Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 85 Completing the Second Test of Nine Tests

Bibi Dong put on her clothes again. The Rakshasa Divine Mind saw the change in Bibi Dong's temperament and said with great satisfaction:

"Not bad! This Rakshasa power baptism ceremony went smoothly. Although it was a bit dangerous, I finally passed the most difficult of the nine Rakshasa tests."

"The next divine test will help you completely transform your soul power into the power of Rakshasa. The power of Rakshasa is a bit special. Several people have been defeated by the baptism of Rakshasa power before. This is the same as the test. Your disciple is different. Your disciple only needs to complete the divine examination with peace of mind."

"The results prove that I was right. You have met my expectations. The next divine test is just a handover ceremony for you to inherit the throne of Rakshasa with peace of mind. After all, the divine world also has rules. I can only follow the process."

Rakshasa Divine Mind introduced the situation, and Bibi Dong was not idle either. She listened to Rakshasa Divine Mind's introduction while feeling her own situation.

Bibi Dong found that her whole state was more relaxed than ever before, and she even felt a slight change in her martial soul. With the addition of a layer of divine aura, the effects of all the soul skills of her martial soul were enhanced.

"So, have I completed the second Rakshasa test now?" Bibi Dong finished checking her own changes and asked about the divine test.

"Of course it's done. You must have noticed the changes in yourself. Completing the first test will give you 10% Rakshasa affinity. When you pass the baptism of Rakshasa power, it can also be understood that you have mastered the power of Rakshasa. Ten percent strength.”

"That is to say, after the second test is completed, your mastery of Rakshasa power can reach 25%. When you complete the ninth test and completely master all my Rakshasa powers, you will be the new leader. Super god Rakshasa god.”

Rakshasa Divine Mind kept chattering for a while to introduce to Bibi Dong the situation after the Rakshasa Divine Examination was completed.

"In short, the situation of each god's divine test is different. Maybe the good god king gave your disciple the divine test has something to do with you. I guess he also noticed your situation by the way. After all, the good god king has the power of kindness and love."

"Okay, I've said too much, mainly because I'm a little happy today."

Rakshasa Divine Mind finally stopped talking and gave Bibi Dong the message to complete the second and third tests.

"I understand, Rakshasa God." After Bibi Dong said that, she also heard a voice that was different from Rakshasa's divine thoughts. It was the voice of Rakshasa God himself in the divine world.

"The second test of the Rakshasa God Test: Completed, rewarded with 15% affinity to the Rakshasa God and a god-given soul ring."

"The third test of the Rakshasa god test: refining the Rakshasa sickle artifact, the time limit is three years, and the reward is 10% Rakshasa god affinity, Rakshasa domain."

Bibi Dong felt the change in her martial soul again, and it gained a hint of divinity.

The Rakshasa Divine Mind obviously knew the content of the third test of the Rakshasa Divine Nine Tests. A hole was torn open in the Rakshasa Secret Realm space, and a dark purple sickle instantly appeared in the hands of the Rakshasa Divine Mind.

"This is the Rakshasa God's exclusive artifact, the Rakshasa Scythe. It contains three unique scythe skills. You need to refine the Rakshasa Scythe before you can use it. Although it is said that the time limit is three years, I estimate that it will be about one and a half years and less than two years. I should be able to master this sickle artifact, and the other reward for the second divine test is the divine soul ring.”

Both hands of Rakshasa Divine Mind contained one thing, one was the Rakshasa Scythe, and the other was the god-given soul ring. An energy ball as big as a table tennis ball was handed to Bibi Dong.

"Thank you, Rakshasa God." Bibi Dong took the Rakshasa Scythe and the god-given soul ring respectively, and thanked Rakshasa God.

As a divine weapon, the Rakshasa Scythe naturally has its own spirituality, but Bibi Dong had the power of Rakshasa, so the Rakshasa Scythe could not resist.

"Yes, absorb the god-given soul ring and add a soul ring to your second martial soul. With your strength, it is not difficult to condense it into a hundred thousand year soul ring." Rakshasa Divine Mind said politely.


After Bibi Dong sat cross-legged and adjusted her breath, she absorbed the energy of the god-given soul ring and turned it into a white soul ring to cover herself. The age of the white soul ring increased rapidly, and it suddenly reached the yellow hundred-year soul ring, purple, black, and black. After staying in this stage for a few minutes, it turned into a bright red soul ring.

The bright red soul ring didn't stop until it turned deep red.

The god-given soul ring can be condensed into the most suitable soul ring for one's own martial soul. The number of years the god-given soul ring absorbs depends on how many years the soul ring one can withstand.

However, when the god-given soul rings are condensed into a hundred thousand year soul ring, there is only one soul skill, which is different from the hundred thousand year soul ring dropped by hunting a hundred thousand year beast soul. The advantage is that the god-given soul ring gives the largest number of soul skills. You can maximize the characteristics of your own martial soul, but this is not necessarily the case with a soul ring that absorbs a hundred thousand year old beast soul.

The most important thing is that the god-given soul ring is given by the gods. The god-given soul ring contains a ray of divinity that the soul beast soul ring does not have.

After Bibi Dong completed the second test of the God Test, Duan Yufan also received the message that the Good God Test was completed. The sudden sound really startled Duan Yufan.

"The second test of the Nine Kindness Tests: The purification of the largest carrier of evil thoughts has been completed. Fifteen percent of the kindness heart affinity will be rewarded, and a god-given soul ring will be awarded."

"The third test of the Nine Tests of Kindness: Supervise the next Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Tournament. From the preliminaries to the end of the finals, the heirs must not let the contestants die. The kindness heart affinity will be rewarded by 15%. Rewarding areas of kindness.”

Duan Yufan heard the news that the divine test was completed, and what followed was the content of the third test of the nine tests of kindness.

"That's good! With my current status and strength, I really can't participate in the elite competition again. I hope that no one will be ungrateful during this competition." Duan Yufan said to himself coldly.

However, Duan Yufan's impression of the Evil God King is that this Evil God King is really a dog. The third test of the Evil Nine Tests is also the third test of the Good Nine Tests. Duan Yufan can only say that the Evil God King is not an ordinary dog.

However, Duan Yufan is also very happy about the Evil God King's free gift. It saves a lot of thoughts and really kills two birds with one stone.

So now that Duan Yufan has completed the second test of the Good and Evil Nine Tests, two God-given soul rings appeared in front of him.

God-given soul rings have no attributes, and all absorptions are the same. Duan Yufan's choice is of course to first add the seventh soul ring to the Seraph martial soul, and then add the second soul ring to the Savior martial soul after the breakthrough.

Duan Yufan's method of absorbing the God-given soul ring is the same as Bibi Dong's, but his strength is not as high as Bibi Dong's, and the process of condensing the soul ring is naturally not as easy as Bibi Dong's.

Duan Yufan spent nearly fifteen minutes to condense a red 100,000-year soul ring before he stopped and began to attach this God-given soul ring to the Seraphim martial soul.

Duan Yufan began to concentrate on absorbing the 100,000-year soul ring, while Bibi Dong had already completed the attachment of the eighth soul ring to the second martial soul, and then came out of the Rakshasa secret realm and came to the secret room hall.

Just then, she saw Duan Yufan also absorbing the 100,000-year soul ring condensed from the God-given soul ring.

So Bibi Dong now knew that Duan Yufan had also completed his own divine test, and she also saw that there was a God-given soul ring energy ball next to Duan Yufan.

Bibi Dong had no choice but to wait for Duan Yufan to wake up in the secret room hall.

I don’t know what to say,

Long live… . . . . .

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