Jiang Nannan's body was shaking violently, like a delicate flower shivering in the autumn wind, which could be blown down by the strong wind at any time.

She couldn't believe what she heard, and kept shouting in her heart:

"Tang Lan, how can you be so impulsive and so reckless? You are simply playing with your life!"

Ma Xiaotao bit her lips tightly, leaving a row of clear teeth marks, and her lips turned pale.

The light in her eyes flickered, sometimes angry, sometimes confused, and sometimes showing a trace of worry.

Her hands unconsciously clenched into fists, and because of too much force, the knuckles turned white.

She thought to herself: "What is Tang Lan thinking? How can he be so reckless and so reckless!"

Tang Ya was also shocked at this moment, and her beautiful eyebrows were tightly frowned, forming two deep ravines.

She bit her lower lip lightly with her teeth, and the force was so great that her lips lost their color.

The originally lively eyes were now filled with confusion and fear, staring at Tang Lan, as if she wanted to see through his appearance to his heart.

Her hands were tightly clasped in front of her chest, and because of nervousness, the joints were particularly prominent.

She kept repeating in her heart: "Tang Lan, what are you doing? Don't you know what this means? Why do you do this, why do you take such a risk?"

Facing everyone's doubts, Tang Lan took a deep breath, straightened his spine, and slowly said with a solemn and resolute look:

"I know that the people of the Holy Spirit Church and the four empires want to assassinate me."

His voice was steady and powerful, like thunder exploding in everyone's ears,

His eyes swept across everyone present firmly, as if to convey his determination to them.

"These days, they have been making small moves. I can clearly feel the threat hidden in the dark, following me like a shadow and never disappearing."

"Every quiet night, every moment alone, I can keenly perceive the vague murderous intent."

"They are like poisonous snakes hiding in the grass, ready to give me a fatal blow at any time."

"Instead of letting them hide in the dark and assassinate me constantly, it is better to use myself as bait to lure them all out and eliminate them all at once."

Tang Lan's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, the flames were hot and dazzling, and his voice unconsciously rose a few points, with a determination to burn his boats.

"They are like a group of cunning mice, always sneaking around in the dark."

"I don't want to be on guard every day, guarding against those cold arrows that may appear at any time."

"Every trip, every turn, may hide a fatal crisis."

"I am tired of this kind of life. I want to take the initiative to pull them out of the dark corners, expose them to the sun, and make them nowhere to hide."

"Eliminate the trouble forever!"

Tang Lan waved his fist vigorously, and the fist seemed to carry a thousand pounds of force and an unstoppable momentum.

"I will use this battle to make them never dare to have the slightest unreasonable thoughts about me again, and let them pay a heavy price for their evil deeds."

Everyone was shocked as if they were cast a spell to fix their bodies when they heard Tang Lan's words.

Yan Shaozhe widened his eyes, his mouth slightly opened, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

The students looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces changed from the initial doubts to deep shock in an instant.

Jiang Nannan covered her mouth, her eyes full of disbelief, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Tang Ya was in disbelief, her brows knitted, thinking to herself:

"What a risk Tang Lan is taking!"

Ma Xiaotao looked at Tang Lan in astonishment, clenched her fists, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This guy is too brave!"

The instructors were also stunned. One of the older instructors kept shaking his head and muttered to himself:

"This is crazy, too crazy..."

The entire Shrek Academy fell into a shocked silence, only Tang Lan's firm and powerful voice was still echoing in everyone's ears, impacting their hearts.

Yan Shaozhe looked solemn, and finally couldn't help but speak,

"Tang Lan, you are taking too much risk!"

There was urgency and deep worry in his voice, as if these words were squeezed out from between his teeth, and his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out.

The serious expression and frowning brows showed his extreme anxiety.

After a pause, he continued:

"Although I know that your real combat power may have reached the Soul Douluo realm, it is impossible that the opponent will send only Soul Douluo-level strongmen."

"You must know that the Holy Spirit Church and the four empires have a deep foundation, and their forces are intertwined. They will never give up."

"In order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever it takes and will never let you go easily."

Yan Shaozhe stared at Tang Lan, his eyes full of worry and solemn warnings, as if he wanted to look straight into Tang Lan's heart.

"It may even be a Titled Douluo, do you understand?"

He raised his voice, his voice trembled slightly with excitement, and his tone became heavier.

"The strength of the Titled Douluo is not something you can easily contend with. It is an existence standing at the top of the Soul Master world. Their methods and strength are unfathomable."

"Every Titled Douluo has experienced countless battles and has rich experience and powerful martial soul abilities."

Tang Lan nodded gently in agreement, his expression calm and firm, and then continued:


His voice was neither humble nor arrogant, without any intention of retreating, as if he did not care about Yan Shaozhe's worries.

"Last time, the killer they sent was at the level of Title Douluo."

Tang Lan's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, as if he recalled the fierce battle,

"But the final result was that they were all killed!"

His voice was full of confidence and fearlessness, as if he was telling a trivial matter, and the powerful aura shocked everyone around him.

Everyone was shocked to hear the conversation between the two and took a breath.

For a moment, the whole audience was silent, and then there was an uproar.

The students whispered to each other, their faces full of disbelief.

"Tang Lan actually has the combat power of Soul Douluo level, this is unbelievable!"

A student widened his eyes, his voice changed due to excitement, and the voice was trembling with full of astonishment.

"Yes, this is beyond imagination, how did he do it?"

The student next to him echoed, his face full of admiration and curiosity.

The instructors also looked at each other with complicated expressions.

One of the young instructors couldn't help but exclaim:

"At such a young age, he has such strength. He is really the pride of Shrek Academy!"

His eyes were full of admiration, but also mixed with a hint of worry. (End of this chapter)

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