Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 153 Suppress Contra! Awards for four families with a single attribute

Chapter 153 Suppress Contra! Rewards for four families with a single attribute! [Additional update·40 monthly tickets]

When Tang Lan experimented with ring explosion just now, he drove the vast sea to seal the soul.

So they didn't know how terrifying Tang Lan was.

Tang Lan smiled and said: "A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with."

"Okay!" Niu Gao shouted: "You don't need to break the defense, Master Tang. As long as you can make me, Lao Niu, take half a step back, you will win!"

Tang Lan:_

People nowadays are just too confident.

You need to learn a lesson.

"Let's go and practice outside."

Five people came to the yard outside.

I found a large number of young disciples gathered together.

"It's out! The sect leader is out!" Bai Chenxiang said proudly: "Look! I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Is it really Sect Master Tang?"

"Wow! The living Master Tang!"


"Sect Master Tang! I want to give birth to a titan ape for you!"

The children of the four-attribute family are just like fanatical fans chasing stars.

Enthusiastic people want to pounce on it.

It can be seen how popular Tang Lan is on the mainland today.

But the faces of Yang Wudi and others were a little confused.

Especially Niu Gao.

Contra lost his momentum and scolded——

"What kind of behavior is there for someone who yells and screams?"

"Everyone get down!"

The members of the Yu clan all shrank their heads and went down.

But the people from the other three families turned a blind eye.

Who are you?

Can you control us?

Especially those from the Force Clan, under the leadership of Tai Lung, "stick" to their positions.

——We are from the Tang Clan, and the Qiyu Clan has nothing to do with it!

Niu Gao is so angry, his eyes are wide open!

It was Tang Lan who stood up.

"Okay, we have something important to discuss."

"You go down first. The Tang Sect will hold a banquet later, and everyone will get together then."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was overjoyed!


"Boy! Do you dare to question Sect Leader Tang?"


"I fulfilled my final wish - have dinner with Sect Leader Tang!"

"It would be better if we could spend the night together."

"Slut! Master Tang is mine!"

Everyone was talking and laughing, but their steps were not slow.

Only tens of seconds.

The huge crowd had completely retreated.

That's the appeal.

I'm afraid that if Tang Lan hadn't raised his arms and shouted, many clan members would have followed him without any thought, right?

Niu Gao fell silent.

He came to the center of the field and summoned his martial spirit - the giant plate-armored rhinoceros!

A massive rhinoceros.

"Possessed by a martial spirit!"

Niu Gao's already generous body expanded rapidly, and his skin instantly turned black and was covered with thick cuticles.

He said in a loud voice: "Sect Master Tang, please take action!"

Tang Lan walked out of the queue with a smile.

The first step is the dazzling golden light.

Indestructible body!

He was already more vigorous than his peers, but after his aura surged 10 times, he exuded the coercion of a seven-ringed soul saint.

The four old men, including Tai Tai, were stunned for a moment.

"Old gorilla." Yang Wudi asked curiously: "How many levels are you, sect master?"

"When I met the sect master before, he was still the five-ringed soul king, right?" Tai Tan scratched his head and said, "How can he have the pressure of the seven-ringed soul saint?"

It can’t be that it’s reached level 70, right?


Absolutely impossible!

No need for them to guess.

Tang Lan released the Life Soul Blue Silver Emperor, and six blood-red soul rings appeared.

The eyes of Yang Wudi and the others turned red and purple!

A hundred thousand year soul ring! ! !

What the hell six hundred thousand year soul rings! ! !

"Old, old white bird!" Yang Wudi said tremblingly: "How old is your grandson?"

Bai He opened his mouth, his brain a little unable to react.

It was Tai Tan who said: "Young Master is 13 years old this year."

A collective silence ensued.

Throw away the shock of this hundred thousand year soul ring.

The 13-year-old Sixth Ring Soul Emperor is also a miracle!

And when they sigh.

The golden light on Tang Lan's body shrank and turned into a gilded light.

The indestructible magic power of King Kong!

