Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 242: Too slow in shedding wool? I'll grab it directly!

Although Tang San's damage was not worth mentioning to Tang Lan.

But it also depends on who the opponent is.


"This fifth soul skill is pretty good."

Tang Lan praised——

"Let your Blue Silver Grass have high mobility, so that the two 100,000-year-old soul skills of the fourth soul ring will not be afraid of not being able to hit anyone."

"With the addition of lightning attribute paralysis, your control system is becoming more and more interesting."

Having said that

Tang San looked at Tang Lan who was like a normal person, and felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

Still not enough?

Tang Lan was a little funny when he saw it.

"Little Sanzi, have you forgotten that I am level 76?"

"It's not a normal level 76."

"Not to mention that I also have the ultimate thunder, ultimate ice, and ultimate soul attributes."

"Ordinary titled Douluo, don't even think of hurting me."

"It would be weird if you could hurt me."

Tang San:"."

Why are you listening?

Tang Lan is like his natural enemy?

Restrain him in everything?

But then I thought about it.

Tang San's current achievements were all due to Tang Lan's "frugal living".

The attributes are naturally similar to Tang Lan, but far inferior.

Only then can we have this illusion of "natural enemies".

Adjust your mentality.

Tang San said confidently: "Brother, now that I'm in the Tang Sect, I can be considered a genius, right?"

The sky cleared and the rain stopped.

The little Yakuza felt that he could do it again.

Tang Lan smiled and nodded - that's good.

Compared with Tang San's sinking, the little reward for focusing on research instead of practicing.

Tang San, with high morale, could seize opportunities more actively.

Tang Lan is also good at operating behind the scenes, so get more rewards.

"It's time to go." Tang Lan said: "Go back to Poseidon Island first and pass the first place test."

"Over there in the Killing City, I have some unexpected gains."

"If the plan goes well, maybe it won't be long before I can lead you to the God of Killing Domain together."

Tang San's eyes lit up!

Group brushing the realm of the God of Killing?

"Brother! Can this really be done?"

"What, you don't believe me?"

"Of course not!" Tang San said quickly: "It's just that this is too unbelievable, I..."

"Is there anything ordinary about what I do?" Tang Lan asked.

Tang San thought about it.

This is really the case.

When did Tang Lan make a move that was not unprecedentedly generous?

"Brother, do you need my help?" Tang San said enthusiastically: "I'm level 51 now, and I can do a lot of things!"


Seeing Tang San being so active, Tang Lan couldn't bear to hit him anymore.

Don't talk about level 51.

Now there is Contra, which is not enough even for Tang Lan.

You must at least be titled Douluo to be eligible for dialogue.

Just Tang San

"Your top priority now is to practice hard and prepare for the elite competition."

Tang Lan said as tactfully as possible——

"Winning an elite competition championship for Tang Sect College can also build Tang Sect's reputation."

"By the way, it will be a good start for the subsequent plans."

"Behave well, and I'll let you lead the team when the time comes."

Tang San was excited when he heard this!

"Brother! Just watch!"

He nodded happily.

He sealed Tang San's soul in the vast sea and threw him into the Blue King.

About to leave.

What a sudden meal!

He received a message from Qian Palace - the Blue Silver King who awakened Tang Lan.

Take out the communication soul guide.

It vibrated immediately.


The image of the white-haired old man in the palace emerged.

"Emperor, I finally contacted you!"

Qian Gong hurriedly said——


"Deputy Sect Master Zhao asked his subordinates to inform you that Xue Beng, the fourth prince of the Tiandou Empire, was assassinated three days ago."

"The third elder was present at the time, but there were two titled Douluo on the other side, and one of them was extremely able to restrain the third elder's poison."

"Fortunately, the third elder broke through to level 95 before the battle, and barely held the opponent back until the second elder rushed to help."

"But Prince Xue Beng was still knocked away by the aftermath. He was in a coma and has not yet woken up."

"The diagnosis shows that his soul is severely damaged and he may not be able to wake up in his lifetime."

"Deputy Sect Master Zhao wants to ask you, how should the Tang Sect express its position now?"

Not many people know about the "private relationship" between Tang Lan and Qian Renxue.

In the eyes of the outside world.

The Tang clan had a falling out with the eldest prince, and was won over by the fourth prince, becoming the backbone of the fourth prince's faction.

That's why Xue Beng could stay with Dugu Bo in Tiandou City.

I just didn't expect it,

The attackers will have two titled Douluo, and they can also restrain Dugu Bo's Green Scale Snake Venom.

This is very interesting.

——There’s no need to guess, it must have been done by Wuhun Palace!

Qian Renxue is still anxious!

He accepted this great gift!

"I understand the matter." Tang Lan said: "You tell Lao Zhao that the Tang Sect does not need to express its position. Before I go back, just do your duty."

Qian Gong nodded in agreement.

"Emperor, there are a few more things that need to be reported."

Qian Gong continued——

"In two months, it will be the start of the Elite Competition."

"Deputy Sect Leader Zhao has already listed you and several other core disciples as a recommended team."

"At the same time, that period is also the day when the whole continent awakens its martial soul."

"Deputy Sect Master Zhao said that according to your request, a group of children with extraordinary talents have been cultivated. I want to ask if I want to wait for you to come back before awakening their martial arts souls?"

This is something.

Tang Lan said casually: "If I don't come back by then, just ask Bai He to start a continent-wide live broadcast."


Make sure there is nothing else going on.

Tang Lan hung up the communication and turned into blood and shot towards the west.

It landed accurately in front of the steps under Poseidon Temple.

After releasing Tang San, he also unlocked the Seagod's Seal of Sea Soul.

"Zhu Rong."

Zhu Rong is practicing on the steps.

Stop immediately.

He bounced off after taking off and landed firmly in front of Tang Lan.

"Sect Master, you called me?"

"Call them up." Tang Lan ordered: "Just do it as before."

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Tang Lan passed Zhu Rong.

He quickly climbed up the steps without disturbing the practitioners along the way.

Just relying on his own physical strength, he sprinted all the way to the 200 steps.

The speed just slowed down a bit.

But with a steady pace, I crossed the 250 steps.

Finally stopped at 298 steps.

There are only 35 steps left from the 333 steps to complete the first test.

And as of now.

Tang Lan only used his body!

Spiritual power, soul bones, soul skills, domains, all of them are useless.

What does this mean?

He could finish the first test at any time.

But Tang Lan was not in a hurry.

He sat down cross-legged on the 298 steps, running the Nine Turns Golden Body Art, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

It is worth mentioning that--

The Poseidon's Light on the steps now is not the genuine Poseidon's Light, but simulated using a formation.

And driving the formation naturally requires energy.


The energy concentration on this step far exceeds the outside world.

The Nine-turn Golden Body Technique is extremely domineering. It directly plunders the energy that sustains them from the light of the Poseidon to increase its own cultivation.

This behavior is no longer just plucking, it’s simply robbing!

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