"Yan Jin" stood between the corpses of the two giant beasts for a while, and then began her own actions.

She originally wanted to split the two corpses directly, but she was embarrassed to find that the long sword condensed by her soul power could not cut the gem-like scales.

Even if they had been dead for a long time, their corpses were still the corpses of gods, and their defense was comparable to or even better than Xiao Wu after she opened the "Invincible Golden Body".

Holding her chin and thinking for a moment, she thought of a way: "Amon, come and help me cut this."

Beside her, the illusory shadow gradually became clear, the simple lines condensed little by little, and Amon's figure emerged.

He looked at "Yan Jin", was silent for a while, and opened his mouth:

"Have you noticed that your personality has changed a lot? I remember that when you separated, you and my original body Amon were similar in personality."

"Yan Jin" shrugged and smiled:

"You mean I'm more like Yan Jin? Isn't this natural? When we parasitize someone or an animal, we will inevitably be affected by the host in reverse.

"Isn't the demigod mouse master of Hazel in the mystery the best example... It's just that Yan Jin's body is more intense in this regard...

"Generally speaking, parasitic animals will have more impact, because their body structure is more different from that of humans...

"But I doubt that even if I parasitize a curly-haired baboon, my mental decline will not be more serious than parasitizing Yan Jin. "

Amon made a "tsk" sound and said nothing.

Nine soul rings emerged from his body, and the ninth soul ring lit up, emitting extremely dazzling and brilliant starlight.

If he wanted to cause damage to the "God", Amon had to go all out.

He stretched out his right hand, and a silver light shone in the center of his palm.

With a solemn expression, he sensed the part of the Fire Dragon King's corpse where the energy fluctuations were most intense, and Amon aimed his palm at the middle of its right wing.

The silver light broke away from Amon's palm and slowly flew forward. During the flight, its length continued to extend until it was slightly longer than the width of the Fire Dragon King's right wing.

When the silver light touched the dragon's wing, the wing membrane, which was tougher than ordinary dragon scales, was easily torn apart as if it were a fragile piece of paper.

The dragon's wing fell , fell to the bottom of the pool, making a loud rumbling sound, and the whole pool seemed to tremble. The silver light slowly shortened and dissipated into nothingness.

"Yan Jin" walked to the fallen dragon wing and picked up a piece of fiery red wing-shaped bone emitting majestic energy from the broken part.

Amon repeated the same trick and cut off the left wing of the Ice Dragon King, and also got a wing-shaped soul bone.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the bodies of the two dragon kings.

His face was solemn, and the veins on his hands bulged, as if he was holding something extremely heavy.

The bodies of the two dragon kings gradually became illusory and finally disappeared, leaving only two deep pits at the bottom of the pool.

"Yan Jin" said to Amon: "I am now refining these two external soul bones, you watch over to avoid accidents. "

"Hmm..." Amon nodded slightly.

"Yan Jin" looked at the two soul bones in his hand with a serious expression.

The left wing bone from the Ice Dragon King was ice blue, emitting extreme coldness, and the right wing bone from the Fire Dragon King was fiery red, emitting extreme heat.

Even with her body now completely immune to the erosion of the ice and fire energy at the bottom of the pool, she felt a chill and burning heat when she touched the two soul bones.

Her left arm was completely frozen, and her right arm was scorched black.

"Yan Jin" took a deep breath and integrated the two soul bones into the Her own body.

Two energies, one ice and one fire, intertwined in her body, constantly colliding and merging.

Her body seemed to have turned into a whirlpool, and the ice and fire energies that escaped into the pool of water also quietly gathered towards her.

Cracks appeared on her body, just like rocks that shattered in the constant alternation of cold and heat, and red and gold blood slowly flowed out.

These cracks became larger and larger, as if they were going to break her whole body into pieces.

At this time, Amon took action. Amon grabbed the Star Dou Great Forest without hesitation and stole the vitality of all the remaining plants. Take. The entire Xingdou Great Forest turned into a barren land!

The vast torrent of vitality turned into a long green river, constantly rushing.

The monocle on Amon's right eye burst into light, reflecting the long river of vitality.

It seemed that endless vitality emerged, washing over the body of "Yan Jin", slowly healing the cracks on her body.

In this process, the traces of golden stripes on Yan Jin's body became more and more, filling her whole body, and her blood also completely turned golden.

Her body completely transformed into the body of a god!

The terrifying power gathered, and the ice Intertwined with the flames, the power that was enough to annihilate everything suddenly bloomed. The valley disappeared, and the center of the entire Sunset Forest seemed to have been dug out by something.

Dark cracks filled the space around Yan Jin, these fragments of space, the scars of the world!

