"Oh? It seems that you are not planning to take action." Han Yu inserted the Fire Cloud Stick in front of him and waited for Zhu Zhuyun's reply calmly.

"Miss, I can't see through his strength, so don't mess with him." The middle-aged man behind Zhu Zhuyun solemnly reminded him.

He is the sixty-third level soul emperor, so Han Yu's strength is very likely to be above level sixty-four.

Zhu Zhuyun swallowed his saliva. He originally thought that the other party was a junior soul emperor, but now it seemed that he had underestimated him.

"Senior, do you have to get involved in this matter?" Zhu Zhuyun lost his confidence and his eyes began to wander.

"You go, I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Star Luo Empire." Han Yu said calmly.

Zhu Zhuyun and Davis were the best candidates to deal with Dai Mubai, and he did not want to kill Zhu Zhuyun.

Zhu Zhuyun gritted his teeth, turned around and left, "Goodbye!"

When the old man who stood up earlier saw this, he turned around and was about to run away, but unexpectedly tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground, knocking out a few of his old yellow teeth due to the fall.

After hurriedly getting up, the old man activated his soul skill and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing finally let go of his worries.

"Hmph~" The pain in her body hit her instantly, and she almost stumbled to the ground.

After confirming through mental perception that Zhu Zhuyun and others were gone, Han Yu instantly collapsed to the ground.

After absorbing the strange fire, he also suffered many injuries. Without Ye Lingling's treatment this time, he could only resist on his own.

He was unwilling to take action just now, more concerned about the injuries inside his body.

"Senior, are you injured?" Regardless of the pain on his body, Zhu Zhuqing quickly helped Han Yu up.

"I'm fine, just some superficial injuries. But your injuries are not good."

Zhu Zhuqing was injured by the glass flame, and his body was already poisoned by fire.

Han Yu stood up slowly and said, "You were injured by my flames. I can remove the fire poison from your body."

"I" Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect it to be so serious.

The opponent's flames can speed up one's cultivation, but they are poisonous, which is unheard of.

Seeing her doubts, Han Yu quickly explained.

"Senior, please." Zhu Zhuqing bowed and said.

Han Yu waved his hand, "Don't call me senior, it looks like I'm the youngest. I'm not much older than your sister Zhu Zhuyun. Well~ just call me Teacher Han."

"Teacher? Are you a teacher from the college?" Zhu Zhuqing asked in surprise.

One of her goals when she escaped from the Star Luo Empire was to find Dai Mubai, and the other was to find a high-level soul master academy.

Han Yu smiled helplessly: "I just resigned from my previous college and am preparing to apply for a senior soul master college. If you are willing to go to the new college with me, that would be great."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing had some hesitation on his face.

She had long heard that Dai Mubai was studying at Shrek Academy. If nothing else happened, she should also go to Shrek Academy.

Facing Han Yu's proposal, she had a hard time making a decision.

It should be noted that Han Yu's strength is definitely the youngest Soul Emperor on the mainland. Being able to come into contact with such a talented person would make other people want to work for him.

"You don't have to rush to answer me. Let me remove the fire poison from your body first."

A few days later, there was the Soul Beast Town on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Zhu Zhuqing looked troubled, "Teacher Han, I am going to Soto City to find my fiancé, so..."

"Then it looks like we're on our way. My student is waiting for me in Soto City. Let's go together." Han Yu suggested with a smile.

To Zhu Zhuqing, Han Yu was a stranger with handsome appearance, good moral character and strong strength.

On the other hand, Han Yu and Zhu Zhuqing were just like Guo Ben in front of him.

"My student's name is Ye Lingling. He is an auxiliary soul master. If you have time, I can introduce him to you."

Zhu Zhuqing was flattered and said, "Is it really okay, Teacher Han?"

"It doesn't matter, Lingling should be happy to meet your friend."

After a pause, Han Yu continued: "Can I ask what your fiancé's name is? I've been in Soto City for a while, and maybe I've heard of his name."

Zhu Zhuqing thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, she was not familiar with Soto City. With Han Yu's help, she could find it faster. After meeting by chance, she had a good sense of Han Yu.

"Her name is Dai Mubai."

Han Yu's eyes showed disgust for a moment, then he smiled lightly and said, "I've heard of him before."

If you want to abduct Zhu Zhuqing, you must plant the seeds for her, especially make her completely disappointed with Dai Mubai.

Sure enough, after seeing Han Yu's expression, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The other party didn't want to say anything, and it was hard for her to ask any further questions.

The two took a carriage and arrived in Soto City later that day.

"Dai Mubai is studying at Shrek Academy, which is outside the city. Why don't you find a place to live in the city and come to Soto Hotel to meet me tomorrow morning?" Han Yu said.

He couldn't be too proactive, otherwise once Zhu Zhuqing felt disgusted, his mission would be in vain.

"I" Zhu Zhuqing looked troubled.

She was in a hurry when she left, and she didn't bring enough money with her. In addition, the Star Luo Empire's Wuhun Palace had the Zhu family's spies, so she didn't dare to collect the monthly money. Today, she only has one Silver Soul Coin and a few Bronze Soul Coins left with her, which is not enough to pay for accommodation.

Han Yu smiled faintly and immediately took out a hundred gold soul coins and said, "Break through the soul master as soon as possible. I will lend you this money first."

Being attentive for nothing is either adultery or theft, and Zhu Zhuqing is a strong person, so she might not accept it if he gave her money directly.

Taking the gold soul coin, Zhu Zhuqing solemnly nodded: "Thank you, Teacher Han. I will definitely pay it back as soon as possible."

"I won't see you off either. I'm staying at the Soto Hotel. You can come find me tomorrow."

After saying that, Han Yu turned and left.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently and then walked to the hotel not far away.

Back at the hotel, the system prompt panel appeared in Han Yu's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully merging two kinds of strange fires and being rewarded with a god-given soul ring. 】

"I didn't expect that there would be a delay in the system and the rewards would be distributed so late. Anyway, with this god-given soul ring, I don't have to hunt for the seventh soul ring."

Pushing open the door to the room, Ye Lingling hurriedly walked over.

"Teacher Han, you are back."

Ahem, don’t get me wrong. Han Yu opened a two-bedroom apartment with a living room, and did not sleep in the same bed.

"Lingling, nothing happened during the days I was away." Han Yu asked as he sat on the sofa.

Ye Lingling poured tea and told Dai Mubai about his crazy pursuit of her.

Han Yu sneered: "I originally planned to introduce you to a new friend, who do you think this friend is?"


Han Yu continued: "Her name is Zhu Zhuqing, and she is Dai Mubai's fiancée."

Ye Lingling looked strange and said, "This guy has a fiancée and he still goes out to hook up with her."

"It's okay, just let Zhu Zhuqing see through him."

Ye Lingling nodded with deep approval.

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