Effort system?

As the name suggests, if you work hard, you can get rewards.

Of course, the system will score based on your effort.

The higher the rating, the greater the reward.

The direction of efforts must be in line with the development direction of this world's soul master.

Working farm work, trying to sleep in, etc., is naturally impossible to get rewards.

"System, open the newbie package."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Tuna Technique, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Martial Soul Enhancement Point *10]

[Tuna Technique] can be used for cultivation, which is a good thing for the current Su Ming.

As for this martial soul improvement point...

Su Ming looked at his martial soul interface.

[Martial Soul: Wood Dao (Quality White: 35/100) +] As

soon as his mind moved, he clicked the "plus" sign and saw a 0-100 quantity bar appear in front of him.

"It can actually improve the quality of the martial soul."

Su Ming's eyes were shining, and he was surprised inexplicably.

His martial soul wood knife is only the lowest level martial soul.

With this evolutionary option, it is not impossible to become a god-level martial soul even in the future.

Not to mention surpassing Tang San, surpassing Qiancheng Xue in the future is not a dream.

Haw, haw, Su Ming was burning and pulling the food in the bowl.

"Grandpa, I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep, don't come to my house if it's okay." Click, the

empty bowl landed on the table, and it turned around a few times.

Su Ming rushed into the bedroom.

"This kid, how is it frizzy today."

Brin shook his head, as if he couldn't let go of the soul master's affairs, and his face was sullen.


"System, specify the direction of effort - cultivate soul power!"

[The direction is determined, the system data is collected in real time, and the host is asked to start its own efforts.]

Without nonsense, Su Mingpan sat on the quilt and began to practice the tuna technique obtained from the system.

Exhale, exhale turbid breath and inhale clear air, guide external energy into the human body, thereby improving cultivation.

Exhale ~ (inhale)

Exhale ~ (exhale)

After a while, Su Ming's originally somewhat disordered breathing rhythm also began to gradually get better, with a sense of rhythm.

The faint energy in the air enters the body, as if there is a warm current circulating in the meridians, which makes people feel comfortable.

But as time passed, Su Ming opened his eyes with a frown.

"Forget it, let's change places."

Feeling that the energy in the house was exhausted, he tiptoed out of the wooden house and came to an open area halfway up the mountain.

【Drip! The host cultivates soul power for two hours, does it end this cultivation?

"Not over!"

Su Ming sat cross-legged on a flat stone and continued to cultivate.

As time passed, a chill rose in the cool air.

Tick~ A

trace of water mist condensed in the leaves, merged into water droplets and flicked down, hitting the top of Su Ming's head, and it was cold.

Things change stars, and time flies.

The sound of insects around them fell.

The darkness in the sky slowly receded, and the "cooing" chicken cries sounded in the village.


Knowing that Grandpa Brin got up abnormally early every morning, Su Ming quickly finished his cultivation and ran down the mountain.

In a hurry, he didn't even have time to check the system results. "Ming'er,

Ming'er, where are you running, coming back soon~"

Sure enough, Su Ming heard his shout, and his voice was panicked to death.

Su Ming quickly roared "Grandpa", and then rushed back.

Following the voice, the thin and white little man appeared in his eyes, and Brin breathed a sigh of relief.

He shouted at Su Ming with a black face: "You kid, you left home in the morning, why don't you say a word to your grandfather."

Su Ming smiled and touched his nose, "Grandpa, I also suddenly had something to do and didn't have time to tell you."

"What can you do?" Let you not go to the mountains to play, you just disobey, what if you fall?

Brin's face was still ugly, and he glared angrily at someone.

Knowing that Grandpa Brin cared about himself, Su Ming smiled and did not dare to refute.

However, in order to facilitate his cultivation, he made up a lie and said that he had met the soul master teacher.

In the face of Brin's interrogation, Su Ming explained that the former finally believed in the existence of the "Reclusive Soul Master".

"Ming'er, in the future, you must study hard, and it is better to be a soul master in the future than to live in this poor backcountry."

Brin with a straight face stuffed a package of dry food wrapped in gray cloth into Su Ming's little belly, and the latter quickly held it with both hands.

"Remember, in the future, Lord Soul Master didn't let you come back, you must not come back, do you understand?"

Looking at Brin's deep earnest and expectant eyes, Su Ming's body trembled slightly, and he nodded emphatically.

Grandpa is a simple man in the country, hopeless in this life, and after a few years of nurturing grace, he will naturally not let him down.

Step up your game.


[The host has been cultivating soul power for 12 hours, may I ask if the host has ended this cultivation?]

"Not ending."

Su Ming returned to the mountain.

Just as he was about to continue cultivating the Tuna Technique, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but look at the mountain peak on the side. Although the distance is not

close, and the opponent's body is not large, it is real.

Tang San?

The protagonist of the future?

No, that's the original!

Su Ming's eyes were a little strange, Dayan Village was next to the Holy Soul Village, and he didn't expect to be able to see him here.

"According to the plot, this guy should have cultivated to the tenth level of full soul power."

Convergence of contempt, Su Ming clenched his fists, not daring to delay time.

Cross-legged, tuna.

Leave everything out of the world behind.

Su Ming quickly entered the state.

The fish white in the sky slowly appeared, and he was still indifferent.

On the mountainside, the six-year-old clothed Tang San exhaled deeply, looking at the rising sun, his eyes flashed a strange purple.

"The Purple Pole Demon Pupil is about to reach the realm of the Whole Realm, why can't Xuantian Gong break through?"

His face was sad and unhappy and he shook his head, Tang San was about to go back.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense that something was wrong.

Purple Pole Demon Pupil instantly activated, and Tang San set his gaze in the direction where Su Ming was.

The improvement of pupil power allowed Tang San to clearly see the immature figure of the same size as himself on the opposite side.

He, too, is cultivating?

"I didn't expect that in addition to myself, there were people who worked so hard."

Tang San's eyes lit up, and it was indeed a good feeling to be able to meet people in the same path in cultivation.

Taking a deep look at Su Ming and speculating that the other party was from Dayan Village, Tang San secretly noted down this person, and then turned and left.

Without noticing that Tang San had left, Su Ming was still immersed in cultivation.

In addition to being a little hungry and needing to replenish food, Tuna also consumes the mind.

For this reason, Su Ming had to rest for a while every once in a while.

Time, to the fifth day.

On the side peak, Tang San, who had rushed over earlier, subconsciously cast his gaze again.

Looking at Su Ming, who was motionless, his heart trembled.

"This guy, can't the body be beaten with iron?"

Four days.

Exactly four days.

Each time I was 20 minutes ahead, but every time, the figure was there.


It's like waiting for yourself in advance.

This made Tang San couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

"Sure enough, there is no shortage of hard workers in this world."

"You have to work hard yourself."

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