Amon stood beside her, with starlight flowing around her. The space cracks that could easily split the divine body seemed to be non-existent in front of him, and could never break through the thin layer of white light on his body.

The ancient mottled shadow of a huge clock appeared behind him, and was synchronously reflected in Yan Jin's soul space.

In the void, a girl with long red hair, a beautiful face, and a heroic appearance was sleeping with her eyes closed. Around her, hundreds and thousands of small insects with twelve links and exuding starry colors were swimming around, forming a sphere surrounding her.

Golden energy seeped out from the endless void and floated toward the girl.

An ancient mottled clock composed of "worms of time" appeared, and the second hand on it moved slowly at an abnormal speed, almost imperceptibly slow.

And the speed of the golden energy seeping out also slowed down, and time seemed to be frozen.

The golden color on the surface of "Yan Jing"'s body receded and turned white again. She opened her eyes, clenched her fists, and felt the power of this body, with a smile on her face:

"Hey, he has become a god... his body is already a god's body, and his soul power is also transforming into a god."

Amon nodded with a smile: "Well, in this case, our next actions can be bolder and the goal bigger.

"But... what about the soul? Although I reduced the flow of time for her soul and lengthened the time for her transformation, after all, it involves the realm of God, so I need to confirm it again."

"Yan Jin" replied with a smile: "Don't worry, it's all expected. The transformation of the soul has been greatly delayed, and I can still suppress her consciousness.

"In addition, she herself seems to be cooperating with us and suppressing her instinct to wake up...she doesn't want to wake up."

Amon glanced at her, the smile on his face gradually faded, he was silent for a while, and said softly:

"What a fool."


In the vast sea, the waves were undulating. In a white spherical rescue capsule, Lei Yin slowly opened his eyes.

He successfully absorbed the soul ring of the Steel Sea Dragon. He had previously absorbed the soul power accumulated from the Ice Bear King's right arm bone, the soul bone attached to Zi Ji's wings, and the Titan Snow Demon King's left leg bone. Together with this time, he absorbed the 400,000-year-old soul ring. The improvement burst out together.

His soul power level quickly increased to level 94.

Since he had just broken through and was still unable to perfectly control his soul power, the Titled Douluo-level pressure spread, and the creatures in the sea were horrified and moved away.

Lei Yin breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "Level 94 is still a bit far away... Only when you have to reach level 99 can you use faith. It depends on what Amon has planned next."

He thought in his mind: Amon's plans are never isolated. Since I have chosen to seize the throne and participate in the world's disputes, I will definitely become a part of Amon's plans.

To him now, an ordinary titled Douluo has little value... so there must be a follow-up.

Replacing the soul bone before was an obvious sign. Although the skill of the Ice Bear King's right arm bone is powerful, it is not compatible with me. The bonus to combat effectiveness is far less than that of the "Thunder Magnetic Gun" right arm bone.

The advantage of replacing the right arm bone is that it has a higher lifespan and can quickly increase soul power.

So he will probably help me quickly increase my soul power to level 99, so that I can try to become a god... For him, only "gods" are worth caring about.

Lei Yin calmed down his thoughts and stared at the sea.

He didn't want to just go back to the North to live in seclusion. In addition to being unwilling to feel lonely, the more important reason was that he suspected that Amon had done something to his sister's death.

At that time, the God of Fire was brought to the door by himself, which shows how well Yan Jin fits it. Lei Yin didn't believe that his sister could still fail in that situation... He wanted to know the truth.

So he decided to do it even though he knew that this choice was very dangerous and probably a path of no return.


Sea ships with sails bearing the Poseidon Trident logo sailed slowly on the sea.

Sea Dragon Douluo's face was a little solemn, and he said: "Something's wrong, that steel sea dragon is not such a peaceful guy. We are sailing in its territory, and it is indifferent. This is very abnormal."

Ma Hongjun thought for a moment and said, "Could it be that it didn't notice it? Or it happened to be sleeping?"

Tang San shook his head: "Fat man, Senior Hai Long would say this, he must have discovered other abnormalities."

Sea Dragon Douluo nodded: "Yes, the soul beasts under the sea are running away, which means there must be something around them that scares them."

Tang San spread his mental power. His mental strength was no less than that of Ultimate Douluo, and on the sea, because of his compatibility with the God of the Sea, he had more blessings and could spread further.

He could sense that under the surface of the sea, many sea soul beasts were running away in panic.

The reason that caused them to flee was right in front of the ship's route.

Sea Dragon Douluo took a deep breath and said:

"Be careful. The calmer it is now, the more terrifying the danger will be later."

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