the street were swaying.

When she was about to leave this killing city, she suddenly realized that she didn't hate it so much. No, it should be said that she didn't hate the time spent here so much.

Is it because of that person? Hu Liena thought with mixed emotions.

In her mind, a figure wearing black clothes, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with meticulous hair combing, sharp eyes, and a cold expression emerged.

"Ga..." The crow with white eye circles on its eyes circled a few times and landed on her shoulder.

Hu Liena closed her eyes, took a deep breath, restrained the complexity in her heart, and after adjusting her emotions, she said in a somewhat brisk voice:

"Let's go, little crow."

After that, she took firm steps and walked towards the Hell Killing Field.

As she walked, Hu Liena felt panicky for no reason, as if she was about to lose something important.

She couldn't help but speed up her pace and entered the building full of blood and violence in a distracted manner.

When she saw the scene in the killing field, she was stunned.

"German" was covering his heart with one hand, on which was a flying knife as thin as a willow leaf. His other hand grabbed Tang San's arm and said in a very low voice that only Tang San could hear:

"Take her away safely, you can get a soul bone over 50,000 years old. I have told her the location. I told her that I will tell you the news when you get out safely."

"German!" Hu Liena couldn't help but rush into the field.

Tang San was exuding murderous aura at this moment. The 100th victory made his murderous aura surge, to the point where he couldn't control it.

Seeing Hu Liena rushing over, he took the initiative to step back a distance.

"You killed him?" Hu Liena stared at Tang San with red eyes.

Tang San nodded calmly: "Think carefully, has he said anything to you recently... This is his own choice. Do you think if he didn't do it on purpose, would it be me or him who fell to the ground?"

Hu Liena barely regained her sanity that was about to be devoured by anger, and recalled what he said to her before coming to the Hell Killing Field, and found that it seemed that there had been signs since then.

And the uneasiness and upset when she entered the killing field was probably because she felt a little wrong about these words in her subconscious, but she didn't think it through before.

Hu Liena shed sad tears and sobbed softly.

Tang San said softly: "He did it for you. What you should do most now is to cheer up, don't let him down for the sacrifice he made for you, get through the hell road, and live well. It's not easy to say too much now, I can explain it later."

"I know... I know." Hu Liena wiped her tears, and when she stood up, there was only determination in her eyes.

At the beginning of the second match, Hu Liena vented all her anger on her opponent, until she cut the throat of the last person with a dagger, and her murderous aura surged, and she felt much better.

"Congratulations, young 'Hell Messenger', 'Ashura King'."

A deep, sharp voice suddenly came from all directions.

At this moment, the huge murderous aura accumulated in Tang San and Hu Liena actually poured back and was forced into their bodies, making them both pale.

Tang San's heart tightened and he was a little shocked.

He thought to himself: Is this the terrible strength of the King of Slaughter? No wonder even German had to sacrifice himself to give Hu Liena a chance to get out. If he targeted her, even a strong man like German would only die if he didn't obey.

At the same time, he was somewhat fortunate that he had won enough games early on, so that the King of Slaughter could not attack him directly due to the rules...

This was the information revealed by Amon. In fact, what really made the King of Slaughter wary was Tang Hao and Bibi Dong behind them, not the so-called rule that he could not attack them if he won enough games.

The City of Slaughter is no longer the original City of Slaughter. The evil thoughts of the Rakshasa God have eroded the rules left by the Asura God.

Especially after the blood-red nine-headed bat king, which was originally the content of the God Test, parasitized Tang Chen's body, broke through the restrictions set by the Asura God, and became the King of Slaughter, some rules have become invalid.

As the blood-red figure fell from the sky, the atmosphere in the Hell Slaughter Field rose to the extreme.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter..."

The fallen who were watching the battle shouted hoarsely, but did not stop at all, as if they were affected by some force.

A crow with white circles under its eyes flapped its wings and slowly landed on Hu Liena's shoulder.

The King of Slaughter glanced at the corpse of "German" lying on the ground, and cursed in his heart, "waste".

He focused his eyes on Hu Liena and Tang San, and said loudly against his will:

"I am very happy to see the birth of two 100-win 'champions' today. This is a grand occasion that has never happened in decades. Their powerful strength and murderous aura make your hearts tremble, right? My people."

