Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 185 The pure and pure Tang Sanshao! That’s it!

Although Tang San did it beautifully.

But Tang Lan couldn't laugh.

Instead, he said with a helpless tone——

"My mistress, when I ask you to seize the opportunity, you must be sincere."

"If you tell me that I am your brother, can you show off your talent?"

"Show your twin martial souls, hidden weapon talents, firearm modifications, herbal reserves, etc.!"

Tang San turned his head stiffly and met Tang Lan's eyes that were filled with hatred.

There was silence for a moment.

turn out to be

Brother didn't make any arrangements for him?

Or do you have to fight for it on your own?

Seeing that the Ice Emperor had a bad look in his eyes, he looked like he wanted to skin him.

The oppressive feeling from the 380,000-year-old ferocious beast made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and he could not even blink his eyelids.

The threat of death looms over him!

Tang San was forced to use the Xuantian Technique with all his strength, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

The earthy yellow light shines on the forehead and condenses into a head soul bone.

Titanic skull!

I wanted to use the soul bone to bless me to make myself feel more relaxed.

As a result, I didn’t even have time to take a breath.


Er Ming, a titan ape, roared angrily and slammed the floor.

The shock wave hit Tang San, who had not doubled his strength, and flew him away for more than ten meters.

Tang Lan couldn't stand it anymore and used his mental power to support him.

"Okay, Ice Emperor, Er Ming." Tang Lan said with a headache: "The third son quits this time."

"I don't!"

Tang San struggled to get up and looked at Er Ming,

"I have the head soul bone of a Titan ape, which is the most suitable for you!"

"As long as you sacrifice your blood to me."

"When my brother becomes a god in the future, he will definitely take me to the divine world! Then you will also be able to live forever!"

Everyone: (●—●)_●)_●)

The last time he was so speechless in this life was when Tang San snatched his disciple's soul bone.

What outrageous remarks are you making?

Tang Lan convinced them that it was a way of building relationships and showing talent.

This requires some kind words and persuasion.

Who do you think you are?

Are you just going to take advantage of your brother?


"Human!" Er Ming said angrily: "The head soul bone on your body was dropped by my brother when he was hunted by humans to cover my escape!"

"You are now wearing its head soul bone and want me to offer you a blood sacrifice?"


Erming was angry and opened the field of gravity. A bright light shone on his right arm, and a giant jump came over him!

This is really murderous!

But Tang Lan definitely couldn't sit idly by and stood in front of Tang San.

"Dong uh——"

The magical power of Vajra Indestructibility is activated, and the whole body is surrounded by gilded light.

Lei Yanhao's Sky Hammer condensed, and he swung the hammer to meet Er Ming's angry blow.


The shock wave of the attack spread out, pushing Xiao Wu and others back.

But he couldn't shake Tang Lan at all.

This made Er Ming, who was so angry, forget his anger.

what's the situation?

Although it didn't use all its strength just now, it didn't deliberately withdraw its strength when it was angry.

The destructive power must at least be titled Douluo.

Tang Lan

Use the Lei Yan Haotian Hammer without a soul ring to fight him on an equal footing?

It had never seen Tang Lan's "fighting across levels" before, so it was dumbfounded.


A bit exaggerated? !

The Ice and Snow Emperors were used to it.

——If Tang Lan didn't have such monster fighting power, how could they identify him?

Daming was also a little sluggish.

But he reacted quickly.

He scolded: "Er Ming! Come back!"

Only then did Er Ming come back to his senses.

He looked deeply at Tang San.

Knowing that he couldn't be killed today, he went back angrily.

But being enveloped by Er Ming's true murderous intention, Tang San was at the end of his strength.

But he still held on and looked at Daming who had just spoken.

——It helped me, maybe it was the "opportunity" arranged by my brother?

He immediately took a strong breath and said with anticipation——

"Azure Bull Python, are you willing to be my soul?"

"I can guarantee you that whatever my status in the God Realm is in the future, you will be treated accordingly!"

