
Although he could not understand Yan Jin’s words, he could sense her arrogance and conceit from her attitude.

Hussein was almost furious, and his face was completely gloomy.

However, the gloom on his face did not last long, and was replaced by horror and shock.

The rolling lava continued to surge, spread, and finally climbed upward, condensing limbs and facial features to form a seven-meter-tall giant.

“Lava Giant Soldier!”

Although there was still a big gap from the fifty meters presented when killing the eyeless snake, this was performed by Yan Jin with her own strength!

The lava giant looked at Hussein with his empty, dead, and soulless eyes, and a heavy sense of oppression suddenly came over him.

For a moment, Hussein even felt that his heart skipped a beat.

Yan Jin, who turned into a lava giant, began to run, speed up, and rush forward.

Relying only on her own soul power, she could not maintain this form for long.

“Get out of the way!” Hussein shouted, and at the same time activated his martial soul.

After the possession, a tortoise shell grew on his body, his head became shiny, and his skin was tinged with a hint of green.

The second and third soul rings lit up at the same time, and a huge tortoise shell shadow enveloped Hussein.

The lava giant's fist fell with a bang, smashing cracks on the tortoise shell.

The girl in black went around from the side, scanning the giant's body, looking for a suitable place to cut.

Harold held the long sword martial spirit, the second soul ring lit up, the sword body glowed with silver, and slashed at the calf fiercely.

The sword blade cut through the giant's calf, but it was like drawing a knife to cut water, and the cut wound healed immediately after the sword body passed.

The giant turned his empty eyes to Harold, kicked him away like a ball, and at the same time, the scattered magma left a large area of ​​burns on his body at an extremely high temperature.

There was no time to think about it, the black-clothed girl's dagger suddenly stretched out, like a poisonous snake that launched an attack and ejected, and stabbed the lava giant's chest fiercely.

But there was a collision sound.

Yan Jin changed the temperature of the magma, causing the magma in the lava giant's chest to solidify and turn into black rock to protect itself.

Although there was no burning caused by the high temperature, it was harder.

"Attack his chest, the little devil is hiding in his chest." Hussein shouted.

Although the lava giant is huge, the only place that can accommodate a person is the torso.

Yan Jin controlled the giant and slammed the tortoise shell with her elbow.

She used her second soul skill, giving this impact a very high speed.

The giant's arm was shaken by the recoil and turned into a ball of magma and scattered, and Hussein's tortoise shell was also shattered and turned into a halo of light and dissipated.

Romil, who turned the barrier into a long sword and broke the stone ball, walked out of the rock fragments cursing. Just seeing this scene, his original loud curse turned into a whisper.

Yan Jin's shocking performance amazed everyone inside and outside the field, and then burst into thunderous shouts.

"Yan Jin!"

"Yan Jin!"

"Yan Jin!"


The shouts came one after another, echoing in the fighting arena like a tide, and Zhu Youzhi was even more flattering:

"Oh my God, Yan Jin showed her repressive power, breaking up the opponent's formation with her own strength! She also knocked down one of the opponent's players, making him lose the strength to fight again!"

On the field, after Hussein's shout, the other four also used their soul skills to attack Yan Jin.

Feeling that her soul power was rapidly decreasing and had reached the bottom, Yan Jin in the giant's body did not change her expression. She shouted in her heart:

"Amon, help me."

Sitting on the gray chair made of soul power, Amon smiled and snapped his fingers.

The different time worms in his body launched "deception" on different targets.

Hussein's actions slowed down significantly.

At the same time, he whispered: "Lei Yin."

Lei Yin understood and turned into a lightning and appeared in the battle circle.

His third martial soul skill is "assimilation with martial soul", which is "elementalization" when applied to elemental martial souls!

In the plan made by Amon for them, this should be an ability that can only be obtained after breaking through to the seventh soul ring of Soul Saint.

Under the rules of the world of Douluo, the higher the level of the soul ring, the more powerful the soul skills it can provide.

And powerful abilities, if they appear on low-level soul rings, will also be weakened accordingly.

Either the conditions for use are harsh and the restrictions are huge, or the effect is greatly reduced and becomes a useless existence.

"Elementalization" is very suitable for "Martial Soul True Body" in terms of strength and characteristics. Such an ability will naturally be greatly weakened when it appears on the third soul ring.

Lei Yin's "elementalization" is neither immune to soul power attacks nor to physical attacks. In addition to turning him into thunder, it has no other additional effects.

If such "elementalization" appears on the owners of other elemental martial souls, it will not be of much use at all. What kind of elementalization is it that cannot allow oneself to avoid damage?

But Lei Yin's martial soul is thunder!

After becoming an element, he can move in the form of thunder! It is a powerful skill comparable to Xiao Wu's "teleport".

And without "teleport", it cannot be activated continuously, and the moving distance is limited to five meters, because his restrictions have been paid elsewhere.

This is also considered a bug, but Amon is not very sure that this bug will be successfully blocked, and the decision is left to Lei Yin himself. In the end, Lei Yin won the bet.

Because of Amon's "deception", their thinking was slow, and Leiyin's appearance was so unexpected that Hussein's two team members were easily knocked to the ground by him.

When Leiyin took action, Vidal and Alia also reacted.

One used the second soul skill to speed up, rushed to an opponent, and knocked him out with a palm.

The other summoned a heavy book, and the first soul skill lit up, and a bright light ball emitting green light appeared above her.

"Starlight, turn into my arrow!"

The light ball smashed forward like a falling meteor, knocking down an opponent.

Feeling hopeless of victory, the black-clothed girl quietly touched Amon's side, ready to make him pay for his arrogance.

A wall of ice suddenly appeared, like a natural moat between her and Amon, and Binglan walked to her expressionlessly.

The black-clothed girl wanted to attack, but found that her body began to stiffen and gradually lost consciousness.

A layer of frost climbed up from the ground along his legs without him noticing.

Bing Lan put her hand on the black-clothed girl and turned her into an ice sculpture.

Yan Jin's body emerged and separated from the lava giant's chest. Her right arm stretched back, and all the magma continued to shrink and gather.

Finally, the original lava giant turned into a huge lava fist.

"Big fire!"

The lava fist smashed down with an extremely terrifying force.

Hussein's eyes were filled with fear, and he could only use all his strength to display his defensive skills.

The turtle shell only lasted for a while before it was shattered, and the huge fist made of lava stopped at the moment it was about to hit him.

Looking at the fiery red magma that was less than half a meter away from him and exuded a burning breath, Hussein swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse voice:

"I surrender."

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