"Boss, you don't know, now the eyes of those senior students looking at us have changed, hehe."

"There is a saying that it is called to be a person with his tail between his legs, and they used to be on their toes at this time, and they were almost comfortable to die."

"If I want to say ah, or our boss is powerful, even Xiao Chenyu was easily killed, in the future, the boss, you will definitely be able to become a powerful soul master."


Back in the dormitory, the sound of chirping kept ringing in my ears.

Wang Sheng and the others turned red with excitement, not knowing, they thought that they had defeated Xiao Chenyu.

Taking off his school uniform, Su Ming changed into his usual clothes.

In an instant, all the sounds stopped abruptly.

Wang Sheng and the others stared at God with wide eyes.

Even Xiao Wu, who had just returned, was stunned in place.

Just now, what Su Ming was on seemed to be armor.

Looking at the heavy appearance, it seems that the weight is not light.

Oh, my God!

Could it be that just now, he was fighting Xiao Chenyu in this outfit?

Wang Sheng's cold hair instantly stood upside down, and he asked in shock:

"Boss, this is on you..."

Su Ming didn't explain, just returned a cold look.

Wang Sheng immediately swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

After changing clothes, when Su Ming left the bedroom, he had already begun to swing his hands and feet, looking like he was doing warm-up movements.

In the dormitory, only everyone was left to speculate and beat more and more frightened.

"System, direction of effort - running to temper the body."

"Compare the target - the amount of historical exercise for the disciples of the core soul master of the upper three sects, the time is one month."

【Drip! In system data collection, ask the host to start your efforts.

Receiving the system's prompt, Su Ming jogged unhurriedly.

He does not pursue speed, his face looks a little relaxed, and he seems to be adjusting to the weight on his body.

As for the time, it is frozen in one month, not the last week.

This is because the longer the time span, the more generous the rewards will be.

Last time, although Su Ming obtained six stars, it turned out to be just an ordinary light skill cultivation method.

Therefore, now Su Ming knows better what the system reminds "avoid fishing for three days and drying nets for two days" means.

One week, just the lowest settlement point.

How can temporary workers and old employees be treated the same?

Since he came to the academy, the future study time is very long, and Su Ming will naturally develop in a long-term direction.

It was noon, and the hot sun was like a fireball, unbridled to vent his fanaticism.

The playground was not large, only more than four hundred meters, and just after running five laps, Su Ming felt that his body began to heat up.

It was not the heat emitted by the body itself, and with his physical fitness, it was not so bad.

The specific heat capacity of iron is larger than that of the human body, and the heat absorption and heat dissipation are fast, and the noon sun is the largest heat source.

"I don't know... There is no thermostatic metal.

His mind moved slightly, and Su Ming did not continue to think about it.

While running, he carefully perceives the changes in his body to avoid heat stroke or overdraft.

Exercise is a stage of adapting the physical fitness from 1.0 to 2.0.

Without the Recovery Pill, Su Ming did not dare to fight like before.

The sun is like fire, and the air is rippling with heat.

On the playground, Su Ming, who is 120cm tall, kept running against the scorching sun. How small and

fragile the small figure is in that huge and unmanned playground.

It makes people look at it, as if... In the next second, he will fall.

But the next second, to everyone's expectation, he continued to run again.

The cycle repeats.

Countless seconds in the next second have made this magnificent picture.

The lonely figure, the vigor and obsession of not admitting defeat, like a general holding a sword, fighting hard in the battlefield, and Loulan will not be returned in the end.

Everyone who saw this scene had to be moved.

And Su Ming also slowly slowed down from the original uniform movement.

The originally vigorous teenager entered a faltering old age.

Hoohoo hoo~ A

thick gasp came from the throat nostrils, and Su Ming greedily breathed the oxygen in the air.

The more than 20 pounds of armor on his body - the biggest burden, Su Ming couldn't wait to take it off immediately.

Douda's sweat slipped from his cheeks, the salty taste burst in his mouth, Su Ming's throat kept swallowing, and his legs were sore and trembling violently.

Strenuous exercise leads to a lack of oxygen, which also leads to the inability of the body to break down lactic acid, which is accelerated by the body.

Su Ming knew that he had to let his body slowly adapt to this situation, so that the pain would disappear.

The so-called pain in the body is because the tolerance level exceeds the limit of the body, and the nerves have to transmit signals to the brain.

But if the limit is infinitely raised, does it mean that pain can be ignored?

Su Ming, who was a little cranky and unfocused, stopped.

He was bent over, sweating like rain, tears dripping to the ground, and quickly evaporated, leaving only a shallow trace.

16 laps.

Less than seven kilometers.

It is the limit of Su Ming now.

That's less than a third of the last time I ran from Big Rock Village to Notting City for a workout.

Not only exhaustion, but also fatal is that the body heat cannot be dissipated.

Because last time he came to Notting City early in the morning.

And now, he is not too tired to soften.

Dragging his heavy thighs, Su Ming came to the fence next to him and sat down.

Stars of light fall from among the leaves, mixed with the squeaking of noisy cicadas.

Just as a wisp of breeze swept by, Su Mington felt cool.

"Hey, your brain is okay, it's the first in the academy, is it necessary to work so hard."

The step bang landed, and the delicate voice sounded in Su Ming's ears.

Without looking, Su Ming knew who was coming.

"Here you go, it doesn't matter if you're dying of thirst, we don't want to be retaliated by the senior grades."

Xiao Wu handed over a glass of water, she frowned, and her beautiful eyes with pink and jade were puzzled.

Su Ming came over as soon as she started running, but as time went by, she became more and more confused in her heart.

Su Ming is obviously very, very powerful, and his younger brother is rich and oily, and he doesn't worry about eating and drinking at all, which makes her envious.

yes, that's all...

How nice it is to lie down in the dormitory in the afternoon and go shopping.

But he exercised in the playground under the scorching sun.

What a weirdo!

Su Ming was also not polite, took the water and drank it, not even letting go of a drop.

The cold running water streaked across his dry throat, making him can't help but moan, it was so cool.

Su Ming, who had a dry throat, was still unfinished, "Is there still water?"

Xiao Wunu raised his nose and rolled his eyes, "Do you want me to bring you a bucket?"

"Thank you so much."

Su Ming's eyes lit up, and he waved his hand to signal someone to go quickly.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu squeezed his fist angrily, you really treat your aunt as a maid, right?

Xiao Wu, who was indignant in his heart and itching his teeth with anger, did not leave, but gave the little brother not far away a look.

If you want to call her, don't even think about it!

Sooner or later, one day I'll let you call me boss, hum.

"Hey, do you have any enemies?"

The big eyes suddenly brightened, Xiao Wu patted his chest, and said righteously, "Don't worry, for the sake of the canteen to relieve me, I will definitely help you take revenge when the time comes, how about it?" "

Haters? Avenge?

Su Ming's face suddenly darkened, "..."

The Oscars owe you a screenwriting award!

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