Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 438 Tang San’s begging, absorbing soul bones again!

Tang Lan stopped acting now and looked directly at Tang San impatiently.

I was just pretending to be with the little Zha San before, just to try to manipulate his psychology.

Tang Lan stopped pretending about this matter and wanted to torture Tang San in another way.

In the future, you still have to pretend to be the older brother, so that Tang San can have unrealistic ideas.

Only when we finally face the cruel reality can we have a heart-wrenching gap!

"Please give me a chance, brother!" Tang San said hurriedly, even though he was feeling very unhappy in his heart, but on the surface, his face was full of begging.

Tang San knew how to lower his head temporarily to gain strength.

But in the end, those who had made him bow his head found their own way to die!

"Opportunity?" Tang Lan asked knowingly.

"Tang San, you are so shameless!" Zhu Zhuqing said loudly.

"Lan has given you enough face. For your behavior all along, apart from temporarily withdrawing you from the team, when has Lan ever punished you?"

"Whenever I get something good, I think of you first. Now you still have the nerve to let Lan give you another chance?"

"And don't think I didn't see that you're actually kind of grinding your teeth!"

Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been cold and aloof, couldn't stand it anymore, pointed at Tang San and cursed angrily.

During this period when Tang Lan was away, Tang San was shouting and shouting, and he looked like he looked down on everyone.

It seems that since he is Tang Lan's younger brother, he can do whatever he wants and look down on anyone.

Now she took advantage of Tang Lan's dissatisfaction with Tang San to explode directly.

Zhu Zhuqing's outburst made Tang San feel even more unhappy.

He really wanted to fight back against Zhu Zhuqing.

Tell her why a woman can say that to him.

But thinking about how he was in a bit of a difficult situation just now because he refuted Xiao Wu.

The most important thing is to anger Tang Lan, the bastard.

He has always been extremely indulgent to himself and considered everything for himself, so why did he end up like this after going out?

It must be that old ghost Tang Hao who caused the trouble. Tang Lan just said that it was Tang Hao who told him to treat himself harshly.

What an old man!

Why doesn't he die?

Tang San's little thoughts, feeling his aggrieved heart, made Tang Lan almost burst out laughing.

Teaching Wuhun Hall a lesson outside is really not as comfortable as torturing the little Yakuza!

A few simple words could make Tang San feel aggrieved and helpless and furious.

Tang Lan then smiled and watched how his team of gods tortured Tang San.

Of course, the leader is still himself.

"Brother!" Tang San suppressed his emotions, then looked at Tang Lan and said, "I will admit my mistake to Sister-in-law Xiaowu and beg Sister-in-law Xiaowu for forgiveness!"

"I won't protect you today. If I can't get Xiao Wu's forgiveness, I won't be able to give you this soul bone!" Tang Lan said lightly.

Although Tang San felt unhappy, he still came to Xiao Wu.

"Don't apologize to me, I won't forgive you!" Xiao Wu responded to Tang San with a dissatisfied look on his face before he could say anything else.

"I was wrong, really!"

"Everyone can't see you until you look up. Sister-in-law Xiao Wu, please spare me this time!"

Tang San gritted his teeth and continued speaking, but at this moment he had already lowered his head.

In order to continue to be favored by Tang Lan, and for the sake of the 200,000-year-old soul bone, this head must be lowered.

But I must find my place again in the future, otherwise I will really not be able to swallow this breath.

"Don't you understand human speech?" Xiao Wu said impatiently.

"Sister-in-law Xiao Wu, you have a lot, I am just a bastard, don't be like me!" Tang San raised his head and continued to beg with tears in his eyes.

Even if I kneel down today, I still have to beg this stinky woman for forgiveness.

"You are really troublesome!" Xiao Wu was almost annoyed to death by Tang San. When she saw Tang San like this, she felt extremely sick.

"Please!" Tang San continued with a pitiful expression as tears streamed down his face.

"Forget it, I will forgive you this time, but I will never forgive you again!" Xiao Wu was annoyed by Tang San, so Tu Qingjing spared him.

"Brother, I beg sister-in-law Xiao Wu for forgiveness. Can you give me the soul bone?" Tang San didn't even thank Xiao Wu, but turned around and said excitedly to Tang Lan.

"Let's choose!"

"It's still the same as before, you can absorb any soul bone that matches you."

"If it's still like before, there's nothing I can do about your brother."

Tang Lan floated ten more soul bones in the air and said generously.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing and others felt that Tang Lan was too kind to Tang San.

For a brother like this, it's only right to leave him alone.

"Brother, let me try the 200,000-year-old Sky Wolf soul bone first!" Tang Lan pointed at the soul bone and said firmly.

No one was surprised. With Tang San's greed, how could he not choose the oldest soul bone or the torso bone.

"Try it!" Tang Lan passed the soul bone to Tang San.

Then everyone looked at Tang San, sitting down with excitement on his face and preparing to absorb the soul bone.

But before that, he looked at others deliberately and provocatively.

You bitches, you bastards!

Good soul bones can only be mine!

Ning Rongrong couldn't stand Tang San's behavior and said with a look of disgust: "Don't think he can choose this soul bone first, but in the end he won't be able to absorb it."

"Then I'll start looking forward to it!" Xiao Wu said as if he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

When Tang San heard what the two said, he was also a little worried that what happened before would happen again.

But he shook his head vigorously, and finally began to absorb it with confidence.

It can definitely be absorbed this time, strange things cannot always exist.


The soul bone fell to the ground, Tang San opened his eyes in disbelief, and said in disbelief: "Brother, I'll do it again!"

"Come on!" Tang Lan said generously. He knew that if he wanted to torture Tang San, he had to give him hope and then make him despair.

"Thank you, brother!" Tang San hurriedly absorbed it again. This time he was extremely serious and must succeed.


However, things went against his wishes, and Tang San failed again.

"It seems that some people are not worthy of receiving two hundred thousand soul bones!"

"What a shame!"

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong both laughed in agreement.

As for Dai Mubai and others, they couldn't help but laugh. This was not the first time that this happened to Tang San.

But every time I see it, I just want to laugh.

Tang Lan looked at Tang San's frost-beaten face, feeling very happy in his heart. He held back a smile and said with concern: "Xiao San is fine, you are just not suitable for this soul bone."

"Why on earth is this happening?" Tang San shouted in a somewhat broken voice.

Tang San thought he was very calm, but once again he encountered such a situation where he couldn't absorb soul bones——

He couldn't control his emotions and lost control. Did he miss two hundred thousand torso bones like this?

And it is also the torso bone of the extremely top-notch Sirius Wolf among soul beasts!

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