Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 168 Amethyst Behemoth’s right metacarpal bone! Mutation!

The distance of this flight,

It is more than twice the distance from Tiandou City to Star Dou Forest.

It spanned most of Douluo Continent diagonally.

But the vitality consumed by both is the same.


‘The limit of Blood Escape Technique has not been reached yet. ’

‘If you fly at full strength without stopping, you can at least fly out of Douluo Continent. ’

‘It’s not impossible to go to the Sun Moon Continent next door, as long as the direction is OK. ’


‘Find an opportunity to throw the little Yasan over and let him learn the soul guidance device? ’

‘By the way, pack up those evil eyes and everything! ’



Write it down in a notebook.

Tang Lan found a hotel to stay at.

Tang Hao and the others were still not released.

‘System, I want to receive the reward. ’

The purple light gathered and turned into a crystal clear right metacarpal bone, as beautiful as a work of art.

The attached soul bone·Amethyst Behemoth's right metacarpal bone!

Tang Lan grabbed it with his right hand and absorbed it directly.

At the same time, I wandered far away, thinking about life.

I thought it was just a once-in-a-lifetime absorption of the attached soul bone.

In no mood

After a brief fusion.

Amethyst Behemoth's right metacarpal bone suddenly moved toward the Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone, and "ate" it domineeringly!

That's right!

Just "eat"!

The Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone disappeared little by little, and was replaced by the Amethyst Behemoth's right metacarpal bone, strengthening the latter's age.

Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone also tried to resist.

But it was obviously a hundred thousand year old soul bone, but it was helpless when faced with the forty thousand year old amethyst Behemoth right metacarpal bone.

All counterattacks sent out will be swallowed up in one bite.

Then strengthen the Amethyst Behemoth's right metacarpal bone.

They were retreating steadily, unable to resist.

Tang Lan was confused.

‘System, what does this mean? ’

The system is not responding.

Tang Lan could only recall the information about Amethyst Behemoth.

The first of the four mythical beasts,

Orc co-owner,

The leader of the Behemoth clan,


Behemoth looks like

Are they feeding on giant dragons?


——Who wants to live in the same place as food?

Tang Lan's "residence" cannot be changed.

That can only eat the "food".


Very good.

The soul bone skill of Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone is really useless to him.

It's better to use them as "materials" and feed them to higher-level soul bones.

What Tang Lan didn't expect was this.

Amethyst Behemoth's right metacarpal bone, after swallowing the Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone.

Not satisfied yet.

It continues to extend towards the upper arm bone, occupying the entire right arm.

Until he came into contact with the Eight Spider Spears and encountered strong resistance.

Just stop.

From the Amethyst Behemoth right metacarpal bone, it evolved into the Amethyst Behemoth right hand bone.

The age also jumped from 40,000 years to 116,000 years - the exact age of the Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone is 130,000 years.

Tang Lan's physique increased accordingly.

He felt it.

The life span of the natal soul ring has increased to about thirteen thousand years.

Come to 130,000 years.

Good guy!

The overall age of the right arm has decreased, but the physical fitness has increased?

No wonder the Golden Dragon Crocodile's right arm bone was eaten by the Amethyst Behemoth's right arm bone.

Too much.


The Amethyst Behemoth right hand bone, like the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor of Life, also retains the ability to "evolve".

As long as you "eat" objects related to dragons, you can increase your life span.

Simple and crude.

Then there's its soul bone skill - Behemoth Evolution: Burn the soul bone to ignite the amethyst bloodline and gain an evolution!

A one-time soul bone skill?

Tang Lan was not surprised but overjoyed!

Douluo Continent also has to follow the "conservation of energy" theorem.

Same energy.

If two soul bone skills are allocated, will the power be the same as if it is concentrated on one soul bone skill?

And it’s a one-time release.

The power is of course self-evident, it must be ridiculously strong!

Behemoth evolves?

It sounds like it has something to do with the physical body.

Increase strength?

Comprehensive physical evolution?

Has your bloodline been improved?

Tang Lan wanted to give it a try and summon the evil eye to mark himself.

About to activate Soul Bone Technique Behemoth Evolution

There was a throbbing in my heart!

He had a premonition

Evil Eye's Soul Bone Reset skill is ineffective against Bimeng's evolution!

Beyond time?

It seems that this soul bone skill is indeed not simple.

Since the reset is enabled, it cannot be wasted.

Tang Lan jumped a few times and rushed out of the town.

At the same time, open the soul ring and experiment with the magic of ring explosion.

He had some insights after watching Tang Hao's Big Sumeru Hammer.

With the addition of the Immortal Seal Dharma, the conversion rate increases.

The energy that can be utilized by the ring explosion has also reached 70%.

Very good.


Tang Lan didn't notice at all.

The town residents were shocked when they saw his six blood-red soul rings.

Another mysterious legend was left behind.

After leaving the town.

Tang Lan finally remembered that there were three more people in the Blue King.

Quickly release it.

The three of them opened their eyes sleepily. They had fallen asleep after waiting for too long.

——The Blue King doesn’t have much energy in him, so he can’t cultivate even if he wants to.

Tang Hao first glanced at Shui Bing'er to make sure that she was still in perfect condition.

He looked a little confused.

I originally thought that it took so long because Tang Lan was growing his family outside.

Not really?

He knew the speed of Blood Escape Technique.

A day and a night have passed. What is Tang Lan doing outside?

"Why are you so late? Was there an accident?" Tang Hao asked.

Tang Lan had already thought of the reason.

He showed the Amethyst Behemoth's right hand bone, and the powerful aura made the three of them look straight in the eyes.

Tang Hao was the first to react.

"Son, isn't your right arm bone a 100,000-year-old golden dragon crocodile?"


"what's the situation?"

Tang Lan grinned.

"When the blood escape technique stopped, I happened to meet a titled Douluo."

"He saw the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor of Life and wanted to kill me to get the bone."

"He was slaughtered."

"A piece of purple right metacarpal bone fell down, which resonated with my Golden Dragon Crocodile right arm bone and began to be absorbed on the spot."

"And that was it."

The words are simple, but the amount of information is huge!

Tang Lan killed a titled Douluo?

Although this is shocking, it is not a big problem.

——Tang Hao has even been beaten by Tang Lan.

But this soul bone resonates.


Tang Lan showed the gray right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor of Life.

"Actually, it's just the attributes of the soul bones that merge into one."

Three people: "."

What you said was an understatement.

The attached soul bone ranks second on the soul master's dream list!

It's just like wholesale!

Including the right metacarpal bone, it’s eight pieces, right?


The only two normal soul bones are "soul bones fused"?

That’s outrageous!

Ten seconds later.

It was Oscar who said with emotion: "Sect Master, I won't be surprised anymore whatever happens to you in the future."

"Yes!" Shui Bing'er agreed: "Because no matter how strange things happen to the sect master, they all seem to be reasonable."

Tang Hao also nodded.

My own son

He is worthy of being the reincarnation of the Dragon God with good thoughts, and his actions are unique!

As for the titled Douluo mentioned by Tang Lan

Tang Hao didn't believe it.

But since Tang Lan made up the reason, Tang Hao didn't ask any more questions.


More updates at night!

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