"Yes... yes... yes..."

The King of Slaughter exuded a strange fishy and sweet smell, which intoxicated these fallen people.

The King of Slaughter was suspended at a height of about five meters, looking down at the two people condescendingly:

"In order to commend you, I decided to make an exception and grant you the title of God of Slaughter. From now on, you can enter and leave the City of Slaughter freely."

No need to go to the Hell Road?

Tang San and Hu Liena looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

If they don't go to the Hell Road, they won't be able to obtain the God of Killing Domain, and German's sacrifice will become futile and meaningless... Hu Liena can't accept such a result.

She said coldly: "No, I hope to rely on my own strength to walk out of here and become a real God of Killing."

The King of Killing looked a little ugly: "The horror of the Hell Road is far beyond your imagination. I hope you understand that people only have one life."

"But there are always some things that are more important than life." Hu Liena looked at the body of "German" and said resolutely.

Tang San also spoke up: "The purpose of my coming here is to pass the Hell Road. I hope you can allow it."

The King of Killing looked solemn. He had broken through some minor rules and could ignore them, but he still needed to abide by some core rules.

He said in a somewhat cold tone:

"Then it's as you wish... There are people to accompany you on the road to hell, so you won't be lonely. If you can pass the test and become the new generation of God of Killing, please say hello to your elders for me."

A thick red mist suddenly released from the King of Killing, and the huge breath forced Tang San and Hu Liena to retreat.

This extremely cold and evil power turned into red ripples, slowly spreading and spreading to the whole venue.

The faces of the fallen in the audience showed excitement. They were curious about this mysterious road to hell, but they didn't know that those who had seen the road to hell, except the God of Killing and the King of Killing, were all dead. They, the audience, were the sacrifices for the opening of the road to hell.

Tang San and Hu Liena found that the red light released by the King of Killing, although it put a lot of pressure on them, was not aimed at them, but went to the surrounding stands.

The fallen who were cheering wildly became quiet as the red light landed on the viewing platform, and their eyes gradually became dull.

The red light formed a huge barrier in the hell killing field, and screams of pain rang out one after another. The fallen frantically scratched their faces and bodies, with expressions of both pain and enjoyment on their faces, as if they could get infinite pleasure from this self-abuse pain.

The skin rolled up, blood spilt, muscles blurred, bones exposed... They scratched their chests, tore open their abdomens, and took out their lungs, kidneys, livers, hearts and other organs one by one.

Looking at this weird and terrifying scene, even Tang San and Hu Liena, who had faced countless killings, couldn't help but turn pale.

Only the crow who stayed on Hu Liena showed an interested expression, looking around without blinking.

The blood spilled on the ground, gathered into streams, and flowed to the center of the killing field along the inconspicuous small pipes under the audience seats. Countless winding red liquids flowed into it like small snakes.

The King of Slaughter looked intoxicated, as if he was enjoying the scene in front of him. He said in a low voice with a slight smile:

"It is their honor to be the sacrifice to open the road to hell. These humble and lowly lives can become part of hell, shouldn't they celebrate?"

Blood appeared and engulfed all the corpses on the ground, including "German's".

Grooves gradually appeared on the ground, and blood was injected into them, forming a huge blood-red pattern.

Tang San and Hu Liena were both in the pattern, and it was difficult to see its full picture. They closed their eyes at the same time and released their mental power to observe the surroundings.

The pattern formed by the blood was a bird-like creature, but it looked a little strange and was not as simple as an ordinary bird.

Just when they were puzzled by this, the bird's eyes lit up, and the released mental power was instantly shattered. A huge red light rushed into the sky, and everything around became blurred.

The low, somewhat sarcastic voice of the King of Slaughter echoed in his ears:

"I wish you a pleasant journey on the road to hell."

At the moment when his mental power was crushed, Tang San finally figured out what the bird-shaped pattern looked like, a bat, it seemed to be a pattern of a bat.

In the red light, Tang San and Hu Liena felt empty under their feet, everything around them became illusory, all their perceptions were blocked, and they could not control themselves, which made them feel terrified.

The murderous aura on their bodies spontaneously gathered into a layer of light white shield to protect them, blocking the engulfment from the blood-red light.

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by a violent shock, all senses were restored, and they regained control of their bodies.

The blood light around them gradually faded.

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