After a period of fermentation, the news of the assassination of Marquis Fikris finally spread, and it was not limited to the upper class.

Romil took care of his teammates' emotions and did not do anything to make people angry in front of Alia.

Binglan, Leiyin, and Yanjin all expressed sympathy for Alia's experience and went to her home to visit.

Vidal and Brady came to Alia's villa together.

While waiting at the door, they smiled at each other. As former opponents, they knew each other quite well.

"Did you notice it?" Brady asked.

"Well, for us, this is a good opportunity, isn't it?" Vidal smiled.

Another carriage stopped by the side, and Franco got off the carriage.

"Why are you here?" Vidal was a little puzzled. In his impression, Franco, apart from having some talent as a soul master, has never been good at politics.

"My dad asked me to come, although I don't know what I'm here for..." Franco took the red wine from the servant. This was a small gift for the host when visiting.

The door opened, and Alia was wearing a silver-white dress with gems. There was no sadness on her bright face. She said in a silver bell-like voice:

"You are here, please come in."

The three handed their gifts to Alia's servants and followed her into the reception room.

"You don't look sad at all." Vidal smiled and picked up a glass of wine, nodding to the maid serving beside him.

"What's there to be sad about? At least, I don't have to worry about someone sending me to a marriage in the short term." Alia had a faint smile on her face.

"Since we are all teammates, we should naturally help each other. I will stand firmly on Vidal's side, and likewise, on your side." Brady said.

Among the three, his right to inherit the title is the most stable. He is the eldest son in the family, has good talent, and his mother's family is also powerful.

Vidal smiled and thanked him. The current situation was much better than he had expected at the beginning. Two years ago, his father had already planned to replace the heir, but it had been pending. Recently, he had no intention of doing so.

Every time he returned home, he felt indescribably happy when he saw the gloomy faces of his half-brothers.

He said to Alia, "I will also be your staunch ally."

Franco, who was enjoying the cakes brought by the maid, said vaguely, "Me too."

Alia picked up the wine glass, "I will remember this favor. Cheers to our friendship."

The four cups collided with each other, making a crisp sound.


Half a year passed quickly.

While Tang San was detoxifying Dugu Bo, they exchanged their views on the way of poison.

The two met too late, and they were bosom friends, and formed a friendship of both teacher and friend.

Tang San took "Wangchuan Qiulushui"... This was not included in the seven herbs promised by Dugu Bo.

Because he took it on the grounds that he could help Dugu Bo draw poison more carefully after increasing his mental power, it was counted as one of the treatment consumables.

After Tang San selected the herbs according to the characteristics of the Shrek people, he also took away the "Fragrant Qiluo Fairy Product" as one of the treatment tools.

The reason he gave was: the doctor took his own medical tools.

In this regard, the honest man Dugu Bo also turned a blind eye, because he still felt a little sorry for forcibly capturing Tang San to the valley at that time.

When leaving the valley, Tang San took a deep look at the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, as well as the fairy grass around him, with a little greed in his eyes.

The treasures of heaven and earth belong to those with virtue. Since Dugu Bo doesn't know how to use them, it's just a waste of natural resources. If there is a chance, I must get them... He thought to himself.

In Beidi City, there have been significant changes in the past six months.

Misia was officially appointed as the Lord of Beidi City by Emperor Xue Ye. A Soul Saint-level worshiper stayed behind to protect his safety.

Although he did not participate in the disputes between the nobles, he launched a drastic reform, removed many spies planted by the nobles in the city lord's forces, promoted and appointed talented civilians, and firmly grasped the power of the Northland City in his own hands.

In this regard, Walter let it go and did nothing for the new city lord. Every day, he either drank tea, basked in the sun, or instructed Yan Jin.

Of course, he was not good at theoretical things, and all his teachings were simple and rough practical combat. This just suited Yan Jin's taste.

Even if she was beaten to pieces every time, she never tired of it. Often, she would come to the door to be beaten again before she had recovered from her injuries for a few days.

Yan Jin's efforts were not without rewards. She broke through to level 50. With the help of Walter, she hunted a 20,000-year-old Liuhuo Toad and reached level 52 directly. Just two days ago, she was promoted to level 53.

Alia, Vidal, Brady, and Franco walked very close to each other, and they seemed to form a small group.

Good-tempered Lei Yin and annoying Romil get along surprisingly well.

Romil always comes up with all kinds of weird stories to brag in the tavern, and Lei Yin listens with great interest every time.

As the team's instructor, Sun Boyuan was so worried that his hair fell out.

Although the team members are all very good, and the quality is much higher than that of previous participating teams, the coordination is simply unbearable.

He specially contacted the Northland City Great Fighting Spirit Arena, hoping to find a few powerful teams for actual combat training.

But none of the official members of the Northland team took him as their teacher seriously. They tried several times but failed to organize the team, and each time less than half of the members showed up.

Only Yang Feipeng and Gong Chengyun, the two alternates, listened to his command.

Amon's original body had not practiced for a while. He was already level 50. Although the accumulated soul power would be revealed after obtaining the soul ring if he continued to practice, he did not do so.

Because the practice efficiency at this time was not high, far less than the practice speed after obtaining the soul ring. He was more willing to enjoy this rare free time.

Although he usually interacted with the clone, he could also feel the pleasure of enjoyment from the clone's memory and get spiritual satisfaction, but it was not the original body that was resting after all.

Even if Amon had always set the goal of strengthening his strength and improving his life level, and enjoyed the feeling of his soul power improving bit by bit, he would occasionally feel tired.

On a sunny afternoon, Amon lay on the red roof without any image.

There were no clouds in the sky, and the wind blew slowly, bringing bursts of coolness.

He looked at the blue sky, emptied his mind, and relaxed his mind.

A long-awaited message came from a Time Worm clone who rushed to Beidi City:

The Amons of Hanhai City have locked onto the target of the fifth soul ring!

Amon closed his eyes, rested for a while, suddenly opened his eyes, and sat up with his hands on the roof.

He pinched the upper and lower edges of his monocle with his right thumb and index finger, and smiled: "Finally here... I've been waiting for a long time."


Sorry, it's a bit late.

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