The momentum also soared all the way, jumping directly to the Contra Douluo and breaking through to the Title Douluo.

Although only at the "goalkeeper" level.

But it made all four people's eyes widen!





What is this? What is this? !


Lei Yan's Haotian Hammer flashed with lightning and fell into Tang Lan's hands.


The first 100,000-year-old soul ring of the Life Soul Blue Silver Emperor was broken.

Surging energy poured into Lei Yan Haotian Hammer, and its size directly increased to twenty meters.

Looking at it, Niu Gao felt that his grandma was waving to him!

Ring explosion!

Big Sumeru Hammer! ! !

Why would he, a little Contra, use this killing move? !


Niugao's size suddenly grew in size, turning into a giant rhinoceros more than ten meters tall.

"The true form of the giant rhinoceros!!!"

But he was oppressed and had to activate his martial spirit true form.

Only then could he manage to stand firm.



The second 100,000-year-old spirit ring was shattered, and the size of Lei Yan's Haotian Hammer increased to 40 meters.

The stone slab beneath the giant rhino's true body shattered directly, and the whole animal was suppressed into the ground.

This hasn't been attacked yet.

Niu Gao had already been "defended".

"Enough, enough!" Bai He shouted quickly.

"Yes, Sect Master, the old rhinoceros will definitely not be able to bear it!" Yang Wudi helped.

"Young Master, if you don't take back your magical powers, my power hall will have to be rebuilt!" Tai Tan said heartbrokenly.

"Old Rhino, you should say something!" Bai He reminded.

But Niu Gao said.

I have to be able to speak too!

It's like a mountain weighing on you. If you open your mouth, your anger will be released, and you will be crushed on the spot!


Tang Lan activated the Soul Bone Skill: Reset, and all pressure was gone.

It's like it never happened.


Large pieces of surrounding buildings fell down, proving the "atrocities" that had occurred.

Niu Gao dispersed the martial soul's true body and half-knelt on the ground after the disaster.

Looking at Tang Lan in fear.

I can't figure it out,

How did this young junior burst out with such terrifying power?

Tai Tan and Bai He were overjoyed.

Although the Sixth Ringed Soul Emperor burst out with Title Douluo level combat power and suppressed a Soul Douluo.

This is very shocking.

But if this protagonist is his young master/grandson.

That's acceptable.

"Old Rhino, what are you waiting for?" Yang Wudi scolded: "Why don't you quickly thank the sect master for showing mercy?"

Niu Gao finally came to his senses.

Take advantage of the situation and hand it over.

"Subordinate Niu Gao, thank you, sect master, for showing mercy!"

"I am willing to lead my clan and join the Tang Clan and never betray!"

Tang Lan nodded with satisfaction.

He stepped forward to help Niu Gao up, and the powerful internal force of Nine Yang Divine Skill was input to relieve his physical and mental pain.

"The Tang Sect has now established the Imperial Hall, which is mainly responsible for the sect's defense and various construction duties."

"You will still be the master of the hall, Master Niu."

"Majoring in the Nine Yang Divine Art and minoring in the Immortal Seal Technique."

"I obtained a fiefdom near the Star Dou Forest."

"It is intended to be used as a soul experimental base. I will leave this matter to you, Master Niu."

Niu Gao realized the magic of Nine Yang Magic and the Immortal Seal.

That's like nodding.

These two techniques alone are worth the sacrifice of the Yu clan!

Especially the Immortal Seal.

The defensive power of their plate-armored giant rhino can directly surpass that of the diamond mammoth!

——They can fight, resist and last, so why should they compare?

[The host regained the three single-attribute families of Min, Po, and Yu, causing Tang San to lose the foundation for his rise. Steal a small amount of Tang San's luck! 】

【award:"."! 】

After a busy day, I feel dizzy and a little stuck.

If there is no update at 11 o'clock, then only one update will be added today.

Every 20 monthly votes and 200 recommendation votes will add an additional chapter! Valid until the 10th!

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