"Absolutely no lies!"

This time Tang San spoke sincerely and played the emotional card.

It has a bit of a "pure and pure Tang Sanshao" flavor.


Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Tang San's level 32 was pretty good among his peers.

But compared to Tang Lan, who can stand up and hold up a Titan at level 65, that's just a piece of shit!

Daming simply shook his head.

"Sorry, you and I don't have the same attributes, so let's forget it."

I declined very politely.

Tang San's face turned pale and he couldn't say much.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Snow Emperor.

She has been motionless, just like the ice sculpture.

Tang San gritted his teeth and was about to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Boy!" Ice Emperor said in one sentence: "If you dare to speak, you must be prepared to die!"

With the character of Snow Emperor.

Even the Titan Snow Demon King, who was of the bloodline of the Ice God, was beaten to the point where he could not take care of himself for thousands of years.

Tang San?

Even Tang Lan's younger brother had to have all his bones broken - his brother knew how to treat it anyway.


She was going to "live together" with the Snow Emperor. How could the Ice and Snow Emperor commit himself to this guy?

When Tang San heard this, his chest hurt!



It’s all gone!


A mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes turned black and he fell to the ground.

Everyone was shaking their heads.

Is this the amount of energy?

Tang Lan also helplessly covered his face and waved to Oscar.

"Help your master to rest at the base."

Oscar trotted over, picked up Tang San, spread out his green wings, and flew towards the base.

"Ha!" The Ice Emperor sneered: "Human, there is no doubt about your talent, and your eye for picking people is not bad, but you are my younger brother!"

It’s hard to describe in one word!

Dai Mubai and others nodded in agreement.

Tang San was really bad at life.

It's simply Tang Lan's "stain"!

If he hadn't had a good brother, he would have been a villain.

Tang Lan sighed deeply and did not refute.

He glanced at the silent system.

It seems that it has to be "concretely implemented".

"Da Ming and Er Ming, because the Ice and Snow Emperors are too old, I'm worried that my spiritual world may not be able to accommodate them."

"How about you guys choose?"

"You are all familiar with Xiao Wu."

"Zhuqing, show me."

Zhu Zhuqing obeyed and stepped forward, summoning his martial spirit shadow civet.

"The Nether Civet Evolves Martial Spirit, Shadow Civet."

"I'm 12 years old and level 48. My third soul ring comes from the Shadow Demon Cat that swallowed the Shadow God's divinity and gave me some of the Shadow God's abilities."

"It becomes a natal soul ring that can be upgraded as I improve."

"The soul skill Shadow Step allows you to walk through the shadows and hide your body. The invisible blow increases the damage and ignores certain defenses."

Her figure disappeared.

The Snow Emperor, who had been silent all this time, looked around unexpectedly.

No trace was found?

next moment,

Zhu Zhuqing appeared behind Daming, his shadow blade pointed directly at the reverse scale of its lower jaw.


The slow field opened, allowing Zhu Zhuqing to slow down.

Daming blew a breath, his original intention was not to hurt Zhu Zhuqing.


Zhu Zhuqing escaped into the shadow again and disappeared.

But it made Da Ming feel very uncomfortable.


There was a crisp tapping sound on the reverse scale of its lower jaw.

Let its complexion change!

Without waiting for a reaction,

Zhu Zhuqing has returned to Tang Lan, with the tail of the shadowy cat attached to the soul bone swaying.

"The shadow demon cat's external soul bone allows me to attack the shadow and feedback the damage to the main body."

"Paired with my third soul skill, the effects of soul skills and soul bone skills are doubled."

That is to say

If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't saved his hand just now, relying on the superposition of the external soul bone amplification, the invisible blow, and the ignored defense, even Daming would not have suffered easily.

Daming looked at Zhu Zhuqing in surprise. He didn't expect her to be so fierce?

Then he looked at Tang Lan.

Tang Lan looked back calmly with a smile.

One person and one beast are caught in a confrontation.

The atmosphere became more subtle.

Update at eleven o'clock~

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